- Theoretical study of spin-forbidden cooling transitions of indium hydride using ab initio methods∗
- Optical pumping nuclear magnetic resonance system rotating in a plane parallel to the quantization axis∗
- First principles study and comparison of vibrational and thermodynamic properties of X Bi(X=In,Ga,B,Al)
- Relativistic and distorted wave effects on Xe 4d electron momentum distributions∗
- First-principles study of solute diffusion in Ni3Al∗
- Isolated attosecond pulse generation with few-cycle two-color counter-rotating circularly polarized laser pulses∗
- Lattice stability and the effect of Co and Re on the ideal strength of Ni:First-principles study of uniaxial tensile deformation∗
- Thermodynamic properties of ZnSe under pressure and with variation in temperature
- Effect of grain boundary structures on the behavior of He defects in Ni:An atomistic study∗
- Large tunable FMR frequency shift by magnetoelectric coupling in oblique-sputtered Fe52.5Co22.5B25.0/PZN-PT multiferroic heterostructure∗
- Nonvolatile control of transport and magnetic properties in magnetoelectric heterostructures by electric field∗
- Polaron effects in cylindrical GaAs/Al x Ga1−x As core-shell nanowires∗
- First-principles study of helium clustering at initial stage in ThO2∗
- Voltage-controlled Kosterlitz–Thouless transitions and various kinds of Kondo behaviors in a triple dot device∗
- In fluence of Ni/Mn ratio on magnetostructural transformation and magnetocaloric effect in Ni48−x Co2Mn38+x Sn12(x=0,1.0,1.5,2.0, and 2.5)ferromagnetic shape memory alloys∗
- Application of real space Kerker method in simulating gate-all-around nanowire transistors with realistic discrete dopants∗
- Tunneling field effect transistors based on in-plane and vertical layered phosphorus heterostructures∗
- Ultrafast interlayer photocarrier transfer in graphene–MoSe2 van der Waals heterostructure∗
- Effects of Mn substitution on thermoelectric properties of CuIn1−x Mn x Te2∗
- Parasitic source resistance at different temperatures for AlGaN/AlN/GaN heterostructure field-effect transistors∗
- Optical response of tunable terahertz plasmon in a grating-gated graphene transistor∗
- Electronic structure and photoluminescence property of a novel white emission phosphor Na3MgZr(PO4)3:Dy3+ for warm white light emitting diodes∗
- Magnetpolaron effect in two-dimensional anisotropic parabolic quantum dot in a perpendicular magnetic field∗
- A synthetic semi-empirical physical model of secondary electron yield of metals under E-beam irradiation∗
- Magnetic properties of AlN monolayer doped with group 1A or 2A nonmagnetic element:First-principles study∗
- Inverted organic solar cells with solvothermal synthesized vanadium-doped TiO2 thin films as efficient electron transport layer
- Theoretical study on the structural,mechanical,electronic properties and QTAIM of CrB4 as a hard material∗
- Strain rate and cold rolling dependence of tensile strength and ductility in high nitrogen nickel-free austenitic stainless steel∗
- First-principles investigations on the mechanical,thermal, electronic,and optical properties of the defect perovskites Cs2Sn X6(X=Cl,Br,I)∗
- Effect of ballistic electrons on ultrafast thermomechanical responses of a thin metal film∗
- Ionizing radiation effect on single event upset sensitivity of ferroelectric random access memory
- Direct measurement and analysis of total ionizing dose effect on 130 nm PD SOI SRAM cell static noise margin∗
- Synthesis and magneto transport properties of Bi2Se3 nanowires∗
- Reduced technique for modeling electromagnetic immunity on braid shielding cable bundles∗
- Phase estimation of phase shifts in two arms for an SU(1,1) interferometer with coherent and squeezed vacuum states∗
- Electro-optical properties of high birefringence liquid crystal compounds with isothiocyanate and naphthyl group∗
- Design of double-layer active frequency-selective surface with PIN diodes for stealth radome∗
- Super-resolution and super-sensitivity of entangled squeezed vacuum state using optimal detection strategy
- Odd–even harmonic emission from asymmetric molecules: Identifying the mechanism∗
- Orbital angular momentum density and spiral spectra of Lorentz–Gauss vortex beams passing through a single slit∗
- Structural deformation of nitro group of nitromethane molecule in liquid phase in an intense femtosecond laser field∗
- A linear-to-circular polarization converter based on I-shaped circular frequency selective surfaces∗
