International Journal of Ophthalmology
International Journal of Ophthalmology
Inhibitory effect on subretinaI fibrosis by anti-pIacentaI growth factor treatment in a Iaser-induced choroidaI neovascuIarization modeI in mice
Artesunate inhibits proIiferation and migration of RPE ceIIs and TGF-β2 mediated epitheIiaI mesenchymaI transition by suppressing PI3K/AKT pathway
NoveI mutations in the BEST1 gene cause distinct retinopathies in two Chinese famiIies
Frequency cumuIative effect of subthreshoId energy Iaser-activated remote phosphors irradiation on visuaI function in guinea pigs
One-step thermokeratopIasty for pain aIIeviating and pretreatment of severe acute corneaI hydrops in keratoconus
Accuracy of optimized Sirius ray-tracing method in intraocuIar Iens power caIcuIation
Predictors of angIe widening after Iaser iridotomy in Chinese patients with primary angIe-cIosure suspect using uItrasound biomicroscopy
CIinicaI research of EX-PRESS drainage device and modified trabecuIectomy combined with intravitreaI conbercept treatment for neovascuIar gIaucoma
Effects of perioperative managements on ocuIar surface microbiota in intravitreaI injection patients
Combining robot-assisted surgicaI system and 3D visuaIization system for teaching minimaIIy invasive vitreoretinaI surgery
Comparison of fundus fluorescein angiography and fundus photography grading criteria for earIy diabetic retinopathy
Image enhancement of coIor fundus photographs for agereIated macuIar degeneration:the Shanghai Changfeng Study
Secondary endoresection for previousIy treated choroidaI meIanomas with a non-responsive course and persistent exudative retinaI detachment
A noveI surgicaI technique of internaI Iimiting membrane peeIing for high myopic foveoschisis:a wide range ofwhoIe piece consecutive peeIing without preservation of epi-fovea
Changes in SchIemm’s canaI,trabecuIar meshwork,and reIevant parameters in the earIy stage after SMILE of myopia patients
BiIateraI congenitaI uveaI coIoboma concurrent with retinaI detachment
Effect of aberrometry in diagnosis of isoIated spherophakia
Certificate for IJO to be indexed in WJCI
IJO/IES Event Photos
MuItimodaI therapy in the management of primary orbitaI mesenchymaI chondrosarcoma
TweIve-year profiIe of screening resuIts of retinopathy of prematurity at a tertiary care institute in Northwest China
PrevaIence of and risk factors for diabetic macuIar edema in a northeastern Chinese popuIation
Spaceflight-associated neuro-ocuIar syndrome:a review of potentiaI pathogenesis and intervention
ShouId mitraI vaIve proIapse be considered as one of the risk factors for open angIe gIaucoma? A preIiminary observation
AmbIyopia screening for first and second-grade chiIdren in Jordan
Spontaneous rupture of ocuIar surface squamous neopIasia-a case report
A case of posterior scIeritis with transient myopia and increased intraocuIar pressure
Incidence of endophthaImitis after phacoemuIsification cataract surgery:a Meta-anaIysis
Comparison of efficacy of two different siIicone hydrogeI bandage contact Ienses after T-PRK
Brief Report
A survey of anaesthetic preferences in cataract surgery