

中国医学创新 2014年3期


【摘要】 目的:通过研究乳腺原发性弥漫性大B细胞性淋巴瘤(DLBCL)的临床病理特征及免疫表型,探讨乳腺DLBCL的诊疗及预后。方法:按2008年WHO淋巴瘤分类标准,收集31例乳腺原发性DLBCL,分析其临床病理特征、免疫分型并进行诊疗随访。结果:按Ann Arbor分期标准,Ⅰ期15例,Ⅱ期14例,Ⅲ期1例,Ⅳ期1例。镜下多呈现肿瘤性淋巴细胞弥漫浸润分布,呈“哨兵样”排列,残存乳腺结构。可行免疫分型的病例均为非生发中心B细胞(GCB)型。31例患者中29例患者有完整的随访资料,随访时间5年,其中16例存活,13例死亡,生存时间5~41个月。结论:乳腺原发性DLBLC免疫表型多为非GCB型,免疫组化标记有助于确诊,治疗以手术联合化疗、放疗等为宜。

【关键词】 乳腺恶性肿瘤; 大B细胞淋巴瘤; 临床病理

乳腺原发性恶性淋巴瘤(primary malignant lymphoma of the breast,PBL)是一种较为少见的乳腺恶性肿瘤,在乳腺恶性肿瘤中约占3%~5%[1],在淋巴结外恶性肿瘤的中约占2.0%~2.4%[2]。据研究发现,目前绝大多数PBL都属于DLBCL[3-4]。本文收集了31例乳腺原发DLBCL的临床资料,对其临床特点、组织病理特征及影响预后的因素进行了分析,现报告如下。

1 资料与方法

1.1 一般资料 收集2005年1月-2008年1月本院乳腺原发性弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤患者31例,均为女性,年龄30~78岁,平均(58.24±4.65)岁。其中左乳14例,右乳15例,双乳2例。按Ann Arbor分期标准,Ⅰ期15例,Ⅱ期14例,Ⅲ期1例,Ⅳ期1例。患者均以乳房无痛性肿块为首发症状,术前临床诊断多为乳腺癌。所有患者均行手术治疗,部分予术后辅助化疗和/或放疗。乳腺原发性淋巴瘤按Wiseman和Liaor的诊断标准:(1)病理证实淋巴瘤浸润致乳腺病变;(2)影像学检查无远处器官转移;(3)身体其他器官或组织无淋巴瘤病史;所有患者均进行体格检查、乳腺钼靶摄片、CT检查以及骨髓穿刺等,按Ann Arbor分期标准进行临床分期。自病理确诊之日起进行电话追踪、问卷调查,随访截止日期2013年3月31日。

1.2 组织病理切片染色方法 (1)标本:新鲜组织标本采用福尔马林溶液固定,石蜡包埋,切片机进行4 μm薄层切片,常规HE染色。(2)组织学分型:按2008年WHO淋巴瘤分类标准,对每例进行详细的病理形态学观察并分型。(3)免疫组织化学染色:每例均予以CD20、CD79a、CD3、CD45RO、CD10、Bcl6、MUM1、Ki-67、CK 和EMA等免疫组织化学染色。染色步骤如下:切片用二甲苯进行常规脱蜡,梯度酒精和蒸馏水水化。0.5%H2O2封闭内源性过氧化酶10 min,自来水冲洗接着用蒸馏水冲洗,0.01 mol/L、pH=6.0的柠檬酸缓冲液进行高温修复抗原2 min(Ki-67等染色采用1 mmol/L、pH9.0的EDTA修复液),冷水降温后自然冷却,PBS冲洗。滴加阻断过氧化物酶(RE7102)抑制内源性过氧化物酶5 min,PBS冲洗3次×5 min,滴加二抗(NovolinkTM聚合物)孵育切片30 min,PBS洗3次×5 min,二氨基联苯胺(DAB)显色5 min,自来水洗,蒸馏水洗,苏木精复染2 min或不复染,自来水洗。脱水,透明,封片。以PBS代替一抗作空白对照,以已确诊的淋巴瘤切片和正常淋巴结切片作阳性对照。评价阳性结果采用半定量方法[4],每一种免疫标记的阳性细胞数>25%为阳性(+),阳性细胞数≤25%为阴性(-)。阳性结果即肿瘤细胞核出现清晰棕黄色颗粒,在高倍镜(×400)下选取10个具有代表性的视野,计算增殖指数=(阳性细胞数/瘤细胞总数)×100%。按Hans等[5]提出的免疫分型标准则将DLBCL分为GCB和非GCB两型。①GCB型:CD10+/Bcl6+/-/MUM1+/-,CD10-/Bcl6+/-/MUM1-;②非-GCB型:CD10-/Bcl6+/-/MUM1+。

