

中国外资·下半月 2013年5期

ukanjana Chokasut Zhichao Liu


关键词:泰国米 香米 中国大米市场

Abstract: This Article presents the situation of Thais jasmine rice in China market and also the suggestions in order to maintain the Thais Jasmine Rice Marketing and the ways to expand in the future. Thais jasmine rice has a good image in china market, China consumer will focused on the packaging, Quality and brand also fragrance factor. In short term, Private sector or brand owner should build new market and provide confidence to consumers, also keep creating various kinds of rice production to match consumers needs. Government sector should strict in Thais jasmine rice quality control and retain good image of Jasmine Rice as an important measure in long-term.

Keywords: Thai Rice, Jasmine Rice, Chinas Rice Market


Thailand is the sixth of the world's rice production, 40-45 percent of productivity exports to the world market; more than half of the volumes are high quality rice (Somporn et al.). Thailand is a large exporter of the world, each year export rice at least 7 million ton, the important export market are Africa, America, Hong Kong and China (World trade atlas,2009;FAO,2010) but the nowadays, Thai rice market share in the world market is gradually decreased, respectively.

China is the important rice export market of Thailand, Thailand exported Jasmine rice to China 0.20-0.25 million tons per year or 10 percent of export quantity of all Thai Jasmine rice. China imported rice (HS: 100630) from Thailand most, accounted for 90 percent of the total imported rice of china. But in recent years, China imported rice from Thailand is decreased continuously. Thailands rice is facing fierce competition in both price and quality with its Chinas rice and also the problem of mixed rice imported from Thailand to adjust the price to suit with customers level in China (Akarapong, 2010). This problem is more intensified in the latter, due to the increasing price of Thais rice make retailers in China use similar rice mixed with Thai rice to reduce cost so the customers in China lack of confidence in the quality of Thais rice.

In year 2008, there has chinas rice compensated Thais rice around half of million tons (Institute of Public Policy Studies, 2010). In addition, China also produces high-quality rice to compete Thailand jasmine rice, through the development of more than 20 varieties of aromatic rice in Hunan and Jiangsu province. However, Thailand's Jasmine Rice is still preferred by Chinese consumers, especially those with high income. The estimates of Jun Yang and Jikun Huang (2009) found that in year 2015 and 2020 China will increase exports to the rice market but will increased in import high quality rice. So far Thailand also focused on an export market in the China market relatively small compared to other countries.

2. The situation of imports Thai rice to China

Dueling the year 2000-2003, China had imported rice around 2-3 Hundred thousand tons per year and has the average growth rate 12.89 percent per year. Imports more than 99 percent is imported from Thailand. Later in 2004, its increased 193.90%, or higher than 7 Hundred thousand tons, higher than the usual 4-5 Hundred thousand tons to compensate the declined continuously in rice stock due to the drought in China in 2001. After 2004, China's imports of rice fell at an average rate 17.54% per year, but remains imports the highest rice from Thailand and percentage increase of 91.40 percent in 2005 to 99.31 percent in 2008 (Table 1). In addition, imports Thailand rice of China is highly in seasonal. They import a lot in the early of harvest season which is during the months from December to January then retained for sale throughout the year.

Table 1 Importing rice (HS: 100630) of China during the years 1999-2008.

World Trade Atlas, 2009

The major cause of China's rice imports from Thailand decreased during the years 2005-2008 are the increase in rice production surplus of China and an increase in the price of Thais rice. A study by Jun Yang and Jikun huang (2009) showed that, after 2004, China's rice production is likely to exceed the domestic demand and reduce reliance on imports based on supportive measures the production and marketing of rice seriously to expand output and increase income for farmers making China have rice surplus increased from 22.2 million tons in 2005 to 18.87 million tons in 2008, or an increase of approximately 8.5 times (Table 2).

Table 2 the relationship between the volume of Thais rice imports and China surplus rice.

