——以Unit 4 A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep 为例


英语教师 2020年22期





本堂课的课型是读写课,教学内容为人教版高中《英语》必修一Unit 4 A Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep。


【What】就主题语境而言,本篇阅读材料是人与自然,涉及自然灾害、灾后重建,以及防震救灾等相关知识。就语篇类型而言,本篇阅读材料是一篇新闻报道,文章讲述了1976 年7 月28 日凌晨发生在河北省唐山市的大地震。全文共分为四段:第一段讲地震前夕,唐山地区的一系列反常现象,这些“怪事”其实都是地震前的预兆,却没有引起人们的注意和警觉。第二段描述唐山大地震发生时的情景。短短15 秒钟的地震就几乎将整个城市夷为平地,伤亡人数达到40 多万。第三段讲地震后城市一片凄惨,幸存者感到悲哀的同时又产生了惊恐与不安。第四段讲在人民解放军的救援和全国各地的帮助下,被地震摧毁的城市得以重建。



本篇阅读材料为新闻报道,文章语言简洁、生动。在获取与自然灾害描述相关的话题语块的同时,也需要关注语言的特点。标题采用拟人的修辞手法,既表达了文章的主旨,又能吸引读者。文章第一段运用生动形象的动词描述了震前的异常现象,突出了自然界在震前的不平静。第二、三段运用具体的数字反映地震造成的破坏程度,增加了文章的真实性。而第四段副词soon、slowly、again 的使用充分体现了人们救援的及时和给唐山带来了新的希望。

本堂课的重点是完成reading for structure,理清文章结构,以及reading for language,积累话题语块,为读后的语言输出作好铺垫。






2. 使用一些生动的动词、数字、be+done/be+adj.结构及修辞手法润色文章。






语言学家迈克尔·刘易斯(Michael Lewis)提出,语言不是由词汇化的语法构成,而是由语法化的词汇构成。人们在使用语言时,不是靠语法把单词组织起来的,而是使用头脑中已经存储的一些预先编制好的语块。这些语块的存储可以使语言输出变得方便、快捷和流利。




Step 1:导入

Activity:Ask students to watch the video to feel the power of the earthquake and highlight the learning task:learn to report a natural disaster.(播放地震视频,引出本课的话题:地震。明确本课的教学任务:学习报道自然灾害。)


T:What was happening in the video?


T:How do you feel after watching the video?

S2:Earthquake is so powerful and people are so powerless faced with the earthquake.

T:Excellent!Today we’ll read one passage about the earthquake. Let’s learn how to describe the earthquake vividly.


Step 2:阅读关注文章标题与文章结构

Activity 1:Ask students to compare the title with“a night the earthquake happened”,and tell which one can attract your attention.Ask them to think of a good title for Typhoon Rumbia.(要求学生关注文章标题。通过标题的比较,了解它的修辞表达,可以使文章更加生动形象。提供相似情景,要求学生自己创作能够吸引读者的文章标题。)

Activity 2:Read the whole passage quickly and pick out all the chunks about time.Divide the passage into several parts according to the time chunks.(要求学生阅读文本,借助时间语块理清文章的篇章结构,即按照时间顺序:震前—震中—震后。)


T:Why did the earth not sleep at that night?

S1:The earthquake happened.

T:So our passage is about earthquake. Why did the author not use a night the earthquake happened as the title?

T:Who needs to sleep?


T:The night was like a person who didn’t sleep because of the earthquake. This is called personification.It’s more vivid and can attract the readers’attention.


T:Now can you think of a good title for the report about the typhoon Rumbia?


T:“Night”can tell us the time when the earthquake happened. There are some chunks about time.Now read the passage quickly and pick them out.

S2:For three days...,3:00 a.m. on July 28...,1976,3:42 a.m....,later that afternoon...,soon after the quakes....

T:So,according to time,how many parts can we divide our passage into?


T:Yes. It’s about things before the earthquake,during the earthquake and after the earthquake.Timeline is helpful to make the structure of the passage clear.


Step 3:阅读积累话题语块,学习语言特征

Activity:Read the passage part by part and pick out word chunks about strange signs,damage and rescue.(要求学生精读课文,按照学案要求提取相关语块。)


Part 1:

T:What happened before the earthquake?

S1:Strange things.

T:What are they?

S2:Water...rose and fell,rose and fell...

T:Excellent!What part of speech are they?

S4:They are verbs.

T:Why did the author use these verbs?

S5:Vivid verbs can impress the readers greatly.



T:Faced with so many strange things,what did people do?

S1:They went to bed as usual. They thought little of these events.

T:What a Pity! They paid no attention to them.A big earthquake was on the way.


Part 2:

T:As we know,the author said it was the greatest earthquake in 20th century.How did the author prove it was the greatest?

