International Soil and Water Conservation Research
International Soil and Water Conservation Research
An updated isoerodent map of the conterminous United States
Monitoring gully erosion in the European Union:A novel approach based on the Land Use/Cover Area frame survey(LUCAS)
Unpaved road erosion after heavy storms in mountain areas of northern China
Determination of rill erodibility and critical shear stress of saturated purple soil slopes
Erosion risk assessment:A contribution for conservation priority area identification in the sub-basin of Lake Tana,north-western Ethiopia
Mapping soil erodibility in southeast China at 250 m resolution:Using environmental variables and random forest regression with limited samples
Tillage and crop management impacts on soil loss and crop yields in northwestern Ethiopia
Effects of a check dam system on the runoff generation and concentration processes of a catchment on the Loess Plateau
A new definition of soil to promote soil awareness,sustainability,security and governance
Land surface roughness impacted by typical vegetation restoration projects on aeolian sandy lands in the Yarlung Zangbo River valley,southern Tibetan plateau
Soil properties characterization for land-use planning and soil management in watersheds under family farming
Organic manure input and straw cover improved the community structure of nitrogen cycle function microorganism driven by water erosion
Changes in hydrologic components from a mid-sized plots induced by rill erosion due to cyanobacterization
A detailed reconstruction of changes in the factors and parameters of soil erosion over the past 250 years in the forest zone of European Russia(Moscow region)