

农业工程学报 2017年21期

郑书河,林长山,叶大鹏,刘 斌


郑书河1,林长山1,叶大鹏1,刘 斌2

(1. 福建农林大学机电工程学院,福州 350002;2. 国家菌草工程研究中心,福州 350002)

针对目前巨菌草种植机普遍存在的重、漏播率高、人工劳动强度大、种茎易破损等问题,该文设计了一种槽型辊式排种器。先分析排种过程中的种茎受力状态,推导出种茎的受力角为目标值的函数,确定送种辊入种槽长宽尺寸为20 mm´20 mm;其次,采用弹性垫料改善送种辊排种进程,基于受力角为目标的函数,优化求解得到垫料侧边垫料厚4 mm、底部垫料厚8 mm;最后采用虚拟样机软件ADAMS建立了种茎排种动力学模型,对其排种过程进行仿真,并在此基础上进行了实验室台架试验和田间排种试验。台架试验表明,排种器实现种茎有序地排种,垫料有效地提高排种流畅度;田间试验过程中排种作业稳定,排种合格率均值为93.33%,排种间距变异指数均值为13.63%,平均漏排和重排指数均值为4.1%和2.5%,各项指标均符合巨菌草种植要求。该研究可为同类排种器和巨菌草种植机的研制提供参考。


0 引 言



1 排种器整体结构及工作原理

巨菌草种茎辊式排种器主要结构如图1a所示,种茎放置于储种箱1中,通过储种箱正下方的下种箱2进入送种辊的入种槽5中。减速器9与动力轴相连,在同步带8带动下,送种辊4转动,在脱离护罩7后,种茎在重力作用下通过落种板6排出排种器。目前排种器为单行排种,单辊作业时,其转速为1~2 r/s,作业速度为1.8~3.6 km/h,播种间距300~700 mm,依照密播或稀播的要求进行调整。


1. 储种箱 2. 下种箱 3. 垫料 4. 送种辊 5. 入种槽 6. 落种板 7. 护罩 8. 同步带轮 9. 减速器

2 送种辊结构设计


2.1 种茎受力


注:FS为送种辊对种茎支持力,N;FS1、FS2为FS在切向和径向的分力,N;FST、FSN为FS2在水平和铅垂方向上的分力,N;T为种茎受外壁支持力,N;γ为FS与水平方向的夹角,rad;G为下种箱中种茎重力总和,N;P1为下种箱左壁与种茎的接触点;P2为入种槽与种茎的接触点;O1为次底层种茎的质心;β1为P2 O1和水平方向的夹角(0≪β1≪π/2),rad;f为种茎与下种箱间的摩擦力,N;R为送种辊半径,mm;r2为次底层种茎半径,mm。



由式7可知,β1、γ值对FS值影响较大,其中γ值由种茎和送种辊的半径决定,由图2b可知0≪γ≪r/R,假定γ=0.1π、G=10 N、μ=0.26[21]。压缩试验求得巨菌草顺纹压缩最大抗压强度均值为10.1 MPa[22]。因送种辊入种槽直角处倒角半径约为1 mm,菌草种茎长度在300 mm以内,假定辊对种茎的接触面近似为长300 mm、宽2 mm的矩形面,则种茎所能承受的支持力为606 N。如图3可知,FS随β1取值的增大先减小后增大,当β1=0.291时,种茎受力处于其抗压能力的极限,即当β1取值范围为0.291~π/2时,排种过程中种茎受力满足其抗压强度要求,当β1=0.942 5时,种茎受力值极小值为13.285 1 N。

2.2 入种槽尺寸









结合巨菌草种植实际需求,以16~20 mm直径的种茎作为宜栽苗,由节2.1分析可知,当1值在0.291~π/2时,种茎受力在可承受范围内。求解得1值随入种槽宽、深变化的曲面图[23-24],如图5所示。

图5 不同入种槽尺寸下种茎受力角

由图5可知,1值与槽的宽、深呈明显的负相关关系,其中曲线为曲线与1边界值的交线,由2.1节可知,当1=0.942 5时,种茎受力值最小,可求得当槽深取16~16.7 mm、槽宽取16~17.8 mm时,种茎受力最小。当选用直径为16~20 mm的种茎时,为保证直径为20 mm的种茎能够顺利排出,确定入种槽的高、宽均取20 mm,此时1值为0.348 7,满足排种要求。