1.3 统计学处理 采用SPSS 13.0统计学软件对数据进行处理,计量资料以(x±s)表示,比较采用t检验,计数资料比较采用 字2检验,以P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 原发DLBCL临床及预后资料 31例患者中,29例获完整的随访资料,随访时间5年,其中16例存活,13例患者死亡,见表1。

2.2 淋巴瘤病理特征 肿瘤主要由长短不一的梭形瘤细胞构成,以中-大细胞为主,呈结节状和弥漫性生长,部分区域见瘤细胞被胶原束分隔,使瘤细胞排列成束带状或结节状。肿瘤细胞核异型性明显,核膜较清楚,多数核染色质呈粗颗粒状,可有少数小核仁或单个大核仁,易见核分裂。瘤细胞侵蚀乳腺小叶及导管,致正常结构破坏,部分小叶残存,乳腺正常结构消失。少许瘤细胞浸润乳腺导管上皮形成淋巴上皮病损,或围绕残存导管和血管呈浸润性小叶癌样改变。偶见核呈肾形或马蹄铁形的大细胞;血管较丰富,见点状坏死,其间散在小淋巴细胞浸润。

2.3 原发性DLBCL的免疫组化结果 31例中有9例进行免疫组化分子表型检测,结果显示9例均为非GCB型,见表2。

3 讨论




原发乳腺弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤的标准治疗方案尚未确立,多主张以化疗联合放疗等进行综合治疗[11]。手术需获取满足病理诊断的组织标本,乳腺全切及腋窝淋巴结清扫术对患者预后有害无益应予避免[12-13],新近研究有患者尝试化疗加自体外周血干细胞移植,取得显著疗效,为新的研究方向。由于本病发病率低,随访时间短且半数失访,无法准确进行预后,需积累病例进一步研究。国外有关文献报道,原发性乳腺患者弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤患者5年存活率51%,10年存活率45%,预后略好于原发性中枢神经系统DLBCL,但差于甲状腺、韦氏环、胃肠道[14]。有价值的好的预后因素有:低IPI、低LDH、分期(IE期)、肿瘤大小(直径<4~5 cm)、腋窝淋巴结无转移、年龄(<65岁)、化疗、放疗,而IPI、分期、治疗选择、免疫分型预后价值更大,并且众多研究表明乳腺手术切除治疗无益于预后。


[1] Validire D,Capovilla M,Asselain B,et al.Primary breast non- Hodgkins lymphoma: a large single center study of initial characteristics,natural history,and prognostic factors[J].Am J Hematol,2009,84(3):133-139.

[2] Jeannenet-Sozzi W,Taghian A,Epelbaum R,et al.Primary breast lymphoma: patient profile outcome and prognostic factors. A multicentre rare cancer network study[J].BMC Cancer,2008,8(11):86.

[3] Jennings W C,Baker R S,Murray S S,et al.Primary breastlymphoma: the role of mastectomy and the importance of lymph node status[J].Ann Surg,2007,245(5):784-789.

[4] Yhim H Y,Kim J S,Kang H J,et al.Matched-pair analysis comparing the outcomes of primary breast and nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in patients treated with rituximab plus chemotherapy[J].Int J Cancer,2012,131(1):235-243.

[5] Hans C P,Weisenburger D D,Greiner T C,et al.Confirmation of the molecular classification of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma by immunohistochemistry using a tissue microarray[J].Blood,2004,103(1):275-282.

[6] Ryan G,Martinelli G,Kuper-Hommel M,et al.Primary diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma of the breast: prognostic factors and outcomes of a study by the international Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group[J].Ann Oncol,2008,19(2):233-241.

[7] Martin-Arruti M,Vaquero M,Diaz D E,et al.Bcl-2 and BLIMP-1 expression predict worse prognosis in gastric diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) while other markers for nodal DLBCL are not useful[J].Histopathology,2012,60(5):785-792.

[8] Earnest R E,Downey D M,Fox J P,et al.Recurrence of primary breast lymphoma in contralateral breast: case report and review of the literature[J].J Surg Educa, 2008,65(5):364-366.

[9] Talwalkar S S,Miranda R N,Valbuena J R,et al.Lymphomas involving the breast: a study of 106 cases comparing localized and disseminated neoplasms[J].Am J Surg Pathol,2008,32(9):1299-1309.

