

中华肩肘外科电子杂志 2017年1期

张晓萌 陈建海 王艳华 寇玉辉 付中国 张殿英



张晓萌 陈建海 王艳华 寇玉辉 付中国 张殿英







表1 17例出现并发症患者的相关资料







所有数据采用Excel 2016软件整理,并采用SPSS 20.0软件对部分数据进行分析处理,计量资料用±s表示。

结 果


讨 论

图1 14号患者,59岁,男性,左侧锁骨中段骨折切开复位内固定术后正位X线片(A),提示内固定位置良好,达到解剖复位。术后3个月左右正位X线片(B)提示左侧锁骨内固定断裂,骨折不愈合,轻度成角移位。术中(C)取出断裂的内固定后清除断端死骨,再次复位后放置锁骨解剖型锁定钛板,断端植入自体髂骨。术后正位X线片(D)显示内固定位置良好,骨折断端愈合。术后2年正位X线片(E、F)显示骨折已愈合以及内固定取出术后表现

图2 5号患者,44岁,女性,X线片(A)示右锁骨中段骨折,断端移位。手术采用切开复位非锁定解剖钛板内固定。术后正位X线片(B)提示骨折不愈合,螺钉松动,内固定失效。术中(C、D)取出内固定后放置锁定型解剖钛板并取自体髂骨植入骨折断端。术中(E)及术后X线片(F)显示内固定位置良好,骨折解剖复位

图3 4号患者,37岁,男性,右锁骨骨折后保守治疗10个月,因手术禁忌继续采取保守治疗。X线片分别显示伤后10个月(A)、伤后15个月(B)和伤后18个月(C)的锁骨愈合情况

锁骨骨折可发生于各年龄段,通常好发于小于3 0岁的青年男性和大于80岁的老年人这两个高峰段[1]。早期观点认为,锁骨中段骨折即使有移位(断端有2/3接触)也可通过保守治疗(“8”字绷带或前臂吊带)获得收益。Lenza等[7]研究发现有移位骨折的通过保守治疗其不愈合发生率可高达15%。同时,Andermahr等[8]和 Edelson[9]认为保守治疗的锁骨骨折均有不同程度的畸形愈合,而锁骨畸形愈合不仅影响患者美观,也可引起肩关节功能障碍。Ledger等[10]通过CT三维重建、调查问卷及生物力学检测研究发现锁骨骨折短缩移位15mm时对肩关节活动的影响较大。McKee等[11]研究发现锁骨畸形可严重影响相应上肢的肌力。因此对于存在临床症状的骨折不愈合或畸形愈合患者应积极采取手术矫正,以改善肩胛带及相应肢体的功能。在本院465例锁骨骨折住院患者中,有1例37岁中年男性患者(4号)因车祸导致右锁骨中段骨折,采取保守治疗约2个月后出现右侧锁骨严重畸形愈合的并发症。但由于合并有窦性心动过缓,最终只能放弃手术矫形并接受后续功能康复锻炼。

随着内固定材料的发展和技术的成熟,现代观点认为锁骨骨折只要存在手术指征都应积极采取手术治疗,其优势在于能够达到解剖复位、减少疼痛[1215],避免了骨折断端的扭转,而且手术简单可靠还可重复[16],降低了畸形愈合的发生率[17],有助于患者早期功能锻炼,恢复正常工作和生活,并获得更好的美观和整体满意度。然而手术治疗也有一定几率导致并发症的发生,原因较为复杂,应该获得足够重视。这些并发症通常包括内固定松动(4.8%)[1820]、钢 板 断 裂 (1.9%)[18]、感 染 (0% ~18%)[1921]、内 固 定 引 起 的 疼 痛、术 后 再 发 骨 折(0.04%)[22]等,通常与骨折粉碎严重、术中操作不当、内固定取出时间过早、术后患者依从性差、不能遵循制动及限制负重等危险因素有关[22-25]。章浩等[26]研究认为,医源性因素是锁骨骨折内固定失败的最主要原因。术中复位手法粗暴、过度强调解剖复位以及过多剥离骨膜,均可干扰骨折断端血运;同时,为达到满意的复位而采用缝线或钢丝捆扎过紧也可减少骨折断端的血供,影响骨折愈合。因此,在骨折端的显露与复位时应尽量避免对周围组织及骨膜的过度干扰,减少术后骨折不愈合的发生。术中采用重建板并可因金属疲劳而降低钢板强度,易导致内固定物断裂;而内固定物工作距离过短则使钢板受力增大,无法抗拒锁骨在肩胛带活动时产生的扭转力量,同时钢板未放置于锁骨张力侧以及固定螺钉数量不足均可导致日后发生内固定松动。针对此类并发症大多主张取出原有内固定后清除死骨,对骨折断端进行新鲜化处理,复位后尽量选用锁定钛板内固定治疗以减少反复塑形对钛板强度的影响,同时进行断端植骨可促进骨折断端生长。与人工骨材料相比,自体髂骨具有其他人工骨材料所不具备的良好的骨形成、骨传导和骨诱导作用,降低了感染风险,是最理想的材料[27]。此外,术后应延长患侧肩关节的制动时间以及避免患肢过早负重活动。





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Analyses and countermeasures of complications in patients with clavicle fractures

