摘要 现有文献针对切削齿的数值模拟研究较少考虑磨损高度对切削齿温度、切削载荷的影响,然而聚晶金刚石复合片(PDC)切削齿磨损后受力恶化、热磨损加剧会导致其快速失效。为探讨这一问题,基于弹塑性力学和岩石力学,以 Drucker-Prager 准则为岩石的本构模型建立磨损齿的三维动态旋切仿真模型,运用数值模拟的方法分析在不同磨损高度、切削深度、前倾角的条件下切削齿的受力状态以及温升幅度。结果表明:与未磨损齿相比,磨损齿的切削载荷随磨损高度的增加而变大,且切削齿(直径 13.4 mm、总高 8 mm)磨损高度为 1.5 mm 时达到最大;切削齿磨损越严重,吃入到同一深度所需的力越大;前倾角增加,导致切削载荷也会变大。因此磨损齿在切削钻进过程中,磨损高度越高、前倾角越大,切削齿的失效风险越高;随着切削齿磨损高度增加,切削齿温升显著增加,在模拟条件下可提高 54%~103%。
关键词 PDC 切削齿;Drucker-Prager 准则;单齿切削;切削载荷;切削热
中图分类号 TQ164; TG58; TG74 文献标志码 A
文章编号 1006-852X(2024)06-0789-09
DOI 码 10.13394/j.cnki.jgszz.2023.0258
收稿日期 2023-11-29 修回日期 2024-02-21
目前,聚晶金刚石复合片(polycrystalline diamondcompact,PDC)钻头凭借其钻速快、使用寿命长的优势特性在油气钻井、煤田钻探、地质勘探中得到广泛应用,其在油气钻井领域以 80% 以上的国际市场占有率和 90% 以上的进尺引领了全球钻头市场[1] 。同时,深地层岩石非均质性强、研磨性强等特点也限制了PDC 钻头的钻进效率[2] ,切削齿的快速磨损是其中的一个关键原因。70% 以上的 PDC 钻头损坏是 PDC 钻头切削齿失效造成的,主要表现为切削齿的磨损和断裂[3] 。切削齿作为 PDC 钻头的基本组成部分,研究磨损切削齿的切削载荷变化和生热规律显得尤为必要。
在单齿切削钻进方面,国内外研究者进行了较为细致的探讨。邓敏凯等[4]通过仿真模拟与实验结合,研究了侧倾角和前倾角的变化对 PDC 钻头切削齿破岩效果的影响规律,结果表明,前倾角为 15°~20°、侧倾角为 5°时,切削齿的破岩效果最好且切削齿寿命较长。祝效华等[5]通过数值模拟探究切削深度、后倾角、侧倾角等因素对破岩能效的影响,结果表明,随着后倾角的增大,破碎比功逐渐增大且基本不受切削深度和围压的影响;切削齿存在最优切削深度 2 mm,其破碎比功最小。杨迎新等[6]用不同磨损程度的切削齿进行单齿切削实验,结果表明,与未磨损齿相比,磨损齿所受切削力更大,切削力波动和温度变化也更明显,且易发生体积破碎,产生大体积岩屑。赵润琦等[7]通过数值模拟的研究方法,发现斧形 PDC 齿在破碎同等体积的岩石时比常规平面 PDC 齿所需的切削力更低,且更易钻入岩石。张春亮等[8]通过单齿切削实验和全尺寸磨损齿钻头钻进实验研究了磨损齿 PDC钻头的切削性能,结果表明,随着磨损程度的增加,切削齿的载荷波动明显,钻头的机械钻速下降,机械比能增加,振动程度减少。ROSTAMSOWLAT 等[9]使用未磨损切削齿与磨损切削齿分别对石灰岩和砂岩进行单齿切削,研究了不同切削深度下磨损齿的磨损表面与岩石表面形成的夹角对切削过程中摩擦力大小的影响。
在破岩产生切削热方面,朱光辉等[10]用不同前倾角、不同磨损程度的切削齿进行了切削试验和温度监测,结果表明,切削齿的磨损程度越严重、前倾角越大,相较于未磨损齿的切削力和温度变化越大。VORONTSOV等[11]探究了单齿破岩时切削齿温度随前倾角变化的规律。邓嵘等[12]运用有限元仿真分析方法,研究了单齿动态破岩中切削齿的温度分布情况,结果表明,因线速度不同,切削区域远离钻头轴线一侧的温升高于靠近轴线一侧的。MAMALIS 等[13]运用有限元仿真方法,研究了高速切削情况下切削齿的破岩功与切削热量的转化关系。张在兴等[14]通过仿真方法研究了切削角度对切削齿温度波动程度的影响规律,结果表明,当切削角度大于临界值时,切削齿的温度会随着切削角度的增大而降低。
现有研究大多是对切削齿的单齿破岩数值模拟研究或磨损切削齿的单齿破岩实验研究,鲜有研究者将切削齿磨损状态与切削热同时考虑入破岩数值模拟研究中。PDC 切削齿磨损状态下的破岩数值模拟得出的切削载荷和温度变化情况与磨损程度的关系尚不明确,亟待开展深入研究。因此,本研究中使用切削齿进行单齿破岩模拟,并重点分析不同的磨损高度、前倾角、切削深度等因素对 PDC 磨损齿切削载荷和温度变化的影响规律。
模型的参数设置如表 1 所示,为了便于计算和分析,对有限元破岩过程做以下假设:(1)岩石属性设置为连续的、各向同性的介质,且为均质弹塑性体;(2)忽略实际切削岩石的孔隙压力效应,且不含层理、裂缝或溶洞等特殊结构;(3)岩石单元失效后立即从岩体中删除,不计其失效后对切削的影响;(4)将切削齿视为刚体,钻进过程中不发生损耗。
根据圣维南原理,为了减少局部效应对破岩真实性的影响,岩石的模型尺寸应比切削齿大 4~7 倍[7] 。考虑到计算机的求解速度,模拟的岩石选取外直径为100 mm、内直径为 28 mm、高度为 40 mm 的几何体。切削齿选取直径为 13.4 mm、高度为 8 mm 的磨损平面切削齿。岩石与切削齿的物理模型如图 1 所示。
建立的切削齿与岩石的破岩受力分析如图 2 所示,d DOC 为切削深度,θ 为前倾角。切削齿在破岩过程中,受到侧向力 F x 、切向力 F y 与轴向力 F z 的共同作用。F x垂直于旋切轨迹并指向外侧,F y 与旋转方向相反,F z 垂直于 F y 并指向切削齿。
岩石模型采用 Drucker-Prager 弹塑性和剪切损伤相结合的本构模型,并定义了硬化特征。D-P 模型考虑了中间应力的作用以及岩石剪胀现象,并且可以将试验获得的 M-C 准则数据与 D-P 准则进行相互转换[15] ,D-P 准则表达式[7]为:
围绕磨损高度、切削深度和前倾角对切削齿的切削载荷与温度变化的影响以及破岩能力进行评价。由以往文献[8]可知,切削载荷会随时间变化剧烈波动,这是因为在应力达到岩石的屈服极限后,岩石单元会断裂破坏并被删除,切削齿受到的切削载荷迅速下降,接着对下一部分的岩石单元进行切削,切削载荷又会振荡。因此对切削载荷进行了平滑处理 ,这样更利于得出切削载荷随自变量变化的规律。