[10] Lin Y C,Tsai C H,Wu J S,et al.Clinicopathologic features and treatment outcome of non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the breast: a review of 42 primary and secondary cases in Taiwanese patients[J].Leuk Lymphoma,2009,50(6):918-924.

[11] Oya M,Hirahashi M,Ochi M,et al.Spontaneous regression ofprimary breast lymphoma[J].Miho Ochi Pathol Int,2009,59(9):664-669.

[12] Jeanneret-Sozzi W,Taghian A,Epelbaum R,et al.Primary breast lymphoma: Patient profile, outcome and prognostic factors. A multicentre Rare Cancer Network study[J].BMC Cancer,2008,8(86):1-7.

[13] Stasi R,Evangelista M L,Brunetti M,et al.Analysis of differential therapeutic strategies for primary breast lymphoma: two case reports[J].Med Oncol,2009,26(1):22-26.


(收稿日期:2013-07-12) (本文编辑:蔡元元)


原发乳腺弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤的标准治疗方案尚未确立,多主张以化疗联合放疗等进行综合治疗[11]。手术需获取满足病理诊断的组织标本,乳腺全切及腋窝淋巴结清扫术对患者预后有害无益应予避免[12-13],新近研究有患者尝试化疗加自体外周血干细胞移植,取得显著疗效,为新的研究方向。由于本病发病率低,随访时间短且半数失访,无法准确进行预后,需积累病例进一步研究。国外有关文献报道,原发性乳腺患者弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤患者5年存活率51%,10年存活率45%,预后略好于原发性中枢神经系统DLBCL,但差于甲状腺、韦氏环、胃肠道[14]。有价值的好的预后因素有:低IPI、低LDH、分期(IE期)、肿瘤大小(直径<4~5 cm)、腋窝淋巴结无转移、年龄(<65岁)、化疗、放疗,而IPI、分期、治疗选择、免疫分型预后价值更大,并且众多研究表明乳腺手术切除治疗无益于预后。


[1] Validire D,Capovilla M,Asselain B,et al.Primary breast non- Hodgkins lymphoma: a large single center study of initial characteristics,natural history,and prognostic factors[J].Am J Hematol,2009,84(3):133-139.

[2] Jeannenet-Sozzi W,Taghian A,Epelbaum R,et al.Primary breast lymphoma: patient profile outcome and prognostic factors. A multicentre rare cancer network study[J].BMC Cancer,2008,8(11):86.

[3] Jennings W C,Baker R S,Murray S S,et al.Primary breastlymphoma: the role of mastectomy and the importance of lymph node status[J].Ann Surg,2007,245(5):784-789.

[4] Yhim H Y,Kim J S,Kang H J,et al.Matched-pair analysis comparing the outcomes of primary breast and nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in patients treated with rituximab plus chemotherapy[J].Int J Cancer,2012,131(1):235-243.

[5] Hans C P,Weisenburger D D,Greiner T C,et al.Confirmation of the molecular classification of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma by immunohistochemistry using a tissue microarray[J].Blood,2004,103(1):275-282.

[6] Ryan G,Martinelli G,Kuper-Hommel M,et al.Primary diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma of the breast: prognostic factors and outcomes of a study by the international Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group[J].Ann Oncol,2008,19(2):233-241.

[7] Martin-Arruti M,Vaquero M,Diaz D E,et al.Bcl-2 and BLIMP-1 expression predict worse prognosis in gastric diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) while other markers for nodal DLBCL are not useful[J].Histopathology,2012,60(5):785-792.

[8] Earnest R E,Downey D M,Fox J P,et al.Recurrence of primary breast lymphoma in contralateral breast: case report and review of the literature[J].J Surg Educa, 2008,65(5):364-366.

[9] Talwalkar S S,Miranda R N,Valbuena J R,et al.Lymphomas involving the breast: a study of 106 cases comparing localized and disseminated neoplasms[J].Am J Surg Pathol,2008,32(9):1299-1309.

[10] Lin Y C,Tsai C H,Wu J S,et al.Clinicopathologic features and treatment outcome of non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the breast: a review of 42 primary and secondary cases in Taiwanese patients[J].Leuk Lymphoma,2009,50(6):918-924.

[11] Oya M,Hirahashi M,Ochi M,et al.Spontaneous regression ofprimary breast lymphoma[J].Miho Ochi Pathol Int,2009,59(9):664-669.

