表1 36例患者的一般资料
图1 骨间膜完整(T1WI图像,为轴位扫描第17层),尺桡骨间连续不间断低信号带,周围不伴有水肿或出血高信号表现(如箭头所指)
图2 骨间膜完整(T2脂肪抑制图像,为轴位扫描第20层),尺桡骨间连续不间断低信号带,周围不伴有水肿或出血高信号表现(如箭头所指)
结 果
图3 骨间膜损伤(患儿轴位扫描第13层),尺桡骨间低信号带连续性尚存,但迂曲且周围伴有水肿、出血高信号(如箭头所指)
图4 骨间膜损伤(患儿轴位扫描第14层),尺桡骨间低信号带连续性尚存,但迂曲且周围伴有水肿、出血高信号(如箭头所指)
图5 骨间膜断裂(患儿轴位扫描第17层),尺桡骨间连续性低信号带被高信号截断,连续性中断,骨间膜弹性回缩(如箭头所指)
讨 论
图6 骨间膜断裂(患儿轴位扫描第18层),尺桡骨间连续性低信号带被高信号截断,连续性中断,骨间膜弹性回缩(如箭头所指)
图7 患儿伤后X线正位片,右孟氏骨折(BadoⅠ型)
图8 患儿伤后X线侧位片,右孟氏骨折(BadoⅠ型)
前臂骨间膜损伤常伴随前臂骨折而出现,以往对前臂骨间膜的解剖和生物力学功能,损伤后的诊断和治疗认识不足,后期患者多出现腕关节疼痛、前臂旋转受限及肘关节活动障碍等并发症。近年来随着对前臂骨间膜生理、病理解剖研究的深入,超声、MRI技术的应用,提高了对骨间膜的认识。目前评估和诊断前臂骨间膜损伤的方法主要有桡骨拉伸试验[9],超声检查以及MRI检查。相较于桡骨拉伸试验局限于术中,超声检查受困于医师的经验,MRI技术是观察骨间膜结构最有效的非创伤性方法,对骨间膜损伤的阳性预测值为100%,阴性预测值为89%,敏 感 性 为 87.5%,特 异 性 为 100%[10]。Rodriguez-Martin等[11]研究发现轴向 T1和 T2加权图像能够清晰显示健康志愿者的前臂骨间膜,脂肪抑制技术更清楚地确定水肿和出血区域。骨间膜由于其线性附着和平面结构,矢状位、冠状位无法显示骨间膜结构,轴位可以较好显示。骨间膜轴位MRI图像以桡骨头环状软骨面为起点,距离环状软骨面以远30~45mm开始显示,骨间膜很薄且周围有肌间脂肪、血管信号的干扰,因此一般脂肪抑制图像能够更好的显示骨间膜结构和病理改变,但要注意肌肉软组织损伤信号改变给骨间膜损伤信号改变带来的干扰。通过研究前臂骨间膜病理改变有两种形式:损伤和断裂。损伤为骨间膜部分纤维断裂,但仍具有连续性断裂为低信号线状影被高信号影截断,连续性中断。孟氏骨折一般均伴有骨间膜损伤,但不都伴有断裂,有时损伤和断裂并存。与本研究结果是一致的,32例患儿均伴有前臂骨间膜损伤,其中25例损伤且伴有断裂,7例骨间膜损伤但无断裂(BadoⅠ型1例,BadoⅢ型6例)。病理改变距离(损伤未断裂+断裂)12~80mm,平均(46.03±18.78)mm;损伤未断裂距离12~56mm,平均(33.09±11.60)mm,断裂距离4~35mm,平均(13.25±9.96)mm。
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Study on MRI diagnosis of interosseous membrane damage range of Monteggia fractures
Lian Hongkai1,Xie Panpan1,Ma Changsheng2,Zhu Zhi1,Xiao Xinguang1,Xia Yuli2,Zhang Jingyi3,Zhang Meng4.1Department of Orthopedics,Zhengzhou Central Hospital Affliated to Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450007,China;2Department of Pediatric Orthopaedic,Shenzheng Pingle Orthopedics Hospital,Shenzheng 518010,China;3Department of Orthopedics,Zhengzhou Orthopedics Hospital,Zhengzhou 450052,China;4Department of Orthopedics,the Medical Group of Zhengzhou First People′s Hospital,Zhengzhou 450004,China
Xie Panpan,
BackgroundMonteggia fracture is a special type of fractures,namely,the ulnar fracture or the radial and ulnar fractures associated with radial head dislocation,and the treatment is extremely challenging in the clinical practice.As a whole functional unit,the complex movement of forearm is maintained by radius and ulna,proximal and distal radioulnar joints,muscles,tendons and interosseous membrane(IOM).Therapeutically,the anatomic characteristics of forearm were valued and the individual treatment of was emphasized.The treatment options were based on the fracture classification and the soft tissue damage degree.IOM damage is often combined in forearm or elbow joint injuries,which can affect the vertical and transverse instability to some extent.Therefore,theresearch of IOM damage provides new ideas for the diagnosis and treatment of forearm injuries.Formerly,with few reported literatures we did not attach importance to the damage and lack the recognition.To study the anatomy of forearm IOM and its damage after Monteggia fracture,36 children of Monteggia fractures were hospitalized to undergo the MRI examinations according to the inclusive and exclusive criteria,observe the pathologic changes and explore the MRI appearance and damage degrees.Methods(1)General information:This study was made up of 36children,including 23males and 13females.The ages ranged from 3to 11years with 6.9years on average.12cases were left side and 24cases were right side.1case was combined with ipsilateral distal radial epiphyseal fracture,6cases were combined with radial nerve injuries and 1case was combined with ulnar nerve injuries.17cases were type BadoⅠ,1case was type BadoⅡ,18cases were type BadoⅢand no cases were type BadoⅣ.All the children had fresh closed injuries within one week and the time from injury to hospitalization ranged from 1to 168hours with 23.6hours on average.(2)Inclusive and exclusive criteria.Inclusive criteria:①Children who fitted for the diagnostic criteria of Monteggia fracture;②Age <14years;③Time after injury <3weeks;④First-visit outpatients without receiving treatment in other hospitals.Exclusive criteria:①Open fracture;②Patients who had forearm osteofascial compartment syndrome and needed emergency surgery;③Contraindications of MRI examination;④Children combined with cardiovascular,cerebrovascular, hepatic,renal or hematopoietic system primary diseases or psychotic patients.