Make Connections in a Community 与社区建立联系


疯狂英语·初中版 2023年10期



Through 1)proximity, we have the 2)privilege to connect andshare our life with the people who live close to us. Here are sevenpractical ways to share love and make connections with those in yourcommunity.

通过亲近,我们有幸与生活在我们身边的人联系并相互分享生活。这里有7 种实用的方法,可以与社区中的人分享爱并建立联系。

1. Learn your neighbors names 了解邻居的名字

Its easy to rush through the 3)hustle and 4)bustle of the day. Beintentional to take a minute to stop and see those people whose pathsyou cross each day. Start by learning your neighbors names. Learningsomeones name is not only a great way to begin a relationship, but it isalso a way to show kindness to your neighbors.


1) proximity n. 靠近;亲近

2) privilege n. 特权;荣幸

3) hustle n. 忙碌

4) bustle n. 繁忙

2. Listen and learn 倾听和学习

Names are a great beginning, andrelationships grow from there. You shouldask questions, learn someones story, andpay attention. Whether youre someonewhos drawn to talking or someonewho tends to retreat from conversation,challenge yourself to find new ways that you can listen to yourneighbors.


3. Remember details 记住细节

Have you ever been surprised by someone who remembered toask about your recent vacation or your birthday? Attention to thesedetails can communicate love and kindness to your neighbors. Makea note of your neighbors birthday on yourcalendar, or do your best to remember theages of their kids.


4. Give a gift 送礼物

Gifts can be a great and easy way to show someone yourethinking of them and care about them. Bring over cookies around theholidays, offer to watch your neighbors kids for a while, or share a copyof your favorite book. You never know howmuch that simple gift can mean to someoneelse!


5. Allow your neighbors to serve you 让邻居帮忙

Our relationships are dignifying when both parties give and receive.As Bob Lupton says, “Almost no one in our society is so poor that theyhave nothing to contribute. Nearly everyone has something to bring tothe table.” Ask for help from your neighbors and be willing to receivetheir support and service if offered. Of course, gratitude is an importantway to thank them for their kindness.


6. Spend time together 共度时光

In our busy life, one of the most valuable things we have is ourtime. People often recognize and appreciate the gift of time whenwe share it with others. Think about your day-to-day routine andconsider moments when you can slow down to stop, talk, or invite yourneighbors in.


7. Laugh, cry, and rejoice 笑,哭,欢喜

Have you ever felt the weight of heartache lifted when a friendgrieves with you? Or can you remember a time when your joy wasmultiplied because you celebrated with a loved one? Not only can wegive our time to our neighbors, but we can also share in celebrations,grief, laughter thats bound to happen in ourdaily lives.


Connection is a basic human need. Being a part of somethinglarger than yourself gives not only a sense of belonging butalso a sense of purpose. Individuals feel more included in theircommunities, and have a better quality of life, when they areconnected and can contribute to their community. Meet new people,and get to know those around you better. Learn. Grow. Explore. Whynot make this year your year to connect?



以细节取胜 Cambridge Audio AXR100/ FOCAL ARIA 906
唤醒经验 建立联系 灵活运用