卢翀 郑小娟 胡益冰 李子美
[關键词] 英夫利西单抗;克罗恩病;免疫功能;临床效果
[中图分类号] R574.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)17-0045-04
Effects of AZA+IFX combined therapy on Crohn′s disease and its effect on intestinal permeability in patients
LU Chong ZHENG Xiaojuan HU Yibing LI Zimei
Department of Gastroenterology, Jinhua Central Hospital of Zhejiang Province, Jinhua 321000,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effects of different treatment schemes in the treatment of Crohn′s disease (CD) patients, and to analyze the most suitable treatment scheme based on the specific data. Methods A total of 98 patients with diagnosed CD treated in Jinhua Central Hospital from January 2018 to December 2019 were divided into two groups, with 50 in the control group and 48 in the experimental group. The control group was treated with azathioprine,and the experimental group was treated with infliximab combined with azathioprine.Clinical efficacy, serum levels of inflammatory factors, tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), interleukin-12 (IL-12) and interleukin-10 (IL-10), albumin (ALB), hypersensitive C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocytic sedimentation rates (ESR) before and after treatment were compared between the two groups. Results The clinical efficacy of the experimental group was 96.00%, which was higher than 81.25% of the control group, and the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05). After treatment, the value of IL-10 in the experimental group was higher than those in the control group, while the values of IL-12 and TNF-α in the experimental group were lower than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). Statistically significant differences were also observed in those values between the two groups after treatment and before treatment(P<0.05). After treatment, ALB levels in the experimental group were increased, while CRP and ESR levels were decreased,with statistically significant differences(P<0.05). Statistically significant differences were observed between the two groups after and before treatment(P<0.05). Conclusion The treatment of infliximab combined with azathioprine can effectively improve the immune function and inflammatory cytokines in patients with Crohn′s disease, and the therapeutic effect is satisfactory.
[Key words] Infliximab (IFX); Crohn′s disease (CD); Immune function; Clinical effect
克罗恩病(Crohn′s disease,CD)是一种严重影响胃肠道的疾病[1]。目前,CD尚无根治的手段,病情常反复发作。临床上主要使用氨基水杨酸制剂,免疫抑制类药物及生物制剂等进行长期维持治疗,其中硫唑嘌呤(Azathioprine,AZA)是CD缓解期治疗的最常用免疫抑制药物之一。同时也使用英夫利西单抗(Infliximab,IFX)这一种生物制剂用于治疗CD,有助于提高患者黏膜愈合率。临床研究显示改善CD患者的免疫功能和炎症反应是当前治疗CD的重要策略[2]。当前,为了保证CD患者的治疗效果,临床上大多采用英夫利昔单抗联合硫唑嘌呤的治疗,这样一来不仅能够达到一定的临床疗效,还能降低患者在治疗过程中出现不良反应的概率,为CD患者的治疗带来了更多的保障。本文结合临床实际,重点探究AZA+IFX联合法治疗克罗恩病的效果及对CD患者肠道通透性的影响,现报道如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
对照组患者给予硫唑嘌呤片(齐鲁制药有限公司,国药准字H20100042)按剂量2.5 mg/(kg·d)治疗,连续治疗40周;试验组患者除上述英夫利西单抗(西安杨森制药有限公司,国药准字H20180029)按剂量5 mg/kg治疗外,同时给予硫唑嘌呤片[2.5 mg/(kg·d)]联合治疗,嘱患者在0、2、6周,随后每隔8周规律来医院行注射[9-10],患者连续治疗40周。
1.3 观察指标及评价标准
比较两组患者的临床疗效、治疗前后血清炎症因子和生化指标情况。疗效判定标准:显效:克罗恩病疾病活动指数(CDAI)较基线值下降>70分;有效:CDAI<150分;无效:CDAI升高>70分。总有效率=显效率+有效率[11-12]。炎症因子判断标准:治疗前及治疗后3 d,采集两组患者处于空腹状态时的静脉血4 mL,提取其中的血清,采用酶联免疫吸附法对患者的TNF-α、IL-12及IL-10的含量进行检测[13-14]。检测中使用杭州联科生物技术股份有限公司ELISA试剂盒。
生化指标判断标准:入组患者住院后第2天及治疗结束后均使用一次性真空采血生化管,内含促凝剂分离胶,由静脉穿刺采静脉血3 mL,在4000 r/min离心机下离心5 min,分离出血清[15-16]。在貝克曼U5800全自动生化分析仪下对血清中清蛋白(ALB)、超敏C反应蛋白(CRP)及血沉(ESR)水平进行检测。检测过程中使用北京贝克曼公司试剂。
1.4 统计学方法
采用SPSS 22.0统计学软件进行数据处理分析。计量资料用(x±s)表示,采用t检验,计数资料用[n(%)]表示,采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 两组患者临床疗效比较
2.2 两组患者炎症因子水平比较
2.3 两组患者生化指标水平比较
3 讨论
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