

山东医药 2015年28期




摘要:目的探讨槲皮素对急性痛风性关节炎( AGA)大鼠的治疗作用及其对肝功能的影响。方法将50只大鼠随机分为A~E组,每组10只。A、B组均以蒸馏水灌胃,C~E组分别予100、200、400 mg/kg的槲皮素灌胃,1次/d,连续7 d;第5天给药1 h后B~E组采用微晶尿酸钠和次黄嘌呤法建立AGA模型。造模前及造模后2、6、12、24、48 h测算大鼠右后肢小腿踝关节肿胀率;造模后8、48 h检测血清尿酸水平;造模后48 h检测血清ALT、AST、TBIL、DBIL,计算肝脏指数,HE染色观察肝脏组织病理变化。结果B~E组各时间点大鼠踝关节肿胀率均较A组升高( P均<0.01),C~E组较B组肿胀率下降( P均<0.01) ; C~E组两两比较,P均>0.05。B~E组造模后8 h血清尿酸水平均较A组升高( P均<0.01),造模后48 h血尿酸与A组比较差异均无统计学意义; B~E组血清UA水平两两比较,P均>0.05。各组血清ALT、AST、TBIL、DBIL及肝脏指数两两比较,P均>0.05。各组均未发现明显组织病理形态学改变。结论槲皮素可减轻AGA大鼠的关节肿胀,但不降低血尿酸水平,对肝功能无明显影响。


Therapeutic effect of quercetin for acute gouty arthritis in rats and its influence on liver function

HUANG Jing-qun,LIU Jiu-hong,LI Wei-zhong,CHANG Yu-mei,WANG Chen-yang,LIU Hai-yan
( No.252 Hospital of PLA,Baoding 071000,China)

Abstract:Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of quercetin for acute gouty arthritis ( AGA) in rats and its influence on liver function.Methods Fifty rats were randomly divided into groups A-E,and 10 in each group.Rats in the group A and group B were administered with distilled water,and rats in the groups C,D and E were administered with 100,200 and 400 mg/kg quercetin,respectively.All rats were administered by oral gavage once a day for seven consecutive days throughout the experiment.On the fifth day,we established AGA models in the groups B-E after administration of 1 h.The rat right hind ankle swelling rate was measured at 0,2,6,12,24 and 48 h,the serum blood uric acid ( UA) was detected at 8 h and 48 h after modeling,the serum ALT,AST,TBIL and DBIL was detected at 48 h after modeling.The liver indexes were calculated and the liver histopathological changes were observed with HE staining.Results The ankle swelling rates of B-E groups at all time points were increased as compared with that in the group A ( all P<0.01),but the swelling rates of groups C-E were decreased as compared with that of group B ( all P<0.01),and no significant difference was found in the swelling rate among groups C-E ( all P>0.05).The serum UA levels of groups B-E after modeling 8 h were elevated as compared with that of the group A ( all P<0.01),and there was no significant differences between group A and groups B-E after modeling 48 h ( P>0.05) ; meanwhile,the serum UA was not significantly different between groups B-E ( all P>0.05).No significant differences were found in the serum ALT,AST,TBIL,DBIL and liver indexes between each two groups ( all P>0.05).Furthermore,no significant pathological changes were found in each group.Conclusion Quercetin can reduce the joint swelling in AGA rats,but do not decrease the level of serum UA and has no significant effect on liver function.

Key words:gouty arthritis; hyperuricemia; quercetin; joint swelling; liver function; rats

急性痛风性关节炎( AGA)是由于血液尿酸( UA)水平增高,尿酸盐结晶( MSU)沉积在关节囊、滑膜、软骨等关节组织,受累关节出现红、肿、热、痛,导致关节畸形及功能障碍[1~3]。其治疗既需降低血


1 材料与方法

1.1材料雄性SD大鼠50只,体质量( 200±20) g,清洁级,购自军事医学科学院实验动物中心。槲皮素(上海将来实业有限公司,用蒸馏水分别制成10、20、40 mg/mL的混悬液),微晶尿酸钠、次黄嘌呤( Sigma公司)。UA、ALT检测试剂盒[柏定生物工程(北京)有限公司],AST、TBIL、DBIL检测试剂盒(四川迈克生物科技股份有限公司)。FA1104型电子天平(上海精科天平有限公司),日立7600-020全自动生化分析仪(日立公司)。

