我国古代哲学家荀子提出“性恶论”。有篇文章将“性恶论”译为theory of sexual evil。一般来说,人工翻译不会犯这样低级的错误,这可能是机器翻译造成的恶果,犯错的根源在于对“性”字意义的理解只知其一,不知其二。
“性”的第一个意思是“人的本性”,英语译为original human nature或inborn human nature。“人性”,英语译为human nature。例如:
1. 中国古代哲学家荀子提出“性恶论”,认为“人性本恶”。Xunzi, an ancient Chinese philosopher, put forward the doctrine of the inborn/original evil human nature, holding that human nature is innately/inherently/intrinsically evil.
2. 中国的儿童都知道《三字经》的开头是“人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。”Chinese children have all known that The Three-Character Classic begins with “Man on earth, good at birth. The same nature, varies on nurture.”
3. 由于这个年轻人性情火爆,他的父母经常劝他尽可能避免发脾气。As the young man has an explosive temper, his parents often urge him to try to avoid losing his temper if at all possible.
4. 这个女孩性格开朗,喜欢唱歌跳舞。 The girl has a cheerful disposition and likes to sing and dance.
5. 他内向的性格经常使他陷入尴尬。His introverted temperament regularly got him into embarrassments.
“性”的第三个意思是“物质的性质、特性或性能”,英语可译为名词nature、property,或译成adj. + -natured形式的形容词。例如:
6. 中国饮茶者非常懂茶性。他们知道茶性中有种东西,能在日常生活中引导他们走进入静的境界。Chinese tea-drinkers understand very well the nature of tea. They know that there is something in the nature of tea that can lead them into a world of quiet contemplation in their daily life.
7. 这类材料具有导电和吸铁或钢的特殊物理性能,因此被广泛应用于各个工业领域。As these materials have such physical properties as conducting electricity and attracting iron or steel, they are widely used in various industrial sectors.
8. 常见的温性食物包括醋、生姜、葱和蒜等。Common warm-natured food includes vinegar, ginger, green Chinese onion and garlic.
9. 在我们消除性别差异之前仍有很长一段路要走,这位女经济学家认为我们现阶段不可能取得绝对的性别平等。As there is still a long way to go before we eliminate gender differences, the female economist holds that it is impossible for us to achieve absolute gender equality at the present stage.
10. 作为一个性别歧视的受害者,这位美国女性雇员宣称性别歧视是美国劳动力市场的就业歧视中最传统、最普遍和最严重的一种。As a victim of gender discrimination, this American female employee alleges that gender discrimination is the most traditional, widespread, and serious type of employment discrimination in the US labor market.
11. 一项调查发现这个外国公司有45%的女性雇员在她们的职业生涯中曾遭受某种形式的性骚扰。A survey found that 45 percent of women employees in this foreign company had experienced some forms of sexual harassment in their working lives.
12. 那位好莱坞大亨因性侵犯罪名被判入狱服刑23年。That Hollywood mogul was sentenced to 23 years in prison on the charge of sexual assault.