Zhang Xiaomeng,Chen Jianhai,Wang Yanhua,Kou Yuhui,Fu Zhongguo,Zhang Dianying.Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology,Peking University People′s Hospital,Beijing 100044,China

Zhang Dianying,

BackgroundClavicle fracture is one of the most common fractures,and its incidence rate weights about 2.6%-4.0%of total body fractures.The traditional view believes that most of the clavicle fractures can be managed well via conservative treatment.However,a Meta-analysis by Zlowodzki et al.showed that the incidence of nonunion for clavicle fractures with non-surgical treatment was approximately 5.9%.Most of the patients with clavicle fractures of significant shift(shift or shortening of more than 2cm)and comminuted bone fractures(multiple fractures with more than 3fragments)are currently recommend with surgery to lower the incidence of complications,but there are still some risks.Ricci et al.reported that the reoperation of mid-shaft clavicle fractures with previous open reduction and internal fixation was caused by nonunion,deep infection and malunion,the complications that had an incidence rate much lower than that of the complications caused by conservative treatments.Nowadays,there is still a lack of clinical guidelines for the standardized treatment of clavicle fractures.In this study,we conducted a retrospective analysis on 17cases of clavicle fractures with postsurgical complications to summarize causes of complications and to take relevant measures.Methods(1)General data.From January 1999to September 2016,17out of 465cases of treated clavicle fractures were found with complications.A retrospective study was conducted based on indicators including gender,age,affected side,causes of injury,occurring time of complications and related retreating measures ,major combined diseases,therapeutic measures,duration of hospitalization and discharge conditions.17patients(9males and 8females)were included in the group of this study,and the average age was(43.53±13.01)years(20-69years).10cases had the left side affected,and 7cases had the right side affected.Trauma was the cause of primary cause for all patients,including fall injury(13cases),injury by traffic accidents(2cases)and iatrogenic clavicle fractures(2cases).16patients

the surgical treatment,and 1patient was treated conservatively due to surgical contraindications.In addition,11cases occurred in daily activities without any obvious trauma cause;1case occurred with repeated fall injury;1case occurred during overloading of the affected limb;2cases had poor wound healing due to suspected infection;1case had exposure of internal fixator because of the long-term friction between internal fixator and subcutaneous tissue/skin.(2)16cases received further surgical treatments.The therapeutic measures included:3 cases of removal of internal fixator and reopening for reduction of internal fixation with autologous bone graft;4cases of removal of internal fixator and reopening for reduction of internal fixation without bone graft;4cases of opening for reduction of internal fixation with iliac crest bone graft;1 case of skin and soft tissue debridement after removal of internal fixator;1case of internal fixator removal;1case of skin and soft tissue debridement.Another patient did not receive the surgical treatment due to contraindications.(3)Postoperative management.The affected shoulder of all patients was immobilized with forearm sling postoperatively for 2weeks.The active and passive movements of shoulder were gradually restored 2weeks after the operation,and the pragmatic functional training was allowed 6to 8weeks later.One patient with conservative treatment had clavicle malunion.Thus,the active and passive activities of affected shoulder were no longer limited.The only request was to avoid weight-bearing of the affected upper limb.(4)Statistical analysis.All data were collected using Microsoft Excel 2016,and the software SPSS 20.0was used for data analysis and process.The measurement data were expressed as mean±standard deviation.Results The 17patients in this study accounted for 3.66%of the total patients with clavicle fractures,and the length of stay ranged from 3 to 36days.According to Craig classification:13cases were typeⅠfractures;3cases were typeⅡfractures;1case was typeⅢfractures.Most of the complications occurred 20days to 1year after the surgery,and only 1case of iatrogenic fractures occurred 26years postoperatively.5cases had medical complications,including 3cases with more than 3complications.9cases had fracture nonunion,including 4cases(No.1,3,6and 14)of plate fractures,2cases(No.5and 10)of internal fixator loosening and 3cases(No.2,7and 8)of simple fracture nonunion;3cases(NO.13,16and 17)had clavicle fractures at the original position after plate removal;2cases(No.12and 15)had poor wound healing;1case(No.11)had exposure of internal fixator;1cases(NO.19)had fresh clavicle fractures due to trauma of the operated side;another one(No.4)with conservative treatments had fracture malunion due to surgical contraindication.Out of the 16patients who underwent reoperation,7 patients were performed with autologous iliac bone grafting.Conclusions The causes of complications of clavicular fractures varies,which usually relate to impropriate selection of internal fixators or intraoperative operation.Therefore,proper type and length of internal fixators should be chosen according to the fracture classification.Also,excessive remodeling of plates should be avoided as well.Blood supply of the fracture ends should be protected,and strict aseptic operative regulations should be followed during the surgery.The affected shoulder should be protected for immobilization,and functional rehabilitations should be guided scientifically after operation.With these beneficial measures,the postoperative complication rate can be lowered.

Clavicle fractures;Complications;Conservative treatment;Surgical treatment





100044 北京大学人民医院创伤骨科


张晓萌,陈建海,王艳华,等.锁骨骨折患者并发症的原因分析与对策 [J/CD].中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2017,5(1):22-28.


双针双导管经皮骨成形术治疗髂骨翼病变1 例
女性慢性腰痛 谨防致密性髂骨炎