Journal of Forestry Research
Journal of Forestry Research
Key challenges and approaches to addressing barriers in forest carbon offset projects
Soil organic carbon storage in forest restoration models and environmental conditions
The coupled effect oflight and temperature on dormancy release and germination of Pinus koraiensis seeds
Comparative analysis of thinning techniques in pine forests
Natural regeneration in logging gaps of different sizes in Subri River Forest Reserve (Ghana)
Within- and between-population variations in seed and seedling traits of Juglans mandshurica
Physiological analysis reveals relatively higher salt tolerance in roots of Ilex integra than in those of Ilex purpurea
Experimental approaches to select tree species for forest restoration: effects oflight, water availability and interspecific competition in degraded areas
Main environmental variables influencing the abundance of plant species under risk category
Energy partitioning and evapotranspiration in a black locust plantation on the Yellow River Delta, China
Increased salinity and groundwater levels lead to degradation of the Robinia pseudoacacia forest in the Yellow River Delta
Ground vegetation, forest floor and mineral topsoil in a clear-cutting and reforested Scots pine stands of different ages: a case study
Variation of nutrient f luxes by rainfall redistribution processes in the forest canopy of an urban larch plantation in northeast China
Short-term changes in soil properties after prescribed fire and mulching with fern in Mediterranean forests
The effect of climate factors on the size of forest wildfires (case study: Prague-East district, Czech Republic)
Spatial pattern analysis of forest trees based on the vectorial mark
Allometric models for aboveground biomass of six common subtropical shrubs and small trees
Machine learning-based estimates of aboveground biomass of subalpine forests using Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2B images in the Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Eastern Tibet Plateau
An elliptical blade is not a true ellipse,but a superellipse–Evidence from two Michelia species
Effects of enrichmemt planting with native tree species on bacterial community structure and potential impact on Eucalyptus plantations in southern China
Transcriptome analysis shows nicotinamide seed treatment alters expression of genes involved in defense and epigenetic processes in roots of seedlings of Picea abies
Pine wilt disease detection in high-resolution UAV images using object-oriented classification
Adaptation of pine wood nematode, Bursap helenchus xylophilus,early in its interaction with two P inus species that differ in resistance
Surveillance of pine wilt disease by high resolution satellite
Reversibly photochromic wood constructed by depositing microencapsulated/polydimethylsiloxane composite coating
Journal of Forestry Research