
社会工作 2021年5期

(1)Social Work Theory of“Basic Capability”

ZHANG WeiCHEN Ximing ·01·

Based on long-term theoretical and practical research,this paper puts forward the social work theory with“basic capability”as the root goal.This theory emphasizes the“relationship between individual and society”and individual's initiative in the relationship between them,and explains the formation of social problems and the core function of social work from this perspective.

Social changes affect individuals and families,put forward new requirements for people,and change the relationship between people and society.The relationship between people and society(or individual and environment)determines whether“problems”appear or not.This paper puts forward the third concept“unknown world”outside the life world and the system world at the environmental level,and puts forward the core concept“basic capability”at the levels of“people and people”and“people and the world”,trying to explain the problem from the core level.

The unknown world refers to the world around us that people are limited by their own perception system,experience system and knowledge system and fail to set foot in.To enter the unknown world requires people’s initiative.The initiative to explore the unknown world comes from people's“basic capability”.

In this paper,“capability”is structured and divided into basic capability and practical capability.Basic capability refers to the dialogue and circulation mechanism between people's knowledge system,experience system and perception system.It acts on the relationship between people and the relationship between people and the world.Practical capability refers to the capability required by the life world,system world and unknown world.“Basic capability”is not only the premise and foundation of practical capability,but also the basis of EQ formation.

The formation of basic capability depends on people's“initiative”,which comes from people’s positive socialization process and the accumulation of positive experience and feelings.However,negative feelings or frustrations are not the decisive factors that hinder people from forming basic capability.“Education in broad sense”is a watershed or key factor in the formation of basic capability.If people get the education in broad sense,they can maintain curiosity and the initiative of observation,thinking and action,promote the dialogue and circulation of the three systems,and form basic capability.Its characteristics are:internal,forming self-education;externally form systematic thinking;If there is a lack of education in broad sense,negative feelings or frustrating experiences lead to the stagnation of development of experience system and perception system,people are no longer curious about the environment and no longer take the initiative to observe,think and act,the three systems can not form a dialogue,and the basic capability can not be formed.Its characteristics are:internal,no self-ed-ucation;externally,form empirical thinking.

The function of basic capability can be summarized as follows:when people's basic capability is formed and their three systems are in the dialogue mechanism,people will establish a reflective relationship with themselves;When the basic capability promotes the formation of the practical capability of the relationship between people,people will establish a reflective relationship with others;When the basic capability promotes the formation of the practical capability of the relationship between people and the world,people will establish a reflective relationship with the world.The establishment of three reflective relationships also means that people become responsible for themselves,others and the public.People in this state are not only independent,but also connected with others and the world.Therefore,the function of basic capability is far beyond promoting the formation of practical capability at the level of human relationship and human-world relationship.It can promote people to form behavior in line with values and morality.The lack of basic capability caused by the lack of education in broad sense is the most fundamental hidden social problem in China.

Social work profession stands between people and society,between individuals and the environment.It is a kind of social response to people's successful life course of daily living and overcoming difficulties.Basic capability is the key factor that affects the relationship between people,the relationship between people and the world,and determines the state of the relationship between people and society.Therefore,helping or promoting the client to form basic capability and then practical capability,so that they can better control the life process of daily living and overcoming difficulties,is the most fundamental goal and functional orientation of social work(root goal).Promoting people to form basic capability is“helping others”in social work.People form practical capability based on basic capability,is“self-helping”in social work.

The basic capability training for adults must start with the perception system.The first stage is the cultivation or change of perception system,the second stage is promoting the dialogue between perception system and experience system,and the third stage is promoting the dialogue between perception system,experience system and knowledge system.The basic capability training requires social workers to have the consciousness and capability of education in broad sense.

The contribution of social work theory with basic capability as the root goal to social work discipline and profession is reflected in three aspects:first,the discovery of basic capability makes people more clearly understand the root causes of problems,and points out the basic work direction for social work;second,this theory defines the relationship between basic capability and practical capability,clarifies the relationship between helping others and self-help,introduces the vague concept of EQ,and explains the formation and development rules of practical capability,providing a clear direction for the future formation of systematic educational ideology;third,this theory points out that the basic capability training for adults needs to start with the change of perception system,which is conducive to the smooth development of social work.

