

天津医药 2016年2期




摘要:目的分析不同年龄保乳治疗的乳腺癌患者临床病理特征及预后。方法回顾性分析1997年10月—2010年5月天津医科大学肿瘤医院收治的827例行保乳治疗的乳腺癌患者的临床资料,根据诊断乳腺癌时年龄不同分3组,比较3组患者临床病理特征及生存情况。结果827例患者中,≤35岁组129例、36~54岁组530例、≥55岁组168例。≤35岁组患者中淋巴结转移数≥4的患者比例较大,且激素受体阴性率也较高。≤35岁组、36~54岁组、≥55岁组5年无局部复发生存率分别为86.0%、93.6%、94.0%(P < 0.01),5年无远处转移生存率分别为88.4%、91.3%、94.6%(P > 0.05),5年总生存率分别为91.5%、94.3%、95.2%(P > 0.05)。多因素分析显示,年龄≤35岁组的患者5年局部复发风险较36~54岁组及≥55岁组患者显著增高,5年远处转移风险高于≥55岁组的患者(P < 0.05),但5年死亡风险并未增加(P > 0.05)。结论≤35岁乳腺癌患者保乳术后5年局部复发及远处转移风险较高,5年死亡风险并未增加,仍可接受保乳治疗。




1 资料与方法




1.4统计学方法采用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计学分析。运用χ2检验比较不同年龄组之间临床病理学特征差异,采用Kaplan-Meier法进行生存分析,Log-rank法进行组间对比,采用Cox比例风险回归模型进行多因素分析。P < 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1临床病理学特征≤35岁组未绝经为100.0%,均高于其他2组;淋巴结转移数≥4占8.5%,高于≥55岁组;雌激素受体阴性患者占45.7%,高于≥55岁组的患者;孕激素受体阴性率48.8%,高于36~54岁组;完成新辅助化疗的患者占10.9%,均高于另外2组;完成术后化疗的患者为100.0%,高于≥55岁组;未行内分泌治疗的患者占45.7%,均高于其他2组(均P < 0.016 7)。癌症家族史、肿瘤大小、病理类型、组织学分级、人表皮生长因子受体2(HER2)及放疗方面差异无统计学意义,见表1。

Tab. 1 Comparison of clinicopathological characteristics in patients with breast-conserving treatment between different age groups表1 不同年龄组保乳治疗的乳腺癌患者临床病理特征比较 例

2.2不同年龄组患者预后分析全体患者中位随访时间为84个月(18~209个月),5年局部复发率为7.5%,远处转移率为8.5%,死亡率为5.9%。Ka⁃plan-Meier生存分析显示:≤35岁组、36~54岁组、≥55岁组乳腺癌患者5年无局部复发生存率分别为86.0%、93.6%、94.0%(P < 0.01);5年无远处转移生存率为88.4%、91.3%、94.6%(P > 0.05);5年总生存率为91.5%、94.3%、95.2%(P > 0.05),见表2。不同年龄保乳治疗的乳腺癌患者5年无局部复发、5年无远处转移及5年总生存曲线分别见图1~3。

2.3单因素分析单因素分析结果显示,未接受化疗或放疗、组织学分级较高的乳腺癌患者5年局部复发率较高;未接受化疗或放疗的乳腺癌患者5年远处转移率较高;未化疗的患者死亡率较高(P< 0.05),见表2。

Tab. 2 Comparison of 5-year local regional relapse-free survival, distant metastasis-free survival and overall survival in patients with breast-conserving treatment according to different clinicopathological characteristics between different age groups表2 不同临床病理特征下保乳治疗患者5年无局部复发生存率、无远处转移生存率及总生存率比较 例

Fig.1 Survival curves of 5-year local regional relapse-free survival for patients with breastconserving treatment in different age groups图1 不同年龄组保乳治疗的患者5年无局部复发生存曲线

Fig. 2 Survival curves of 5-year distant metastasis-free survival for patients with breastconserving treatment in different age groups图2 不同年龄组保乳治疗的患者5年无远处转移生存曲线

Fig. 3 Survival curves of 5-year overall survival for patients with breast-conserving treatment in different age groups图3 不同年龄组保乳治疗的患者5年总生存曲线

