An Inspirational Story for Modern Youth 一位新时代青少年的励志故事


疯狂英语·初中天地 2023年10期


I have a friend who is four years older than me. We first met each other in theschool music club where he was the president of the club at that moment.

As the main guitarist in our band, he always has a passion for music, full of energy and ambition. Not satisfied with playingother peoples songs, he decided to compose hisown music.

One day, he had a good idea and decidedto try composing his own music with the basicrhythm and melodies from his guitar. He begancreating his own music. In the beginning, he wasnot very skilled at it. He faced many difficultiesand suffered many setbacks, but he never gaveup. Instead, he worked harder to learn andpractice.

As time went on, his composition skillsimproved significantly. He produced one beautiful and moving piece calledsnow, which featured his unique style and emotions. Soon, he shared snow withthe music club members, receiving our advice and encouragement.

But one day, he got into a big trouble. He broke his friends guitar strings(弦), and this set of strings was worth over 1000 yuan. As a result, he had tomake money by composing for others. Fortunately, someone “purchased” hisservice and was highly satisfied with the music he composed. Finally, he earnedenough money and bought a new set of strings. From this incident, I learned totake responsibility and not to escape from our mistakes.

His story inspired all the music club members as we witnessed his journeyfrom playing the guitar to composing his own music. Through hard work,determination, and perseverance(毅力), he realized his musical dreams.He serves as a role model, motivating us to believe in our own potential andthe possibility of achieving our dreams. Lets learn from his example, bravelypursue our ideals, and use the power of youth to create a bright future thatbelongs to us.


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