- Interaction between infinitely many dislocations and a semi-infinite crack in one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystal∗
- Retrieval of high-order susceptibilities of nonlinear metamaterials∗
- Optical and defect properties of S-doped and Al-doped GaSe crystals∗
- Wideband dispersion removal and mode separation of Lamb waves based on two-component laser interferometer measurement∗
- Er3+,Yb3+:glass-Co2+:MgAl2O4 diffusion bonded passively Q-switched laser
- A scheme for Sagnac-effect quantum enhancement with Fock state light input∗
- Fabrication and characterization of ultra-low noise narrow and wide band Josephson parametric amplifiers∗
- Magneto-elastic dynamics and bifurcation of rotating annular plate∗
- Stochastic bifurcations of generalized Duffing–van der Pol system with fractional derivative under colored noise∗
- Microwave coherent manipulation of cold atoms in optically induced fictitious magnetic traps on an atom chip∗
- Cancelable remote quantum fingerprint templates protection scheme∗
- Invariants-based shortcuts for fast generating Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger state among three superconducting qubits∗
- Elastic strain response in the modified phase-field-crystal model∗
- Stochastic responses of tumor immune system with periodic treatment∗
- Geometry and thermodynamics of smeared Reissner–Nordström black holes in d-dimensional AdS spacetime
- Recursion-transform method and potential formulae of the m×n cobweb and fan networks∗
- Improved control for distributed parameter systems with time-dependent spatial domains utilizing mobile sensor actuator networks∗
- Pressure-induced phase transition of B-type Y2O3∗
- ADC border effect and suppression of quantization error in the digital dynamic measurement∗
- A generalized model of TiO x-based memristive devices and its application for image processing∗
- A high-fidelity memory scheme for quantum data buses∗
- Determination of the thermal noise limit in test of weak equivalence principle with a rotating torsion pendulum∗
- Radiative divertor behavior and physics in Ar seeded plasma on EAST∗
- Tungsten ion source under double-pulse laser ablation system
- Interactions of ion acoustic multi-soliton and rogue wave with Bohm quantum potential in degenerate plasma
- Understanding hydrogen plasma processes based on the diagnostic results of 2.45 GHz ECRIS at Peking University∗
- Rotation of a single vortex in dusty plasma∗
- Initial growth and microstructure feature of Ag films prepared by very-high-frequency magnetron sputtering∗
- Performance of dual-band short-or mid-wavelength infrared photodetectors based on InGaAsSb bulk materials and InAs/GaSb superlattices∗
- Experimental and simulation studies of single-event transient in partially depleted SOI MOSFET∗
- Temperature dependence of heat conduction coefficient in nanotube/nanowire networks∗
- Silicon quantum dots delivered phthalocyanine for fluorescence guided photodynamic therapy of tumor∗
- Intrinsic relationship between photoluminescence and electrical characteristics in modulation Fe-doped AlGaN/GaN HEMTs∗
- Crystalline silicon surface passivation investigated by thermal atomic-layer-deposited aluminum oxide∗
- Improved high-frequency equivalent circuit model based on distributed effects for SiGe HBTs with CBE layout∗
- Impact of Al addition on the formation of Ni germanosilicide layers under different temperature annealing∗
- Modulation depth of series SQUIDs modified by Josephson junction area∗
- Material microstructures analyzed by using gray level Co-occurrence matrices∗
- Synthesis of diamonds in Fe C systems using nitrogen and hydrogen co-doped impurities under HPHT∗
- Spin-dependent transport characteristics of nanostructures based on armchair arsenene nanoribbons∗
- Heat transfer enhancement in MOSFET mounted on different FR4 substrates by thermal transient measurement∗
- Gas-sensor property of single-molecule device:F2 adsorbing effect∗
- Performance enhancement of CMOS terahertz detector by drain current∗
- Analysis of dynamic features in intersecting pedestrian flows∗
- Lowering the driving voltage and improving the luminance of blue fluorescent organic light-emitting devices by thermal annealing a hole injection layer of pentacene∗
- Collective motion of active particles in environmental noise∗
- Air breakdown induced by the microwave with two mutually orthogonal and heterophase electric field components∗
- Relationship measurement between ac-Stark shift of 40Ca+clock transition and laser polarization direction∗