(2)Breaking and Restructuring:A Study on the Mechanism of Social Workers’Resilience in Their Early Profession

ZHANG Huan CHEN Yue ·28·

Social workers generally face the higher risk of job-related stress and burnout than other professionals,though social workers are professionals engaged in providing social services to help disadvantaged people including the people with high burnout.High job burnout of social workers is an important challenge in social work field in China,and it is closely related to the high turnover rates of social workers.Resilience is an important psychological mechanism for coping with job-related stress and burnout,and is an adaptive process that uses perianal and system resources to support the functional results that seem unlikely to be achieved because of the existence of risks.All social workers must go through the initial stage of their profession.This is the first stage that determines social workers professional development,and even directly affects whether they continue to engage in social work profession.In the initial stage of their profession,social workers effectively establish their own resilience mechanism,which is of great significance for them to effectively deal with the difficulties and challenges at work,actively adapt to the social work profession,and effectively cope with burnout in their long-term social work profession in the future.However,existing studies have neglected the resilience mechanism of social workers in the initial stage of their profession.Therefore,it is necessary to explore and study how the resilience of new social workers can help them effectively deal with the difficulties and challenges at work.

This study adopts qualitative methodology.Purposeful sampling and heterogeneous sampling were used.In-depth and semi-structured interviewed with 11 social workers(nine were women(81.8%),with an average age of 26.1 years,all of whom had received higher education in social work(62.6% were masters in social work))who have been engaged in social work field for less than 3 years.We used NVivo 12 plus software,and adopted the analysis and coding strategy of“meaningbased analysis and coding”.After repeatedly reading and coding,we analyzed the overall and procedural effects of interviewees’resilience and the interaction among them when the social workers at their beginning of profession face difficulties and challenges at work,and explore the role of resilience mechanism in the initial stage of social workers.

The findings show that social workers in the initial stage not only face the external dilemmas and challenges,such as the conflict between professional and non-professional,the conflict between quality and quantity in work,the pressure from administrative issues and management in social work service organizations,and the disapproval of social work profession from society,but also face the inherent risk factors,such as the trait and character of being unsociable and insufficient professional competences.All of these may break the original balance of new social workers and become the starting point of the mechanism of resilience.The mechanism of resilience is to play a mediating role of protective factors in the process of resilience.These protective factors include intrinsic protective factors and environmental supporting factors.The intrinsic protective factors of the individual include the sense of identity,purpose,optimism,initiative and reflective ability,etc.The environmental supporting factors include peer groups,families,professional teachers,organizations,and social policies,etc.Based on these protective factors,the resilience mechanism forms three types of coping strategy:problem-centric coping strategy,emotion-centric coping strategy,and from problem-centric to emotion-centric coping strategy.Using these coping strategies,if the difficulties and challenges at work are effectively resolved,the new social workers’resilience will be reconstructed and increased to a higher level,so that new social workers effectively deal with the job-related stress and burnout.Conversely,if social workers in the initial stage try all coping strategies and still cannot balance their own state,they fail to reconstruction their resilience.In this case,the new social workers often choose to leave their jobs,or even leave the social work profession.Correspondingly,the resilience process of social workers in the initial stage can be divided into three stages,namely the starting point,process and result of resilience.Totally,the resistance mechanism is a complex dynamic process.

By summarizing the study findings,we propose following suggestions:(1)it is important for social work service organizations to improve their professionalism and standardize their management level;(2)the training to the new social workers should be suitable and pertinent;(3)new social workers should make good use of the emotional support from peer groups,families,etc.(4)social support,especially professional identity and recognition from social network,is very important for the social workers in the initial stage;(5)further improving and promoting the policy for the development of social work to provide more guarantees for the social workers.

