摘要 残余热应力是导致聚晶金刚石复合片(PDC)失效的原因之一。为提升PDC在实际使用过程中的性能,并为PDC的设计提供模拟计算依据,利用ANSYS建立PDC的参数模型,通过“热-结构”耦合法计算PDC的残余热应力值,分析PCD层和硬质合金层的厚度比及PDC直径对残余热应力分布特征的影响规律。结果表明:当PDC直径为16mm、总厚度为13mm时,其PCD层和硬质合金层的最佳厚度比为0.180;当PCD层厚度为2.0mm时,PDC最佳直径值为18mm;当PCD层厚度为3.0mm时,应根据实际使用情况确定PDC最佳直径值。
关键词 有限元分析;聚晶金刚石复合片;残余热应力;聚晶金刚石层厚度;PDC 直径
中图分类号 TQ163 文献标志码 A
文章编号 1006-852X(2024)06-0744-08
DOI 码 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0201
收稿日期 2023-09-18 修回日期 2024-01-20
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通信作者: 黄凯,男,1974 年生,博士、副教授。主要研究方向:有色冶金。
E-mail: khuang@metall.ustb.edu.cn
YANG Tiantian, HUANG Kai
(School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing,
Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract " "Objectives: Polycrystalline diamond compact (PDC) is an ultra-high hardness composite material madefrom polycrystalline diamond (PCD) and cemented carbide through high temperature and high pressure sintering. PDCis widely used in oil and gas extraction, geothermal development, and coal field drilling. As drilling goes deeper, theformation pressure increases, and the geological rock layers become denser, harder, and more abrasive. Therefore, thecomprehensive performance requirements for the drill bit and PDC are increasingly high. The presence of residualthermal stress can significantly weaken the performance of PDC, causing the PCD layer to fracture and detach, which isone of the important factors leading to the premature failure of PDC. Previous research methods for determining the re-sidual thermal stress in PDC have certain limitations. Finite element simulation calculations can effectively compensatefor these shortcomings. Therefore, this paper uses the ANSYS Workbench software to calculate and analyze the influ-ence of the thickness ratio of the PCD layer to the cemented carbide layer in PDC and the diameter of PDC on residualthermal stress, providing references for the optimization of PDC design and performance improvement. Methods: AN-SYS is one of the most commonly used finite element analysis software, which can effectively integrate multiple discip-lines such as structural dynamics, thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics for simulation calculations. Using ANSYS, themodel of PDC (assuming that temperature does not affect the physical properties of materials) can be established, and"the residual thermal stress of PDC can be analyzed using the thermo-mechanical coupling method (which solves the im-pact of the temperature field on stress, strain, and displacement in the structure). The specific calculation process in thisstudy is as follows: (1) Select the calculation method for steady-state temperature field and structural mechanics fieldcoupling. (2) Establish the geometric model of PDC. According to the axisymmetric characteristics of PDC, establish its1/4 structure to save computational space. (3) Define the physical and mechanical properties of the PCD layer and thecemented carbide layer, and then perform mesh division. (4) Set boundary conditions and loads, using the temperaturedifference as the load, setting the reference temperature including the stress relaxation temperature of PDC, the axisym-metric boundary conditions of the model, as well as the heat convection boundary conditions between the outer surfaceof PDC and the air. (5) Perform result calculation and analysis. Results: Using the software to simulate the calculationof the residual thermal stress value and distribution during the unloading and cooling process of PDC, the following con-clusions can be drawn: (1) The ANSYS simulation calculation shows that when the diameter of PDC is 16 mm and thetotal thickness is 13 mm, the optimal thickness of the PCD layer is 2.0 mm; (2) When the PCD layer thickness is 2.0mm, the diameter of the composite piece can be selected as 18 mm, and the residual thermal stress of this specificationof PDC is at the best value in the calculated range. When the PCD layer thickness is 3.0 mm, it cannot be decided basedon a single residual thermal stress influence; this must rely on the specific application situation and the load condition,with a comprehensive consideration of the influence of the four residual thermal stresses; (3) The point of PDC diamet-er of 17 mm is one of the many fluctuation points, which may be a critical point. At this time, the radial displacement ofthe interface far from the center axis of PDC changes abruptly, causing the deflection of the entire PDC to change, andthe axial tensile stress at the edge of the interface changes. Conclusion: The finite element calculation method can intu-itively and clearly simulate the value and distribution of residual thermal stress during the unloading and cooling pro-cess of PDC, and effectively avoid the shortcomings of other experimental tests. It can provide useful ideas and sugges-tions for the design of PDC by analyzing the influence of the two appearance sizes, composite layer thickness, and dia-meter on the residual thermal stress of PDC, and drawing relevant conclusions. Based on the outstanding results in thesimulation calculation, the conclusions obtained are tested by experiments to ensure the reliability of the final results.
Key words " "finite element analysis;polycrystalline diamond compact;residual thermal stress;composite layer thick-ness;diameter of the PDC