

丝绸 2023年8期

史洋涛 吕思晨 张金珍 范硕 祝成炎 张红霞

摘要: 为了探讨纬纱中石墨烯功能性纱线种类、含量及不同织物组织对石墨烯机织物的抗紫外线性能和远红外性能的影响,文章分别以石墨烯涤纶长丝、石墨烯腈纶短纤纱、普通涤纶长丝和黏胶短纤纱为原料,设计织造了4个系列具有不同织物规格的28种织物试样。对所得28种织物试样分别进行抗紫外线性能和远红外性能测试,并通过模糊综合评判方法对试样相关指标进行评判。结果表明:随着纬纱中石墨烯功能性纱线含量的增加,织物的抗紫外线性能和远红外性能逐渐增强;织物组织越紧密,平均浮长越长,表面越光滑,织物的抗紫外线性能越强;织物表面越粗糙,厚度越厚,织物的远红外性能越好;当纬纱中石墨烯功能性纱线含量达到100%时,组织采用8枚纬缎或5枚纬缎的试样抗紫外线和远红外综合性能达到最优。

关键词: 石墨烯机织物;抗紫外线;远红外;功能性纱线;织物组织;模糊综合评判

中图分类号: TS101.923 文献标志码:  A

文章编号: 10017003(2023)080054-09

引用页码: 081107 DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2023.08.007


为了实现纺织品功能的多样化,功能性整理技术成为开发功能性纺织品的有效方法之一[3]。近年来,石墨烯作为一种新型功能性材料,在保暖、抗菌、抗静电、抗紫外线、远红外辐射温升等方面具有优异的性能,不仅广泛用于电池、传感器、半导体材料、储能和新型显示等领域,而且在纺织产业中也拥有良好的发展前景[4]。研究表明:石墨烯有着较强的抗紫外线性能,可以吸收低于281 nm波长的紫外线,也能反射高于281 nm波长的紫外线[5-6],且石墨烯具有良好的远红外性能,在低温情况下,石墨烯织物可通过吸收外界或人体辐射的远红外线,使自身温度升高,解决局部皮肤冰凉的问题。其还能够发射与人体相匹配的远红外线,渗入体内细胞,加快人体的新陈代谢,达到保暖和保健的目的[7]。


1 实 验

1.1 原 料

所使用的经纱为5.56 tex/24 f的涤纶长丝(中纺面料科技有限公司)。纬纱为16.67 tex/144 f的石墨烯涤纶长丝,石墨烯含量为1%的000000630000005360型纱线(济南圣泉集团股份有限公司);20 tex的石墨烯腈纶短纤纱,石墨烯含量为1%的000000630000003721型纱线(济南圣泉集团股份有限公司);20 tex的黏胶短纤纱(中纺面料科技有限公司)。

1.2 功能织物制备方法


1.3 测 试

1.3.1 织物的抗紫外线性能测试



步骤:1) 根据GB/T 18830—2009《纺织品防紫外线性能的测定》,将每种试样放置在温度为(20±2) ℃、相对湿度为(65±4)%的标准大气环境下调湿平衡24 h。2) 开启分析仪,进行预热30 min,预热完毕后将试样平整地铺在测试点处,点击测试按钮进行测试。在每种试样的5个不同位置测试,记录UPF值和T(UVA)AV的平均值。计算如下式所示:

2 结果与分析


2.1 抗紫外线性能研究


由图2可知,A系列试样的抗紫外线性能随着纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量的增加而增强。根据GB/T 18830—2009规定,防紫外线产品需要满足UPF值大于40,且T(UVA)AV小于5%。当纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量不低于66.67%时,试样达到“防紫外线产品”标准,即A6、A7、A8、A9试样可称之为“防紫外线产品”。当纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量达到100%时,试样的抗紫外线性能最好,UPF值达到了1 433.56,T(UVA)AV为0.32%,这是因为石墨烯涤纶长丝有着优异的抗紫外线功能,增强了试样的抗紫外线性能。此外,纤维的微观结构对试样的抗紫外线性能也有较大影响,石墨烯涤纶纤维为1.16 dtex,比普通涤纶纤维2.32 dtex更细,比表面积更大,试样的抗紫外线性能越好[9]。





2.2 织物远红外线性能研究

远红外线是指波长在2.5~1 000.0 μm的电磁波,它可以为人体细胞的运作提供微弱能量,促进人体微循环[15]。远红外纺织品不仅能够吸收物质辐射的能量,而且能够以红外辐射的形式作用于人体,当人体吸收大量相匹配的远红外线时,细胞和血液中的C—C、C—O、C—H和C—N等化学键会产生共振效应,导致皮肤温度升高,通过人体反射弧产生扩张毛细血管的物质,增强人体血液循环;同时共振效应使得机体分子处于高振动水平,核酸蛋白质等的活性会被激发,可以调节人体代谢和增强免疫等功能,起到防治疾病的辅助作用[16-18]。石墨烯涤纶试样的远红外性能如图6、图7所示。石墨烯腈纶试样的远红外性能如图8、图9所示。