[12] Jeanneret-Sozzi W,Taghian A,Epelbaum R,et al.Primary breast lymphoma: Patient profile, outcome and prognostic factors. A multicentre Rare Cancer Network study[J].BMC Cancer,2008,8(86):1-7.

[13] Stasi R,Evangelista M L,Brunetti M,et al.Analysis of differential therapeutic strategies for primary breast lymphoma: two case reports[J].Med Oncol,2009,26(1):22-26.


(收稿日期:2013-07-12) (本文编辑:蔡元元)


原发乳腺弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤的标准治疗方案尚未确立,多主张以化疗联合放疗等进行综合治疗[11]。手术需获取满足病理诊断的组织标本,乳腺全切及腋窝淋巴结清扫术对患者预后有害无益应予避免[12-13],新近研究有患者尝试化疗加自体外周血干细胞移植,取得显著疗效,为新的研究方向。由于本病发病率低,随访时间短且半数失访,无法准确进行预后,需积累病例进一步研究。国外有关文献报道,原发性乳腺患者弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤患者5年存活率51%,10年存活率45%,预后略好于原发性中枢神经系统DLBCL,但差于甲状腺、韦氏环、胃肠道[14]。有价值的好的预后因素有:低IPI、低LDH、分期(IE期)、肿瘤大小(直径<4~5 cm)、腋窝淋巴结无转移、年龄(<65岁)、化疗、放疗,而IPI、分期、治疗选择、免疫分型预后价值更大,并且众多研究表明乳腺手术切除治疗无益于预后。


[1] Validire D,Capovilla M,Asselain B,et al.Primary breast non- Hodgkins lymphoma: a large single center study of initial characteristics,natural history,and prognostic factors[J].Am J Hematol,2009,84(3):133-139.

[2] Jeannenet-Sozzi W,Taghian A,Epelbaum R,et al.Primary breast lymphoma: patient profile outcome and prognostic factors. A multicentre rare cancer network study[J].BMC Cancer,2008,8(11):86.

[3] Jennings W C,Baker R S,Murray S S,et al.Primary breastlymphoma: the role of mastectomy and the importance of lymph node status[J].Ann Surg,2007,245(5):784-789.

[4] Yhim H Y,Kim J S,Kang H J,et al.Matched-pair analysis comparing the outcomes of primary breast and nodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma in patients treated with rituximab plus chemotherapy[J].Int J Cancer,2012,131(1):235-243.

[5] Hans C P,Weisenburger D D,Greiner T C,et al.Confirmation of the molecular classification of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma by immunohistochemistry using a tissue microarray[J].Blood,2004,103(1):275-282.

[6] Ryan G,Martinelli G,Kuper-Hommel M,et al.Primary diffuse Large B-cell lymphoma of the breast: prognostic factors and outcomes of a study by the international Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group[J].Ann Oncol,2008,19(2):233-241.

[7] Martin-Arruti M,Vaquero M,Diaz D E,et al.Bcl-2 and BLIMP-1 expression predict worse prognosis in gastric diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) while other markers for nodal DLBCL are not useful[J].Histopathology,2012,60(5):785-792.

[8] Earnest R E,Downey D M,Fox J P,et al.Recurrence of primary breast lymphoma in contralateral breast: case report and review of the literature[J].J Surg Educa, 2008,65(5):364-366.

[9] Talwalkar S S,Miranda R N,Valbuena J R,et al.Lymphomas involving the breast: a study of 106 cases comparing localized and disseminated neoplasms[J].Am J Surg Pathol,2008,32(9):1299-1309.

[10] Lin Y C,Tsai C H,Wu J S,et al.Clinicopathologic features and treatment outcome of non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the breast: a review of 42 primary and secondary cases in Taiwanese patients[J].Leuk Lymphoma,2009,50(6):918-924.

[11] Oya M,Hirahashi M,Ochi M,et al.Spontaneous regression ofprimary breast lymphoma[J].Miho Ochi Pathol Int,2009,59(9):664-669.

[12] Jeanneret-Sozzi W,Taghian A,Epelbaum R,et al.Primary breast lymphoma: Patient profile, outcome and prognostic factors. A multicentre Rare Cancer Network study[J].BMC Cancer,2008,8(86):1-7.

[13] Stasi R,Evangelista M L,Brunetti M,et al.Analysis of differential therapeutic strategies for primary breast lymphoma: two case reports[J].Med Oncol,2009,26(1):22-26.


(收稿日期:2013-07-12) (本文编辑:蔡元元)

