安 博
(1.渭南师范学院物理与电气工程学院物理系,渭南 714099; 2.陕西省X射线检测与应用研究开发中心, 渭南 714099)
安 博1, 2
(1.渭南师范学院物理与电气工程学院物理系,渭南 714099; 2.陕西省X射线检测与应用研究开发中心, 渭南 714099)
Eckart势; 完全量子化规则; Greene-Aldrich近似
1 引 言
2 完全量子化规则
3 Eckart势的l波解析解
图1 具有不同角动量量子数的能量本征值和λ之间的关系(σ=0.025,η=0.00005)(a) 基态(n=0)(b) 第一激发态(n=1)Fig. 1 The variations of energy eigenvalue for various values of l as a function of the λ (σ=0.025,η=0.00005)(a) ground state(n=0)(b) first excited state(n=1)
图2 具有不同角动量量子数的能量本征值和势阱深度η之间的关系(σ=η=0.025)(a) 基态(n=0)(b) 第一激发态(n=1)Fig. 2 The variations of energy eigenvalue for various values of l as a function of the η (σ=0.025,η=0.00005)(a) ground state(n=0)(b) first excited state(n=1)
图3 能量本征值与n和l之间的关系Fig. 3 Relations of n and l with energy eigenvalue
4 结 论
本文采用完全量子化规则和Greene-Aldrich近似法研究了具有离心项的Eckart势的Schrödinger方程,得到其任意l波解析解.讨论了势能范围参数和势阱深度对Eckart势基态和激发态能谱的影响,结果表明:(1) 随l增大,能量被束缚的范围变小,引力势程减小;(2) 随势阱深度增加,能量先增后减;(3)n和l增大引起能量本征值增大.
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Analytical solution to the arbitraryl-wave bound state
of the Schrödinger equation for the Eckart potential
AN Bo1, 2
(1.Department of Physics, Weinan Normal University, Wei’nan 714099, China;2.Center of Ray Detection and Application of Shanxi, Wei’nan 714099, China)
The Schrödinger equation including Eckart potential with centrifuge term was investigated using the proper quantization rule approach for any states. Setting the proper quantization rule and using Greene-Aldrich approximation, the energy spectra of Eckart potential can be determined from its ground state energy only. Finally, we discussed (1) the influences of the range of potentialηand the depth of potentialλon, respectively, the ground and first excited states for variousl, and (2) the relations of radial quantum numbernand angular quantum numberlwith energy eigenvalue.
Eckart potential; Proper quantization rule; Greene-Aldrich approximation
安博(1981—), 男,陕西省渭南市人,硕士,讲师,从事量子多体理论研究.E-mail: mranbo@126.com