1.World trade Atlas 2009

2.Jun Yang and Jikun Huang

The study of Akarapong (2010) shows that Although China has an increased surplus production of rice but China continues to imports certain amount of rice from Thailand to satisfy domestic demand, Especially Thais Jasmine Rice. Thailand, China imported rice through the port in the southern counties rather than 95 percent, Due to southern people like consumptions long grain rice, as well as Thailand While imports through Shanghai were less than 1 percent, most consumers in Shanghai, which is a group of Chinese people who migrated from the southern or foreigners such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, etc.. From exploring the local district of Shanghai and the Yangtze River Delta area will prefer short grain rice, except for high-income people will consume Thais Jasmine Rice, moreover Thais restaurant, Cantoneses restaurant and hotels restaurant in Shanghai are widely used Thais rice as well. It also has some consumers prefer buying Thais rice as a gift for Adults in festivals.

Table 3; import volume of Thais rice at the border crossing of China during 1999-2008.

World Trade Atlas 2009

Can be seen that in Shenzhen and Guangzhou were major port for import Thais rice and the major of Thais rice market, people have a taste for rice similar to Thailand and the average income per capita higher than any other city in the southern.

Shenzhen is a new economy city as well as Guangzhou city but different in size of area and population. Rice market in Shenzhen is both long grain and short grain rice and has a similar proportion. Unlike Guangzhou market which has 80 percent of long grain rice. Purchasing behavior of Thais Jasmine Rice is similar with wholesale market in Guangzhou but the retail market is different, because of Modern Trade in Shenzhen is mostly located in the ground floor of a residential building. Consumers likely to purchase a 25 kilo bag of rice because the price is lower than a small bag as well as the restaurant, eatery and hotels consumer.

Guangzhou city is one of the important rice commercial center in the south. The wholesale market has both wholesale and retail, packaging size from 5-50 kilo. It also serves as a center for the dealer to distribute rice to other provinces. Retail markets for Hyper Market, Super Market and retailers are spread in communities. Thais rice market in Guangzhou has every level by the restaurant eatery and hotels are an important customer accounted for 80 percent, customers prefer buy bag of 25 kilo, traded goods with packaging and imported directly from Thailand and imported then repackaging in China.

Studies of Akarapong et al., 2010 show that buying behavior of the rice in China market, consumers will focused on the packaging, Quality and brand especially in fragrance factor. Moreover, the Chinese were also featured on the size. How filling and mix of rice.

There are 4 factors that cause decrease in imports Thais rice. (Foreign Trade Promotion Office in the city of Guangzhou, 2011).

1.Price compared to competitors like Vietnamese and China rice. Ability to compete in the Thailand's rice drops because the price of Thais Jasmine Rice rising every year.

Foreign Trade Promotion Office in the city of Guangzhou, 2011

2.Aroma of Thais Jasmine Rice reduced. Due to mixing with other types of rice to reduce the cost of distribution, quality of Jasmine Rice from Thailand in the eyes of Chinese consumers lose confidence in the quality and appearance.

3.The competitors of Thais Jasmine Rice in the Chinese market are You Zhan rice from Guangdong and Dao Hua Xiang Rice from the Northeast. Cambodian rice are about to enter the Chinese market, which is the price is lower than Thais jasmine rice some less than half cause in reducing in Thais jasmine rice market share.

4.At the end of the year 2011, Thailand government policies to increase the minimum purchase price of rice that make Thais Jasmine Rice prices are likely to rise. Vietnam and Thailand rice issue to the world market at the same time, the amount of rice in the market remains high, the buyers country are not rush to buy rice store in stock to view price direction. The Cambodian rice has a quality similar to Thailand are about to enter the China market too.


1.To maintain the Thais Jasmine Rice Marketing both farmers, grain mills and exporters should maintain the quality of Jasmine Rice in every step. Especially exporter should maintain the image of the product to be accepted by consumers as well as reliability. Moreover, creating a variety of rice products sold in Thailand sent to China to make Jasmine Rice that more expensive than other types of rice in the market can compete with other countries and can be expanded in the future.

2. Looking for new distribution channels such as Shenzhen Thai Fragrant Rice Co., Ltd Company has established a Thais rice shop in Changsha, Hunan province. And collaboration with retailers Easy joy of Sinopec pumps in Shenzhen set up Thailand rice sold beside Easy joy store. So those who drive refueling can taste Thais rice before buying Thais rice in the store.


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