(3)A Study on the Evolution Path of Adolescents'Concept of Self and the Recognition Strategy

XIE Yu WU Ting ·42·

Adolescents are in a critical period of self-concept formation and development.The tension between the immaturity of adolescents’psychological development and self-concept may be followed by anxiety and sensitivity,which may even lead to academic difficulties,communication obstacles,relationship tensions,deviant behaviors and many other problems,which have profound effects on the growth of adolescents.Adolescents’self-concept recognition is an important way to recognize,improve and reconstruct adolescents’personality structure.Scientific self-concept recognition strategies can effectively evaluate and predict adolescents’mental health and behavioral trends,and are the intervention methods and goals of social work.At present,domestic social work has few researches on the characteristics of adolescents’self-concept,evolution path and identification strategies.In particular,the differences between the contexts and the lack of indexing barriers in the practical process have prevented social workers from observing and experiencing the world like teenagers,hindering the empathy,authenticity,and attentional response modes.The establishment of the service relationship between social workers and youth,the establishment of service plans and the achievement of service goals have many adverse effects.Therefore,effective identification of adolescents’self-concept is not only conducive to promoting the personality development of adolescents,but also can enhance social workers’understanding and respect for adolescents,and reduce social workers’harm to adolescents and their families due to subjective prejudgment or evaluation.Help young people to better reorganize themselves,further expand their self-integration function and realize“Help others to help themselves”is of great importance.

The client-centered therapy theory believes that when personal experience is inconsistent with self-concept,this experience is often regarded as a threat,and the more inconsistent experiences,the stronger the defense mechanism that triggers the individual’s self-concept which is distorted and symbolic.The more you feels,and the result is that the distance between self-concept and experience becomes larger and larger,and the individual will feel psychological depression and psychological disorders,which in turn cause various psychological disorders such as fear,anxiety,and tension.The difference between personal experience and self-concept is the root cause of individual physical,psychological and behavioral problems.In practical work,exploring the self-concept of adolescents is a key step for subsequent effective intervention.Based on clinical experience,this article proposes the following specific strategies for adolescent self-concept identification.

Combining the classic propositions and practical experience of client-centered therapy,it is pointed out that the self-concept of adolescents originates from the self-centered experience world,forming their own perceptual domain through experience and perception,and then gradually differentiate into adolescents through direct experience or distorted symbols.The self-concept identification strategy of adolescents is based on its evolutionary path and the establishment of a good therapeutic relationship,emphasizing social workers’active attention to adolescents’unruly things,creating a safe and accepting environment,and understanding or perceiving adolescents in daily life situations.Experience,guide young people to pay attention to and share the neglected,distorted or rejected experience,promote young people to understand and accept their own experience world with a more open and tolerant attitude,and encourage young people to expand the scope of perception and self-concept.

As a non-diagnostic treatment technique,client-centered treatment is the key to identify and reconstruct the client's selfconcept.This article focuses on the evolution of adolescents’self-concept through social workers and through unconditional active attention,establishing a good therapeutic relationship,creating a safe and accepting environment,understanding and perceiving adolescents’experiences in daily life situations and ultimately in empathy.Based on this,this article further aims to guide young people to actively share their own experiences,encourage young people to pay attention to neglected,distorted or rejected experiences,and provide experience reference and paths for social workers to explore and identify young people’s self-concepts.At the same time,this paper also promotes young people to be more open and inclusive,to adopt more positive attitudes towards their own experience world,and to expand the domain of perception and self-concept.This gives young people have the opportunity to re-understand themselves and lay the foundation for achieving self-integration on a new level.

(4)Facing the People’s Governance:A Probe into the Significance of Women’s Vitality to National Governance——Take the“social worker”Volunteers during the Wuhan Epidemic as an Example

CUI Yingling ·53·

This study takes the actions of female online volunteers named“social worker companions”during the Wuhan epidemic as an example to explore how women can participate in the treatment of the entire epidemic with the help of the Internet and new technical means during the outbreak of the epidemic,for the purpose of helping themselves,the individual others,families,communities,and hospitals to solve emergent difficulties,ultimately helping the country complete the effective management of entering the crowd and moving into the hearts of the people in major emergencies.

Women played an important role in Wuhan’s escape from the epidemic:two thirds of the more than 40,000 medical staff who came to help Hubei were women,and in the“social worker companions”team,women volunteers accounted for more than 80% of the volunteer team,and the founders and key contacts were also women.