1.2动物分组与处理将50只大鼠适应性喂养1周后,随机分为A~E组,每组10只。A、B组均以蒸馏水灌胃,C~E组分别予100、200、400 mg/kg的槲皮素灌胃,1次/d,连续7 d。第5天给药1 h后B ~E组采用微晶尿酸钠和次黄嘌呤法[9,10]建立AGA模型; A组腹腔注射生理盐水1 mL/100 g、右后肢小腿踝关节注射生理盐水0.1 mL。

1.3踝关节肿胀率测算造模前和造模后2、6、12、24、48 h用缚线法测取大鼠右后肢踝关节同一部位周径,计算肿胀率。肿胀率= (致炎后踝关节周径-致炎前踝关节周径)/致炎前踝关节周径×100%。

1.4血清UA、ALT、AST、TBIL、DBIL检测造模后8 h用玻璃毛细管从大鼠眼底静脉丛取血1.5 mL,7600-020全自动生化分析仪测定血清UA。第7天给药后1 h大鼠乙醚麻醉,腹主静脉取血5.0 mL,用7600-020全自动生化分析仪测定血清UA、ALT、AST、TBIL、DBIL。




2 结果



表1 各组造模后踝关节肿胀率比较( n =10,%,±s)

表1 各组造模后踝关节肿胀率比较( n =10,%,±s)


组别踝关节肿胀率2 h 6 h 12 h 24 h 48 h A组 4.32±0.74 4.23±0.67 2.38±0.55 1.18±0.28 1.06±0.21 B组 16.11±3.57* 16.61±3.38* 17.28±3.10* 19.76±3.05* 12.29±2.55*C组 11.38±3.51* # 12.43±2.94* # 12.71±2.86* # 12.33±2.76* # 9.17±1.64* #D组 11.07±3.17* # 10.87±2.57* # 11.60±2.25* # 11.48±1.76* # 8.28±1.32* #E组 12.21±2.85* # 11.81±2.17* # 11.26±1.92* # 10.49±1.93* # 5.94±0.74*#

表2 各组造模后血清UA水平比较( n =10,μmol/L,±s)

表2 各组造模后血清UA水平比较( n =10,μmol/L,±s)

注:与A组同时间点比较,*P<0.01;与同组造模后8 h比较,#P<0.01。

组别  血清UA 8 h 48 h A组184.40±46.66 144.50±19.54 B组 349.90±49.72* 150.40±40.09#C组 322.50±53.47* 135.50±22.87#D组 325.20±44.38* 148.50±42.77#E组 322.80±37.54* 150.80±29.33#


2.4各组肝脏指数比较A~E组肝脏指数分别为0.038 3±0.002 5、0.039 8±0.003 2、0.040 4± 0.002 4、0.039 7±0.002 5、0.039 0±0.003 2,各组间两两比较,P均>0.05。

表3 各组造模后血清ALT、AST、TBIL、DBIL水平比较( n =10,±s)

表3 各组造模后血清ALT、AST、TBIL、DBIL水平比较( n =10,±s)


组别 ALT( U/L)  AST( U/L) TBIL(μmol/L) DBIL(μmol/L) A组 50.60±10.33 165.60±33.36  1.13±0.36  0.80±0.26 B组 52.70±8.35 172.30±26.20  1.09±0.18  0.78±0.14 C组 47.70±6.93 156.70±27.25  1.07±0.17  0.77±0.12 D组 52.70±7.21 155.20±27.33  1.05±0.17  0.75±0.12 E组 44.20±6.88 155.10±25.37  1.02±0.20  0.74±0.15


3 讨论


度,表明槲皮素能显著减轻关节炎症反应。各组造模8 h后血清UA水平均较A组明显升高,但各组间比较无统计学差异,48 h后血清UA水平降至正常范围。这表明应用该模型观察大鼠血清UA水平时,选择造模后8 h测定比较合适,且槲皮素无降低血清UA水平作用,与文献报道一致[9,12,13]。




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收稿日期:( 2015-02-09)

基金项目:中国博士后科学基金项目( 2012M512105)。

文章编号:1002-266X( 2015) 28-0027-03