2.4多因素分析将单因素分析中P< 0.1的因素纳入Cox比例风险模型进行多因素分析。结果提示:≤35岁组乳腺癌患者保乳术后5年局部复发风险与36~54岁组相比显著增加(HR=2.266,P= 0.006),与≥55岁组相比也显著升高(HR=3.075,P= 0.011)。其5年远处转移风险与≥55岁组相比明显升高(HR=3.067,P= 0.014)。年龄与保乳治疗患者5年死亡风险无关(P > 0.05)。组织学分级是保乳治疗患者的独立预后因素,化疗及放疗均降低保乳治疗患者5年局部复发及远处转移风险,而化疗可降低其5年死亡风险,见表3。

Tab. 3 Multivariate analysis of 5-year local regional relapse, distant metastasis and mortality risk of patients with breastconserving treatment表3 保乳治疗的乳腺癌患者5年局部复发、远处转移及死亡风险的多因素分析

3 讨论

3.1保乳治疗的年轻乳腺癌患者临床病理特征及预后本研究827例行保乳治疗的患者中,年龄≤35岁的患者中淋巴结转移数≥4的患者所占比例较大,且激素受体阴性的患者比例也较大。研究报道,年轻乳腺癌患者肿瘤侵袭性较强且诊断乳腺癌时倾向于晚期[7]。此外,其淋巴结阳性率较高,激素受体多为阴性,组织学级别也较高,淋巴管及血管浸润也比较普遍[8-9]。尽管对年轻乳腺癌的定义不完全相同,但这些研究结果与本研究基本一致。本研究中,年龄≤35岁的患者行新辅助化疗及术后化疗的比例较高,但其5年无局部复发生存率(86.0%)低于36~54岁(93.6%)及≥55岁(94%)的患者(P < 0.01)。此外,多因素分析结果显示,年龄≤35岁的患者5年局部复发风险显著高于36~54岁及≥55岁的患者,其5年远处转移风险高于≥55岁患者,说明年龄≤35岁是导致保乳治疗的乳腺癌患者预后不良的独立危险因素。其主要原因可能是年轻乳腺癌患者乳腺富含更多的胰岛素样生长因子(IGF)-1,其水平升高被认为是绝经前女性患乳腺癌的独立危险因素[10]。另外,年轻乳腺癌患者较高的局部复发率可能与其肿瘤组织克隆性微病变也有关[11]。




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Analysis of clinicopathological features and prognosis in different-age patients with breast cancer treated with breast-conserving therapy

MU Lan,XIAO Meng,LIU Weise,LIU Miao,WANG Xin△
The First Department of Breast Cancer, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital, National Clinical Research Center for Cancer, Key Laboratory of Cancer Prevention and Therapy, Tianjin Medical University, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Breast Cancer Prevention and Therapy, Tianjin 300060, China
△Corresponding Author E-mail:

Abstract:Objective To analyze the clinicopathological features and prognosis in patients with breast cancer treated with breast-conserving therapy according to the age when breast cancer diagnosed. Methods Clinical data of 827 patients with breast-conserving therapy in Tianjin Medical University Cancer Institute and Hospital from October 1997 to May 2010 were analyzed retrospectively. According to age when breast cancer was diagnosed, patients were subdivided into three groups. Clinicopathological characteristics and survival were compared between three groups. Results Of the 827 patients, 129 cases were≤35 years old, 530 cases were 36-54 years old and 168 cases were aged≥55 years. The proportion of lymph node metastasis number≥4 and the negative rate of hormone receptors were higher in patients with age≤35 years old. The 5-year local regional recurrence-free survival rates were 86.0%, 93.6%, and 94.0% for patients aged≤35 years old, 36-54 years old, and≥55 years old, respectively (P < 0.01). The 5-year distant metastasis-free survival rates were 88.4%, 91.3%, and 94.6% for patients with age≤35 years old, 36-54 years old, and≥55 years old, respectively (P > 0.05). The 5-year over⁃all survival rates were 91.5%, 94.3%, and 95.2% for patients aged≤35 years old, 36-54 years old, and≥55 years old, respec⁃tively (P > 0.05). Multivariate analysis showed that 5-year local regional relapse risks were significantly increased in patients aged≤35 years compared to patients aged 36-54 years and≥55 years (P < 0.05), and the 5-year distant metastasis risk was higher in this group than that of patients aged≥55 years (P = 0.014), while 5-year mortality risk was not increased in patients with age≤35 years old (P > 0.05). ConclusionAfter breast-conserving therapy, the risk of 5-year local regional recurrence and distant metastasis are relatively higher in patients aged≤35 years old, while the risk of mortality within 5 years does not increase in this group. Patients with age≤35 years old remain appropriate candidates for breast-conserving treatment.

Key words:breast neoplasms;age groups;neoplasm recurrence, local;neoplasm metastasis;death;breast-conserving therapy