Women play an important role during the Wuhan epidemic which is manifested in many aspects:

Firstly,they created an online three-level epidemic prevention model,classified group members according to the threelevel defense,and established another group.The first level was general popular science group which introduced epidemic prevention knowledge,seek medical advice and general problems that can be solved online;the second level was suspected patients in home isolation who required professional medical staff's guardian every day to help monitor their situation and give home guidance;the third level was for those who had been diagnosed but had not been admitted to the hospital,and their purpose is to be admitted to the hospital.At the same time,the social workers,community workers,psychological counselors,and assistants in the group had clearly assigned the division of labor.Through the acquaintances in the group,they can find communities that were willing to connect with them,and then found the doctors and their assistants in the hospital to create the“4+1”online and offline cooperation anti-epidemic platform.With the help of female communication,coordination and leadership,they trained online staff,communicated with hospitals and patients,integrated resources,helped hospitals and communities get out of chaos,stabilized people’s hearts,and showed a strong organization for women leadership.

Thirdly,female volunteers overcame difficult times in volunteer activities with the spirit of tenacity,tolerance,idealism,and practiced idealism by facing the difficulties in daily life and solving practical problems.The difficulties and setbacks that volunteers faced in actual actions were beyond imagination.Many volunteers of“Social Workers”collapsed and burst into tears.There were exhausted work pressure,excessive negative news,and countless sleepless nights,including the tension of family relationship,the breakdown caused by excessive work intensity and exhaustion,the traumatic stress syndrome(PTSD)caused by too many suffering stories from the client,and the damage caused by some institutions or personnel.What’s more,the suffering of more people outside of individuals,small families and work teams made them more concerned.However,The sense of accomplishment brought by truly doing something for others also makes them feel proud of themselves.The hospital that was once disdainful later thanked them very much.Many people who had helped join their team in turn,adding new strength to the team;some people who have been helped actively donate to them,and these feedbacks make them feel that everything is all right.It is worthy,and the sense of value,honor and the unity of team organiza-tion finally helped them overcome the difficulties of reality and continue to move forward.

In the Internet+era,during major public incidents,especially when the normal ground communication and communication channels in the community are blocked,female volunteers build resources and information exchange platforms online to find supplies for hospitals and beds for individuals,helping individuals or institutions in difficult situations to get out of difficulties.With extraordinary resilience,persistence,empathy and companionship,they respond to individual appeals and griefs and nurture countless rescued people into voluntary forces to help others.To incubate and cultivate countless similar voluntary groups with tolerance and understanding without seeking personal knowledge,they tolerate all kinds of misunderstandings,abuse,and stabbings.The actions and practices of the female volunteers of the“Social Workers”during the epidemic have relieved the loss and pain of hospitals,communities,and families,and soothed the sad individual hearts.At the same time,they have also cultivated the people's power of autonomy and co-governance.Practicing the“rule of the people”,the co-governance expected by national governance is truly implemented into the individual,into the individual's mind,and completed the last step of effective governance.This kind of volunteer activities of women give more meaning to life and break through the limitations of culture on women’s lives.In this sense,it is women who endow life with richness and meaning,and it is more women.:The breakthrough of self,out of the boundaries of self barriers,and gaining real life.

(5)Model of Social Governance Refining under Technology-society Mutual Construction Paradigm:A Case Study of the Y Social Work Agency in Wuhan Intervenin COVID-19 Prevention

GU Yonghong WANG Junnan ·63·

In the post-unit era,in order to solve social problems,the government coordinated the operation of society at a macro level and formed a management system that profoundly affected Chinese society for a period of time.However,in the face of increasingly complex and diverse social problems,the role of formal organizations is limited.In order to stimulate the participation of grassroots members of society,realize the integration of the main body under social anomie and reshape organic unity,social management gradually transformed to social governance.Under the background of governance modernization,it extends and expands to the refined social governance to enhance the professionalization of social governance and the level of intelligence.

As the epidemic prevention and control enters the normalization stage,the transition from extensive social management to governance refining has become a necessary move to improve the level of social governance,and social workers play an important role in providing refined services.From the lockdown to the restart,the strict management and control of Wuhan during the epidemic gave birth to a new model of social services.Y social work organization in Wuhan first began to use information technology to provide services and creatively established a home anti-epidemic information service model.It is an innovative attempt by social workers to use information technology to participate in social governance refining.This research is based on the theoretical paradigm of“technology-society mutual construction”,combined with the practice of social work service in Y social work organization,and deeply explores the action logic of social workers subject to spatial divisions during the epidemic,using information technology to complete absent field services.And service for the society is enlightening for professional development and social governance transformation.