在模拟条件(前倾角 15°、切削深度 1.5 mm)下,切削齿吃入岩石时的应力场分布情况如图 4 所示。由图 4 可知:不同磨损程度的切削齿均能达到岩石的破坏极限,均可以有效地进行破岩,但对比预破碎面积和应力极值可知,未磨损齿的大于磨损齿的,表明破岩过程中未磨损齿在相同的模拟条件下可以破碎更多体积的岩石,即机械比能更低。这也与后续的切削热分析形成呼应,随着切削齿磨损高度的增加,与岩石的接触面积增大,致使磨损齿的破岩能力削弱,摩擦生热能力增强。
在模拟条件(前倾角 15°、切削深度 1.5 mm)下,切削载荷的大小和波动程度在磨损高度为 0~1.5 mm时,随磨损高度的增加而增大,在磨损高度>1.5 mm 时,会有小幅度下降,如图 5 所示。切向力方面,磨损高度1.5 mm 的切削齿受到的切向力最大,但当磨损高度为2.0 mm 时,切向力有所回落。这是因为切削齿严重磨损会使切削面积增大,切削齿与岩石是面接触,齿刃锋利度受损,切削齿难以吃入岩石[18] 。轴向力方面,磨损齿 的 轴 向 力 整 体 高 于 未 磨 损 齿 的, 在 磨 损 高 度 为0~1.5 mm 时,随着磨损高度的增加,轴向力逐渐增大,在磨损高度为 1.5 mm 时,轴向力达到最大,在磨损高度>1.5 mm 后,轴向力会有所下降。磨损高度 1.0 mm与磨损高度 2.0 mm 的切削齿轴向力恰好均为未磨损齿轴向力的 1.2 倍,磨损高度 1.5 mm 的切削齿轴向力是未磨损齿轴向力的 1.3 倍。
由图 6 所示,在模拟条件(磨损高度 1.0 mm、前倾角 15°)下,随着切削深度的增加,切向力和轴向力都逐渐增加,且波动程度更加剧烈。这是因为在小切削深度的条件下,岩石的体积破碎效果较差、破碎成块率低、粉碎率较高,切削载荷波动较小。切向力方面,切削深度 2.0 mm 的磨损齿切向力为切削深度 1.0 mm的磨损齿切向力的 1.9 倍,增幅较大;切削深度 1.5 mm的磨损齿切向力仅比切削深度 1.0 mm 的磨损齿切向力增加了 25%,增幅较小。在轴向力方面,随着切削深度的增加,轴向力的增幅相对比较均衡。
前倾角的确定是 PDC 钻头设计的重要组成部分,适当的前倾角可以使切削齿刃有效吃入岩石,并具有良好的抗冲击性,直接影响钻头的攻击性与使用寿命。由图 7 所示,模拟条件(磨损高度 1.0 mm、切削深度1.5 mm)下,随着前倾角的增大,磨损齿的切削载荷逐步增加,其中切向力的增幅达到 28%,轴向力的增幅达到 32%。前倾角为 10°时,切削载荷的波动程度比 15°和 20°前倾角时都更加剧烈。前倾角的设计需要在切削载荷与波动程度上做一定的取舍,如软地层可选取10°~15°的前倾角,使切削齿受到较小的切削载荷;硬地层可以选取 15°~20°的前倾角,使切削齿的载荷波
PDC 切削齿与岩石相互作用过程中产生的切削热主要来源于切削齿与岩石接触的摩擦生热和岩石自身受压受剪的变形[19] 。由图 8 切削齿温度云图可知,由于切削齿绕中心轴旋转破岩,切削刃各处的线速度不同,远离中心轴一侧的温度会高于靠近中心轴一侧的温度。随着磨损程度的增加,切削齿的温升也更显著,且高温区集中在塑性变形和摩擦生热集中的岩屑-切削齿接触区域。
由图 9 可知温度变化曲线可分为 3 个阶段:上升期、过渡期与稳定期。随着时间的推进,切削齿的温度持续上升,上升期温升速率大于过渡期,进入稳定期后趋于平缓。出现这种情况的原因是切削齿达到最高温度后,产生的温度与对流换热和热辐射损失的热量相当;磨损齿在破岩过程中的温升远大于未磨损齿的,温度提升54%~103%。因为切削齿在旋切过程中,磨损齿与地层接触的切削弧长和切削面积比未磨损齿更大,其温升显著高于未磨损齿。所以在实际工作中,要及时更换磨损严重的切削齿,让切削齿处于温升速率较低的工作环境,弱化切削热对齿的热磨损,延长 PDC 钻头的使用寿命。
(1)随着切削深度的增加,切削载荷逐渐变大,且切向力的增幅最大能达到轴向力增幅的 2 倍,说明磨损过度的切削齿受力更加复杂多变,切削齿的疲劳失效风险增加。在布齿方面,可以考虑在主切削单元PDC 的后方放置辅助切削单元,并且让其出露高度低于 PDC,这样可以有效减少主切削齿的载荷,降低切削齿发生过载损坏的概率。
(2)磨损齿的切削载荷随着前倾角的增加而增大,前倾角为 10°~15°时,切削载荷的波动程度大于前倾角为 15°~20°时的波动程度。在综合考虑切削效率与载荷波动的情况下,尽量把前倾角控制在 15°~20°,有利于延长切削齿的使用寿命。
(3)伴随磨损高度的增加,切削载荷在磨损高度为 1.5 mm(切削齿直径 13.4 mm、总高 8 mm)时达到最大,较大的切削载荷引起切削齿的振荡,对井下钻具的使用造成影响。切削齿磨损后,其吃入岩石的能力减弱,岩石预破碎面积也有所减少,切削岩石的方式由剪切破坏逐步向挤压破坏过渡,极大地降低了切削齿的破岩效率。
(4)切削破岩过程中,磨损齿的温升远大于未磨损齿的,在模拟条件中可提高 54%~103%。在磨损高度为 0~1.5 mm 时,切削齿的温升随磨损程度的增加而变大,在磨损高度>1.5 mm 时,温升会有小幅度回落,因此切削齿在磨损后热磨损会持续加剧,从而加速切削齿的磨损与失效。在后续的切削过程中,可以选择耐磨、耐高温材料的切削齿,降低钻进的钻压与转速的同时增加泵的水功率等,从而有效抑制热磨损。
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通信作者: 王红波,男,1978 年生,博士后,硕士生导师。
E-mail: tmwangbo@163.com
CAI Maosheng
1,2 , WANG Hongbo 1,2 , ZHANG Chunjiang 1,2 , LI Sai 1,2 , CHENG Shuting 3
(1. School of Petroleum Engineering, Yangtze University, Wuhan 430100, China)
(2. Hubei Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Drilling and Production Engineering, Wuhan 430100, China)
(3. SINOPEC Oilfield Equipment Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430205, China)
