Defence Technology
Defence Technology
Ballistic response of armour plates using Generative Adversarial Networks
Vulnerability assessment to projectiles:Approach definition and application to helicopter platforms
Shock initiation performance of NTO-based polymer bonded explosive
Thermal hazard assessment of TKX-50-based melt-cast explosive
Analysis on damage characteristics and detonation performance of solid rocket engine charge subjected to jet
A bayesian optimisation methodology for the inverse derivation of viscoplasticity model constants in high strain-rate simulations
Reaction characteristic of PTFE/Al/Cu/Pb composites and application in shaped charge liner
Microcrack-and microvoid-related impact damage and ignition responses for HMX-based polymer-bonded explosives at high temperature
Resistance of grid steel-tube-confined concrete targets against projectile impact:Experimental investigation and analytical engineering model
Three-dimensional coordinates test method with uncertain projectile proximity explosion position based on dynamic seven photoelectric detection screen
Natural convection effects on TNT solidification inside a shaped charge mold
The surface activation of boron to improve ignition and combustion characteristic
The properties of Sn—Zn—Al—La fusible alloy for mitigation devices of solid propellant rocket motors
Autonomous maneuver decision-making for a UCAV in short-range aerial combat based on an MS-DDQN algorithm
Damage analysis of POZD coated square reinforced concrete slab under contact blast
A pixel-level local contrast measure for infrared small target detection
Numerical investigation on free air blast loads generated from centerinitiated cylindrical charges with varied aspect ratio in arbitrary orientation
3D laser scanning strategy based on cascaded deep neural network