This study uses Y social work organization in Wuhan as the research area,through purposeful sampling,selects 15 workers from Y organization as the research objects.And conducts in-depth conversation with workers through semi-structured interviews to explore the logic of actions when social workers were restricted by the epidemic.In addition,this research explore how social workers with the help of information technology to complete absent services and promote the ac-tion logic of social governance refining.


Governance refining involves two dimensions which are technology and social services.Technology refers to information technologies,such as telephone,broadcasting,and the Internet in modern society.While services involve multiple practice fields in society.In view of the existing research on the mutual construction of technology and society,the relationship and the neglect of the role played by the intermediary in the relationship between the two,this research introduces the“technology-society mutual construction”theoretical paradigm into the analysis.And emphasize social workers as practical intermediaries,relying on their professional ethics,professional value,and professional methods to provide service.The unique advantages of social worker service promote the dual interaction of“technology-society”,thereby reconstructing the research framework of governance refining.

As for the research results,research has found that social workers play an intermediary role in promoting the mutual construction of technology and society.On the one hand,it endows information technology with social connotation,and on the other hand,it realizes the functional embedding of information technology in the field of diverse social practices,thereby reconstructing research framework of social governance refining.

In the field of social practice,information technology assists the government,social organizations,and community residents to resolve the dilemma of temporal and spatial separation in the epidemic.In the process,social workers promote the process of technological construction through resource linking,subject interaction and multiple cooperation,thus reshaping the power structure between governance subjects under special circumstances.The path of distribution and resource integration affects the transformation of urban social governance from extensive to refining.However,information technology is not just a technical means,but a joint construction of the social environment and practical intermediaries.Technology is embedded in the society and closely related to the social political system,economic development and the background of the times.The construction of technology by society in this study involves the three dimensions of epidemic prevention and control,technological development and institutional transformation.

In the mutual construction of technology and society,the users of technology play an intermediary role in promoting the interaction between technology and society.In this research,social workers actively applied technology,provided professional services,achieved innovation in social work practice and promoted refined application of technology.At the same time,social workers actively respond to changes in the social environment,constructed subjective action logic under the constraints of the social institutional environment and practical background,and promoted the construction of technology by society.The technical governance of social workers reflects the isomorphism of social governance in aspects,such as avoiding and preventing social risks,promoting multiple participation,and guiding technical rationality with professional values.The development of information technology flattens service provision and provides a platform for cross-professional,cross-field,and cross-regional workers to participate in.Social workers pay attention to the expressions of the vulnerable groups,and through the redistribution of benefits,the needs of the service objects are met.And the goal of helping others to help themselves is finally realized.Finally,social workers emphasize both process goals and result goals,resolve problems in the process,and lead service interventions with professional values.

However,social work practice in the new context still faces the real dilemma of unclear working time boundaries,difficulty in guaranteeing service effects,blurred boundaries of informed consent and weak information teams development.

In the post-epidemic era,improving the service standards of social workers,enhancing the service capabilities of social workers,improving the professional codes in the field of social work information services and developing a talent team have become practical requirements for promoting the professional development of social work and the transformation of social governance.

(6)Attitudinal Cleavage of Needs for a Better Life and Government Responsibility:A Comparison of Three Rural Regions in Jiangsu Province

ZANG Qisheng XU Yan ·74·

To meet the needs of rural residents for a better life is the inherent demand of rural revitalization.How can the government meet the growing needs of rural residents in the limited public service budget is the welfare circle dilemma that needs to be broken through in rural revitalization.

There are more theoretical research than empirical research,more ideal construction than realistic examination,more single narrative than multi-dimensional comparison,and due to the lack of the research on the tension between ideal and reality,it is difficult to explore the rural residents’sense of acquisition;In the design of the better life index system,there is an intersection and particularity between the indicators of different countries and organizations,but in China,some specific indicators are lack of theoretical basis and international vision,and the operability is weak.but some specific indicators is lack of theoretical basis and international vision in China,and operability is weak.In the practical strategy,the traditional culture elements are introduced,but the citizenship of rural residents as legal subjects is ignored,and the question of how to unite the multi-subjects is not answered.