(3)MRI equipment and examination method.After communication with the children′s family members,the informed consents were signed to permit the conduction of preoperative MRI examinations.The superconduct magnetic resonance imaging system of 1.5Twas applied with soft coil on the surface of elbow joint.The children were in supine position with upper extremities extension and forearms supination.The axial scans were applied to obtain the images of T1WI,T2WI and T2WI/SPIR.The slice thickness of scanning was 3-5mm with 1mm of interlayer spacing,and the scanning range was forearm of full length from elbow to wrist.(4)Observed indicators.According to the MRI axial images of normal IOM and IOM of different damage degrees,the definitions were as follows:①IOM integrity:The homogeneous and continuous hypointense bands connected radius and ulna without;②IOM damage:The continuous hypointense bands between radius and ulna still exited but had high signals of edema and hemorrhage;③IOM rupture:The hypointense bands were ruptured by high signals of edema or hemorrhage with tissue integrity loss.According to the evaluation standards of IOM damage degree,the range of non-ruptured and ruptured IOM (axial layers of IOM pathological changes).The image analysis was conducted by two radiologists of intermediate grade or above,and the controversial focuses were negotiated and settled cooperatively between them.ResultsFour patients could not cooperate with MRI examinations and thus failed to get the MRI images,including 1case of type BadoⅠ,3cases of type BadoⅢ,and the imaging data of 32cases were obtained in total.The IOM could be distinguished in the axil images instead of sagittal or coronal images.In the images of normal IOM,the continuous linear hypointense signals between radius and ulna started 30-45mm distal to cricoidcartilage surface without hyperintense signals hemorrhage or edema around.The lipoma signal interference was eliminated by STIR for clearer display.Healthy people were taken as control and conducted forearm MRI to observe the normal MRI axial images of IOM (scanning position:upper extremity extension with forearm supination;5mm of scanning slice thickness and 25scanning layers).32children were combined with forearm IOM damage and the manifestations were presented as circuitous but continuous linear hypointense signals between radius and ulna with hyperintense signals of hemorrhage and edema around.This was partial IOM fiber laceration instead of rupture with remaining integrity,which resulted from external force loads.The damage distance was 12-56mm with (33.09±11.60)mm on average.25children were combined with IOM ruptures and the manifestations were presented as hypointense signals interception by hyperintense signals between radius and ulna,continuity interruption and IOM elastic retraction.The rupture distance was 4-35mm with (13.25±9.96)mm on average.7cases had damaged but not ruptured IOM (1case of type BadoⅠand 6cases of type BadoⅢ).The distance of pathologic change(damage and rupture)was 12-80mm with(46.03±18.78)mm on average.The strength produced by the separation of proximal radioulnar joint and the change of force lines was larger than the mechanical strength of IOM,which led to damages or ruptures.Conclusions The forearm IOM injuries are combined in all the Monteggia fractures.MRI are applied to well observe the structures of IOM,reveal hemorrhage and edema caused by the injury and determine whether the type of pathological changes is damage or rupture,which is a very effective noninvasive method in the treatment of IOM injuries.To clarify diagnosis and damage degree is to better understand the mechanism of forearm injury and provide theoretical basis for treatment and prognosis.However,the role of different injuries and damage degrees in the treatment options of IOM requires further research.
Monteggia fracture;Magnetic resonance imaging;Interosseous membrane of forearm;Injury;Upper ulnar joint
450007 郑州大学附属郑州中心医院骨科1;518010 深圳平乐骨伤科医院小儿骨科2;450052 郑州市骨科医院骨病科3;450004 郑州市第一人民医院骨科4
连鸿凯,谢攀攀,马长生,等.MRI诊断孟氏骨折骨间膜损伤范围的研究 [J/CD].中华肩肘外科电子杂志,2017,5(1):15-21.