0 引言
1 公式推导
图1 倾斜海底声线反射示意图
2 理论分析
(a)b2>0 (b)b2<0
(a)b2>0 (b)b2<0
(a)b2>0 (b)b2<0
(a)b2>0 (b)b2<0
3 数值计算
(a) 声线水平投影
(b) 声线矢径
图6 声线水平投影与声线矢径
Fig.6 The horizontal projection and radius vector of rays
表1 不同参数情况下声线的水平偏转角度
4 结论
(1) 声线在倾斜海底发生反射时可能会发生水平方向上的偏转;
(3) 入射方位角越靠近深度梯度角或者其延长线方向,水平偏转越小,当入射方位角与深度梯度角或其延长线方向一致时,不会发生水平偏转;
(4) 海底深度梯度越大,声线水平偏转越大;
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Horizontal deflection of sound ray caused by reflection from irregular sea bottom
(Yichang Research Institute of Testing Technology, Yichang 443003, Hubei, China)
For 3D shallow water sound propagation, horizontal deflection will be taken place when sound ray reflected from irregular sea bottom. Due to accumulative effects, the difference between the azimuth angles of
ray and launched ray can be great when the propagation range is large enough. If the deflection is not taken into account, there will be great errors in acoustic source orientation. So it is significant to study the horizontal deflection of sound ray caused by reflection from irregular sea bottom and the corresponding rule. In this paper, the horizontal deflection of sound ray based on different parameters is studied; the approximate formulae for small gradient angle of sea bottom are obtained. The results of numerical simulation and analyses indicate that the magnitude and direction of horizontal deflection are decided by the gradient of the seabed depth and the angle of azimuth and graze.
irregular seabed; horizontal deflection; azimuth angle
张维(1984-), 男, 湖北钟祥人, 博士, 研究方向为海洋声场分析。
张维, E-mail: zhangwei667@163.com。