Objectives: The existing literature on numerical simulation of cutters rarely considers the effect of wearheight on the temperature and cutting load of cutters. However, the deterioration of force and the aggravation of thermalwear after the wear of polycrystalline diamond composite (PDC) cutters lead to their rapid failure. Therefore, it is partic-ularly necessary to study the change of cutting load and the law of heat generation of worn cutters to extend their ser-vice life. Methods: Based on elastoplastic mechanics and rock mechanics, a 3D dynamic rotational simulation model ofworn teeth is established with the Drucker-Prager criterion as the rock constitutive model. The stress state and temperat-ure rise amplitude of cutting teeth under different wear heights, cutting depths, and front inclination angles are analyzedby numerical simulation."Results:"(1) Influence of wear height on cutting load: Under simulated conditions (front inclin-ation 15°, cutting depth 1.5 mm), the size and the fluctuation degree of cutting load increase with the increase of wearheight when the wear height is 0−1.5 mm, and decrease slightly when the wear height is larger than 1.5 mm. In terms oftangential force, the cutter with a wear height of 1.5 mm is subjected to the largest tangential force, but when the wearheight is 2.0 mm, the tangential force is reduced. In terms of axial force, the axial force of worn teeth is higher than thatof unworn teeth. When the wear height is 0−1.5 mm, the axial force gradually increases with the increase of wear height.When the wear height is 1.5 mm, the axial force reaches its maximum, and when the wear height is larger than 1.5 mm,the axial force decreases. The axial force of the cutter with a wear height of 1.0 mm and wear height of 2.0 mm is ex-actly 1.2 times that of the unworn tooth, and the axial force of the cutter with a wear height of 1.5 mm is 1.3 times thatof the unworn tooth. (2) Influence of cutting depth on cutting load: Under simulated conditions (wear height 1.0 mm,front inclination angle 15°), tangential force and axial force gradually increase with the increase of cutting depth, and thedegree of fluctuation is more intense. In terms of tangential force, the tangential force of the worn tooth with the cuttingdepth of 2.0 mm is 1.9 times that of the worn tooth with the cutting depth of 1.0 mm, and the increase is larger. The tan-gential force of the worn tooth with the cutting depth of 1.5 mm is only 25% higher than that of the worn tooth with thecutting depth of 1.0 mm, and the increase is small. In terms of axial force, with the increase of cutting depth, the in-crease in axial force is relatively balanced. (3) Influence of front inclination angle on cutting load: Under simulated con-ditions (wear height 1.0 mm, cutting depth 1.5 mm), the cutting load of worn teeth gradually increases with the increaseof front inclination angle, with the tangential force increasing by 28% and the axial force increasing by 