2.3 入种槽垫料尺寸

巨菌草种茎形态差异是排种堵卡问题的主要因素,同时极易造成芽节破损。通过在入种槽中加设弹性垫料可有效消除种茎径宽差带来的排种问题,同时对种茎芽节起到保护作用。如图6a、图6c,通过垫料的缓冲作用,当底层种茎过小的时候,垫料可垫高种茎在入种槽中的高度;如图6b、图6d,当种茎过大时,通过垫料的弹性形变,种茎嵌入入种槽中。可见借助垫料的缓冲作用,能够提高排种的流畅度。考虑到垫料对入种槽空间大小的影响,将入种槽的宽、深值扩大20%,即1与均取值24 mm。基于式(13),建立带垫料的1值模型。


图6 有无垫料送种辊的排种示意图

由2.1节可知,当1=0.942 5时,种茎受力值最小。当种茎尺寸较小时,设种茎直径为16 mm,如图7a所示,曲线为垫料可取值的边界,在边界内的取值均满足1取值要求,当底部垫料厚度取7.5~12 mm、侧边垫料厚度取6.73~12 mm时,取值最佳;当种茎尺寸较大时,设种茎直径为20 mm,如图7b所示,曲线为垫料可取值的边界,在边界内的取值均满足1取值要求,当底部垫料厚度取4.28~8 mm、侧边垫料厚度取4~8 mm时,取值最佳。考虑到侧边垫料过厚时,将增大种茎进入入种槽的摩擦力,在满足1取值要求前提下,取侧边垫料厚4 mm;底部垫料取上述2种情况下其最佳取值的均值,即8 mm。

图7 种茎受力角随垫料尺寸变化

3 种茎排种过程的动态仿真与分析

3.1 柔性种茎建模

为简化虚拟样机仿真模型,考虑到种茎芽节微小凸起与种茎轴向直径差异较小,将种茎近似为光滑圆柱体,建立ADAMS柔性种茎模型[25],无垫料入种槽尺寸为20 mm×20 mm,带垫料入种槽尺寸为24 mm×24 mm,侧边垫料取4 mm,底部垫料取8 mm,送种辊直径为120 mm。对种茎模型进行柔性化处理,设置种茎的弹性模量593.8 MPa,压缩模量126.4 MPa,弯曲模量610.5 MPa[22],泊松比为0.3[26],导入ADAMS中进行仿真分析[27-29]。图8为在ADAMS中创建的排种器模型及柔性种茎。其中辊1采用无垫料的入种槽,辊2、辊3采用添加垫料的入种槽。

图8 ADAMS排种器运动仿真模型

3.2 垫料对大小直径种茎的排种影响

宜栽种茎直径主要集中在16~20 mm之间,当直径较小的种茎同时排放时,其1值较小,受到的挤压力较大,容易导致种茎伤损。而对于直径较大的种茎而言,添加弹性垫料后由于排种种腔空间变小,无疑会增大送种辊对种茎的压力,分别进行大、小直径种茎的连续排种仿真,对比添加垫料前后的排种效果。而在实际种植作业中,往往存在排出的种茎直径径宽超出选定宜栽范围(16~20 mm)的情况。选定辊3作为超出选定宜栽范围种茎的排种仿真,仿真过程中采用的种茎直径如表1。


表1 仿真试验方案

a. 小种茎落入入种槽a. Small stems fall into the grooveb. 大种茎落入入种槽 b. Large stems fall into the groove c. 小种茎移出入种槽 c.Small stems shift from seeding grooved. 大种茎移出入种槽 d. Large stems shift from seeding groove


Note: Color of dunnage and stems changes from dark blue to deep red along with increases of the suffered force value.

图9 有无垫料下大小种茎排种过程仿真

Fig.9 Seeding simulation of small &large stems with dunnages or not



表2 排种过程中种茎最大应力、应变值

图10 种茎的垂直位移、速度曲线

4 试 验

4.1 排种器排种台架试验

为了验证仿真结果的有效性,检验排种器的工作性能,制备巨菌草槽型辊式排种器试验台进行台架试验,如图11a,采用南京冉控科技有限公司生产的GGSNJT- 100型精密扭矩传感器(测量范围0.01~10 N·m)采集试验数据。试验种茎选取本校试验田栽植的半年生巨菌草,其直径范围为16~20 mm,长度在290 mm左右,且保证至少含有2个芽节。