Based on the regional comparison of rural areas in Jiangsu Province,this paper takes welfare attitude as a measuring tool,and the data are derived from the social welfare survey of rural residents conducted in Yancheng,Nantong and Suzhou(representing Subei,Suzhong and Sunan,respectively)in Jiangsu Province,from November to December 2020.From the point of view of Gross Domestic Product(GDP),the rank of Suzhou is the highest,Nantong is second,Yancheng is the lowest,Suzhou,Nantong in their respective regions are the first,Yancheng is ranked after Xuzhou,compared to Xuzhou’s traditional status of the northern economic town,Yancheng is more representative of research;From the point of view of population flow,the net outflow of the population of Yancheng is the highest,followed by Nantong,Suzhou is the net inflow of population;From the point of view of the aging of the population,Nantong is the most serious,and is a long-term medical insurance system pilot city as same as Suzhou.In order to facilitate international and regional comparison,the questionnaire is designed with reference to the International Social Survey Project(ISSP),the European Social Survey(ESS),the China Comprehensive Social Survey(CGSS)and the“Taiwan people’s views on social welfare”edited by Chack-Kie Wong.

The study found that welfare attitudes towards needs for a better life is influenced by factors such as regimes,culture and interests,and there is an attitudinal cleavage between individual and government,ideal and reality,rights and responsibilities.In terms of welfare accessibility,the recognition of rights deficit and responsibilities overload is more common,there is a tendency to self-interest in pay taxes,and the family-based caring responsibilities is still obvious,but the claims of rights have been exceeded.Specifically,there are four main findings:(1)The role of culture in shaping is obvious.(2)The security function of system is weak.(3)Right and Responsibilities do not match in reality.(4)The government's involvement in the responsibility of different domains is imbalance.Based on this,the following principles should be adhered to in the design of system:(1)The basic and gradient unity are need to be met.(2)The unity of universality and particularity.(3)The unity of the dominantness and pluralism of the subject's participation.(4)The internalization and variability of cultural shaping.(5)Constant and progressive unity of policy commitments.(6)The productive and welfare unity of rural development.

In future,we should do the following in practice:(1)Face up to welfare claims and clarify boundaries of right and responsibility.they should face up to the welfare claims of rural residents but not just farmers,and consider whether the social services they receive are adequate or not.If not,consideration should be given to what action is being taken in a limited public service budget to change this scarcity.In the face of the relative deprivation problem that needs to be met,we should set up a gradient reasonably,establish a welfare qualification system,define the boundary of rights and responsibilities between service recipients and service deliveries,adhere to the principle of moderate inclusiveness,avoid the depletion of public resources,overdraft of capacity and loss of legitimacy,and change the status quo of loss and overload of individual rights;(2)Guide the ideal expectation and improve the real experience.In promoting the strategy of rural revitalization.On the one hand,we should face up to the actual conditions,avoid overcommitment and guide the ideal expectations of rural residents to a reasonable gradient;On the other hand,we should innovate social services,empower communities(villages),exert the subjective initiative of rural residents and improve the realistic experience of rural residents;(3)Innovating the welfare system and cultivating the civic culture.The premise of meeting the needs of rural residents in a better life under a certain level of public finance is to change the welfare system contracted by the government or withdraw from the government,promote welfare pluralism,and cultivate a unified civic culture with unified rights and responsibilities;(4)Strengthen the ability of governance and improve the system of coordination.In order to ensure justice,equality and efficiency.On the one hand,we should guarantee the legitimacy of multi-subject participation in governance through the system,upgrade the technology of governance,enhance the ability of governance participants and realize the modernization of governance capacity;On the other hand,the multi-subject should have a joint motive to meet the needs of the rural residents'better life,to respect the main position of the rural residents and to enhance the well-being of the rural residents as the starting point and landing point of all the work,around the factors of production to establish the synergy of production and distribution of welfare resources,to achieve the modernization of the governance system.

(7)The Characteristics,Influencing Factors and Mobilization Strategies of Community Participation of Vulnerable Groups:Based on the investigation in Beijing and Zibo

LI Wenjing ZHANG Yuesen ·88·

Community participation plays an important role in improving the welfare level of vulnerable groups.Based on the theory of civil rights and the pedigree of community mobilization theory from the perspective of“structure-action”,this paper investigates the community participation of residents in Beijing and Zibo by means of questionnaires and interviews,and aims to analyze the status,characteristics,influencing factors and mobilization strategies of community participation of vulnerable groups.