32%. When thefront angle is 10°, the fluctuation of the cutting load is more severe than at other time with 15° and 20°. (4) Influence ofwear height on cutting heat: according to the temperature cloud map of the cutter, because the cutter rotates around thecentral axis to break rock, the linear speed of the cutting edge differs, and the temperature on the side away from thecentral axis will be higher than that on the side near the central axis. With the increase of wear degree, the temperaturerise of the cutter becomes more significant, and the high-temperature area is concentrated in the cutting-cutter contactarea, where plastic deformation and frictional heat generation are concentrated. The temperature change curve can be di-vided into three stages: rising period, transitional period, and stable period. With the passage of time, the temperature ofthe cutter continues to rise, and the temperature rise rate in the rising period is greater than in the transitional period, tending to flatten after entering the stable period. In the process of rock breaking, the temperature rise of worn teeth ismuch higher than that of unworn teeth, with a temperature increase of 54%−103%. Conclusions: The force on a cutterwith excessive wear is more complex and variable, increasing the risk of fatigue failure. In terms of tooth layout, it canbe considered to place the auxiliary cutting unit behind the main cutting unit composite sheet and make its exposureheight lower than the composite sheet, which can effectively reduce the load on the main cutting gear and reduce theprobability of overload damage to the cutting gear. The cutting load of the worn teeth increases with the increase of thefront angle. Considering the fluctuation of cutting efficiency and load, the front angle should be controlled at 15°−20° asfar as possible, which is beneficial to prolong the service life of the cutting teeth. After cutter wear, its ability to breakrock is weakened, the rock pre-crushing area is reduced, and the way of cutting the rock gradually transitions from shearfailure to extrusion failure, greatly reducing the rock-breaking efficiency of the cutter. In the process of cutting rockbreaking, the temperature rise of the worn teeth is much higher than that of the unworn teeth, and the temperature riseincreases with the increase of wear degree. Thus, the thermal wear of the cutting teeth will continue to intensify afterwear, accelerating the wear and failure of the cutting teeth. In the subsequent cutting process, cutter of wear-resistantand high-temperature-resistant materials can be selected to reduce the weight on the bit and the speed of drilling whileincreasing the water power of the pump, effectively inhibiting thermal wear.
PDC cutter;Drucker-Prager criterion;single tooth cutting;cutting load;cutting heat