表3 送种辊台架试验数据


4.2 田间排种性能试验


按密播(排种转速2 r/s)与稀播(排种转速1.5 r/s)要求分2组进行,每组包含4种种茎排布方式,各进行2次重复试验,试验参数如表4。

根据巨菌草种植的农艺要求[14],参考中国国家标准《单粒(精密)播种机试验方法》(GB-T 6973-2005)[30]中的相关规定进行排种性能试验,试验结果如表4。试验结果表明,该排种样机排种合格率均值为93.33%,排种间距变异指数均值为13.63%,说明该排种装置的具有较好的排种均匀性,作业过程稳定;其中整机的平均漏排和重排指数均值为4.1%和2.5%,说明该排种结构能较好的适应巨菌草种茎的形态特征,方案设计较为合理,具有良好的排种连续性;综上所述,该排种装置的田间作业排种效果良好,适用于巨菌草机械化种植作业,可为今后巨菌草排种器的设计提供参考。

1.送种辊 2. 下种箱 3. 数据显示仪 4. 扭矩传感器 5.232转485转换器

注:行进速度为1 m·s–1;投种高度为20 mm。

Note: The travel speed is 1 m·s–1and the projection height is 20 mm.

5 结 论


1)基于排种过程中巨菌草种茎受力模型,推导出以受力角为目标值的排种顺畅函数,确定无垫料送种辊槽型长宽尺寸为20 mm´20 mm;采用弹性垫料优化入种槽结构设计,求得垫料侧边垫料厚4 mm、底部垫料厚8 mm。



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Structural optimization of grooved-roller seed metering device forand simulation and experiment of seed metering dynamics

Zheng Shuhe1, Lin Changshan1, Ye Dapeng1, Liu Bin2


A new grooved-roller seed metering device is developed to overcome the breakage of seedling, obtain high sowing rate and raise seeding efficiency in present, and exercise the optimal design. Firstly, this paper introduces the main structure, the working principle and the related structural parameters of the device in detail. Seed metering device is a key component to realize mechanized cultivation of Pennisetum, which is divided into 2 types according to its working principle. One type is real-time cutting seed metering device and the other type is pre-cut seed metering device. Compared with real-time cutting metering device, pre-cut seed metering device has the advantages of high automation, no damage to seed and lower labor intensity, so it shows a good market prospect and is the main trend of the future development of the metering device. The grooved-roller seed metering device is one of pre-cut seed metering devices. In terms of the stem stress state of seeding process, the evaluation function of seeding smoothness with force angle of the stem as the target was derived. According to the function, opening width of the seed groove and depth of the seed groove were the main impact factors of the improved device’s seeding performance. Based on the compressive strength of the stem, the best size of seeding slot was deduced as 20 mm × 20 mm finally. The different morphology and difference of seed diameters are the main influence factors of the problem, and those are easy to cause the bud break. The smoothness and accuracy of seeding were improved by adding the elastic dunnages on the groove of the seeding drum. According to the evaluation function of seeding smoothness, the structure size of the dunnages was optimized as the side gasket thickness of 4 mm and the bottom gasket thickness of 8 mm. In order to study the effect of dunnages on the fluency, the model of grooved-roller seed metering device of the Pennisetum was established by using the dynamic simulation software ADAMS (automatic dynamic analysis of mechanical systems). The effect regularities of structural parameters and motion parameters on seed groove and dunnages were studied. The simulations showed that the new seed metering device could realize the orderly discharge of seeds, and obviously reduce the stress of small-diameter seed by using the plastic dunnages, ensuring the seed row stability and the adaptability of seed diameter. Then the real tests in the laboratory and field were undertaken to verify the conclusions of virtual tests. Bench test results showed that the gasket could improve the flow degree of the seed row to a certain extent, in which the roller speed fluctuation ratio was less than 10%, the roller torque fluctuation ratio was less than 400%, and the seeding rhythm fluctuation ratio was about 20%. The research further indicated that the quality of the seeding was not affected by the roller speed, and sometimes the faster speed would slightly improve the fluidity of the seeding. Because when the roller speed was faster, the time the stem entered the entry took shorter, which reduced the resistance of the seed row to a certain extent. The results indicated that the seed metering device can realize the seeding operation and the dunnages can effectively improve the seeding fluency. Field experiment indicated that the seeder was stable, and the qualified index was greater than 93.33%, the missing index was less than 4.1%, the multiple index was less than 2.5%, and the variance coefficient was13.63%. The indicators were in line with the planting requirements of giant grass. The research provides a theoretical reference for the design of grooved-roller seed metering device of Pennisetum and the technical reference for the related design of planting machine.

agricultural machinery; design; optimization;; grooved-roller seed metering device; dynamic simulation; experiments










Design and evaluation of PID electronic control system for seed meters for maize precision planting