The study found that the community participation rate of vulnerable groups was lower than that of ordinary residents.In terms of type comparison,the participation rate of vulnerable groups in community activities related to political rights is the lowest,the participation rate of civil rights is the highest,and the participation rate of social rights is in the middle,which is consistent with the trend of ordinary residents.The difference is that the participation rate of disadvantaged groups in community educational services is higher than that of community voluntary services,while that of ordinary residents in community voluntary activities is higher than that of community educational activities.

Compared with ordinary residents,the community participation of disadvantaged groups is characterized by low level,unbalanced,benefit acquisition orientation and low frequency.Low-level participation means that both vulnerable groups and ordinary residents have low political participation rates,and the most significant difference is the participation rates of vulnerable groups and ordinary residents in political community activities.Imbalanced participation refers to the imbalanced participation of disadvantaged groups in community volunteer service,or they often participate or never participate,and there is dependent participation.Low frequency participation means that the disadvantaged groups are the most active in recreational activities,but there is still a significant difference in the frequency of participation compared with the general residents.

The community participation rate of disadvantaged groups has intra-group differences.Age,employment status and length of residence have significant influence on community participation of disadvantaged groups.Compared with“over 60 years old”residents,“18-34 years old”and“35-59 years old”residents,community participation rates decreased significantly,while the community participation rate of residents with temporary and stable jobs is significantly higher than that of vulnerable groups without work.Compared with vulnerable groups who have resided for more than 5 years,the participation rates of residents who have resided for 1-3 years and 3-5 years have significantly increased.

Age,education level,employment status and length of residence have significant influence on community participation of ordinary residents.The participation rate of residents aged 18-34 is significantly lower than that of those aged over 60,while the participation rate of residents with primary school or below and junior high school is significantly lower than that of residents with junior college,bachelor’s degree or above.Compared with residents who have lived for more than 5 years,the participation rate of residents who have lived for 3-5 years is significantly higher.Compared with“stable employment”residents,the community participation rate of“temporary employment”residents increased significantly,while that of“unemployed”residents increased modestly but not significantly.

The community participation of vulnerable groups is significantly positively correlated with external factors such as community identity,community organization development level,neighborhood relationship,community worker specialization level and participation channel.The three variables of community identity,neighborhood relationship,community organization trust and participation channel,have a significant positive impact on the community participation of ordinary residents,while the variable of“relationship with community workers”has a negative correlation with the community participation of ordinary residents.Meanwhile,the trust degree of community organization of vulnerable groups is higher than that of ordinary residents,and their relationship with community workers is slightly better than that of ordinary residents,but their community participation rate is still lower than that of ordinary residents.

Employment status has a significant impact on the community participation of vulnerable groups,but not on ordinary residents.The level of education has a significant impact on the community participation of ordinary residents but not on the disadvantaged groups.The longer the disadvantaged lived,the lower their community participation,which is the opposite of the general population.It can be seen that the community participation of vulnerable groups is low and will not improve with the increase of living time,and it is difficult to improve through the improvement of cultural level.Compared with ordinary residents,the community participation of vulnerable groups is more influenced by social and environmental factors.Integrated its own factors and external factors,it is not hard to find that the improvement of the professional level of community workers and other external factors can partially improve the community participation rate of vulnerable groups.but it is not sufficient to rely only on the current administrative community organizations and workers to improve the overall participation rate.Other mobilization methods,especially the key intervention of social work organizations and talents,are needed.

Empowerment of social work is an effective way to change the“powerless”state of community residents.In the intervention mode of community empowerment,social work should combine the mode of“external force pushing”and the mode of“individual initiative”,and intervene from the two-way mode of“people”and their“environment”.Combined with the characteristics and influencing factors of community participation of vulnerable groups,the employment rate of vulnerable groups should be improved through professional assistance,social rights services should be set up according to their needs,and the participation of vulnerable groups should be emphasized in the future.In order to,improve their endogenous motivation in various community participation,the implementation rate of social welfare policies and initiative of disadvantaged groups to participate in community volunteer activities should be improved,the channels and forms of participation of vulnerable groups should be expanded using modern scientific and technological means and participation system,the political participation awareness and ability of vulnerable groups through professional assistance and organizational construction should be enhanced,a communication platform for residents should be built,neighborhood relations should be improved and the community identity of vulnerable groups through various welfare means should be enhanced.

