China Communications
China Communications
Foundation Study on Wireless Big Data: Concept, Mining,Learning and Practices
Intelligent Wireless Communications Enabled by Cognitive Radio and Machine Learning
Improving Expectation Propagation with Lattice Reduction for Massive MIMO Detection
3D Geometry-Based UAV-MIMO Channel Modeling and Simulation
Interference Coordination for FD-MIMO Cellular Network with D2D Communications Underlaying
Channel Modeling and Performance Analysis for UAV Relay Systems
HB-Protocol Based Advance Security System for PKES Using Multiple Antennas
Network-Connected UAV Communications: Potentials and Challenges
Illegal Radio Station Localization with UAV-Based Q-Learning
Mode Selection for CoMP Transmission with Nonideal Synchronization
A Novel 3D Non-Stationary UAV-MIMO Channel Model and Its Statistical Properties
Moving Personal-Cell Network: Characteristics and Performance Evaluation
Statistical Analysis of a Class of Secure Relay Assisted Cognitive Radio Networks
Cost-Aware Multi-Domain Virtual Data Center Embedding
Pedestrian Attributes Recognition in Surveillance Scenarios with Hierarchical Multi-Task CNN Models
Method of Modulation Recognition Based on Combination Algorithm of K-Means Clustering and Grading Training SVM