S1:He used numbers.

T:Can you pick all the numbers out in part 2?

S2:It was felt in Beijing,...200 kilometers...1/3 of the nation felt it. ...8 kilometers... ...30 meters wide...In 15 terrible ruins.


T:Perfect! Why did the author use 200,1/3 etc instead of using many,a lot of?

S3:Exact numbers can make the description convincing.Make the readers believe it was true.


T:You are absolutely right.Oh,the damage was so serious.Did the survivors believe it was natural?


T:Why?What was destroyed?

S5:...hospitals,... factories and buildings and were gone.

T:Yes,in this sentence the author use“were gone”structure. Can you find other sentences that include the similar structures(be done/be+adj.)?

S6:The bridges...were not... ...pigs...chickens were dead.

Rescue workers... were trapped. Water,food ...were hard to get.

T:Good job.Why did the author use this kind of structures?

S7:To show people were passive.


T:Can you find one sentence to describe people’s feelings in this paragraph 2?

S8:It seemed as if the world was at an end.T:Was the world really at an end?


S2:The author used exaggeration.

T:Yes,it is one kind of figure of speech. Figure of speech(修 辞)can help to express feeling seffectively.

T:Do you know other figures of speech?

S4:Simile,parallel,personification and repetition,etc.

T:Yes. Can you find one sentence in paragraph 3 that uses simile?

Ss:Bricks covered the ground like...

T:Why did the author compare bricks to red autumn leaves?

S1:There were a lot of bricks.

S2:They were painted by people’s blood.

T:Excellent. It means not only the bricks but also the blood of people covered the ground. The author used this sentence to show a large city was in ruins.


Part 3:

T:Did people lose hope?

S1:No.All hope was not lost.

T:Who brought hope for them? What did they do?

S2:The army and rescue workers. The army organized...dig out...who were trapped... to bury...workers built shelters for survivors...

(引导学生积累有关抗震救灾的话题语块。)T:How did people feel now?

S3:They felt hopeful.

T:Which sentence can tell us people were hopeful now?

S4:All hope was not lost.

T:What else?

S5:Slowly,the city began to breathe again.



Step 4:总结概括新闻报道的写作方法

Activity:Ask students to summarize what they learned.(要求学生总结本堂课所学的主要内容。)


T:How can we report a natural disaster?

S1:First,think of a good title.

S2:Timeline can be used to organize the passage.

S3:The vivid verbs,numbers,be done/adj.,and figure of speech can help us to describe vividly and express our opinions effectively.

T:Excellent. Now collect all the chunks about the earthquake by yourself and try to memorize them.These chunks can help us to describe the natural disasters.


Step 5:小组合作报道自然灾害

Activity:Show a video and some pictures about Typhoon Rumbia. Ask students to observe carefully and work in groups to report it by using the chunks that we have learned.(展示台风“温比亚”的视频和图片,要求学生自主观察,小组合作运用本堂课所学报道台风“温比亚”。)


T:It’s your turn to use what we learnt today.Are you familiar with Typhoon Rumbia? It also caused great damage to our city.Now work in groups and try to describe Typhoon Rumbia.


S1:In the early morning,it was cloudy and hot.The sky was so dark that it looked as if it was covered with a dark cloth.Later that afternoon,the wind began to blow heavily. Some plastic bags and bottles were flying in all directions. Some big trees were blown down and cars were trapped under the trees. At 5:00 p.m.,we heard the drip of the rain. After a short while,a sharp rain was beating against the windows.Early the next morning,the rain stopped.A lot of cars were drowned in the water.Some old houses fell.The rescue workers came to help the trapped and the injured.With the help of volunteers,the city began to breathe again.

T:Excellent. Can you think of a title for your report?

S1:A day the sky cried.

S2:The city became a river.

T:Good job.After class,help your group to polish your report.


Step 6:Homework

Finish your own composition and share it with your classmates.











《普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版)》要求教师在指导学生获取语言知识的同时,还要注重培养其思维品质。本堂课注重学生的语言输出,启发学生自主观察发现话题语块,感悟语言魅力。在总结梳理时培养学生的逻辑思维和总结概括能力,在小组合作报道自然灾害时引导他们运用发散性思维和创造思维。





读写课中读是写的基础,是为写服务的。想在短短45 分钟内既完成读,又积累语块,进行话题写作,就要大胆取舍,有重点地读,而不是从头到尾,面面俱到地读。本堂课在设置读的任务时没有突出重点。其实在完成本堂课的写作任务“报道台风‘温比亚’”时,应重点关注的是台风给城市交通、农业,以及人们的财产和生活造成的重大影响。而这部分内容的描述应提取和模仿的是阅读文本的第二、三段。因此,在学生写作和展示环节,时间明显不够用,从而导致学生没有充分展示。