由图6可知,随着纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量的增加,A系列试样的远红外线性能逐渐增强。这是因为石墨烯纤维具有较强的远红外辐射能力,可以在常温下吸收物质辐射的能量,以远红外的形式作用于人体[19]。当纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量增加时,吸收周围物质的能量增多,发射出的远红外线增多,试样的远红外性能也增强。根据GB/T 30127—2013标准规定,具有远红外性能试样的远红外发射率应不低于0.88%,远红外辐射温升不低于1.40 ℃。当试样纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量不低于25.00%时,试样远红外发射率大于0.88%,远红外辐射温升大于1.40 ℃,试样达到远红外织物的标准。当试样纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量为50%时,试样的远红外发射率和远红外辐射温升增长速度逐渐变缓。当纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量达到100%时,试样远红外性能最好,远红外发射率达到了0.932%,远红外辐照温升为1.97 ℃,这是因为温度高于绝对零度的物体会辐射红外线。红外线是一种电磁波,织物中的电子吸收外界能量激发,外层的电子会脱离原来的轨道,进入到更高的能位上。然而,电子在更高的能位上不够稳定,会通过释放能量回到原来的能位。随着试样中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量的增加,试样中石墨烯也在增加,人体和外界辐射的能量吸收得越多,作用于人体的远红外线也越多,故试样的远红外性能越好。




3 模糊综合分析


3.3 确定权重集A


3.4 计算综合评判矩阵B









4 结 论


1) 织物的抗紫外线性能随着纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝或石墨烯腈纶短纤纱含量的增加而增强,当纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝含量为100%時,石墨烯涤纶试样的抗紫外性能最好,UPF值达到了1 433.56,T(UVA)AV为0.32%;织物组织和纬密对织物的抗紫外线性能有较大影响,8枚纬缎石墨烯涤纶试样的抗紫外线性能最好,UPF值为136.84,T(UVA)AV为4.95%,是由于纬密较大,平均浮长最长,经纬纱交织点较少,透射过试样的紫外线较少,故试样的抗紫外线性能最好;石墨烯腈纶蜂巢组织试样的抗紫外线性能最差,UPF值为17.02,T(UVA)AV为9.53%,是由于其纬密较小,覆盖度较小,表面光滑度最低,对紫外线的反射能力最差,故试样的抗紫外线性能最差。

2) 织物的远红外性能也随着纬纱中石墨烯涤纶长丝或石墨烯腈纶短纤纱含量的增大而增强,当纬纱中石墨烯腈纶短纤纱含量为100%时,石墨烯腈纶试样的远红外性能最好,远红外发射率为0.949%,远红外温升为2.13 ℃;织物的远红外性能还与织物表面形态有关,石墨烯腈纶试样的远红外性能最好,远红外发射率为0.954%,远红外温升为2.03 ℃,是由于试样的厚度较厚,表面最粗糙,对红外光线的反射能力较弱,故试样的远红外性能越好。

3) 通过模糊综合评判的方法得出,在B系列中,8枚纬缎试样是抗紫外线和远红外综合性能最优的试样;在D系列中,5枚纬缎织物是综合性能最优的试样。本文研究的试样通过调节不同投纬比和组织,挑选出具有抗紫外线和远红外线复合功能最佳的试样,可为后续开发石墨烯功能化纺织品提供参考。


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Research on properties of ultraviolet-resistant and far-infrared graphene woven fabrics

ZHANG Chi, WANG Xiangrong

SHI Yangtao1, L Sichen2, ZHANG Jinzhen3, FAN Shuo1, ZHU Chengyan1, ZHANG Hongxia1

(1a.Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Materials and Manufacturing Technology, Ministry of Education; 1b.National Engineering Lab for TextileFiber Materials and Processing Technology; 1c.Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Fiber Materials and Manufacturing Technology,Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018; 2.China Filament Weaving Association, Beijing 100020, China;3.High Fashion Silk (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310006, China)

Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous improvement of living standards and the gradual enhancement of people’s health awareness, the demand for health care functional textiles has been increasing gradually, and the development of health care functional textiles has become a hot spot in the development of new textile products. Health care functional textiles can protect people who work outdoors for a long time, reduce the impact of ultraviolet radiation on human health, and promote human blood circulation, improve the circulatory system, enhance metabolism and improve immune functions under the radiation of far infrared. Therefore, the research and development of anti-ultraviolet and far-infrared health care functional fabric is of great significance. As an excellent textile material, graphene functional yarn has not only excellent physical properties, but also ultraviolet-resistant and far-infrared properties, with a good prospect in the development of health care functional textiles.

Cellulose from biomass straw was used as raw material for the graphene functional yarn selected in this study, and the method of “group coordination assembly carbon analysis” was adopted to obtain the biomass graphene fiber, which was then combined with polyester and acrylic fibers to produce the graphene functional yarn. In this study, four series of fabric samples from A to D were designed, and all fabric samples were warp spun with polyester. The weft yarns for series A fabric samples were graphene polyester filaments and ordinary polyester filaments. Nine types of fabric samples with a content of graphene polyester filaments ranging from 0 to 100% were designed. The weft yarns of the B series fabric samples were graphene polyester filaments and ordinary polyester filaments, and the content of graphene polyester filaments in the weft yarns was 50%. Six fabric samples with different organizational weaves were designed. The weft yarns of the C series fabric samples were graphene acrylic staple fibers and ordinary viscose staple fibers. Nine fabric samples with a content of graphene acrylic staple fibers in the weft yarns from 0 to 100% were designed. The weft yarns for the D series fabric samples were graphene acrylic staple yarn and ordinary viscose staple yarn. The content of graphene acrylic staple yarn in the weft yarn was 50%. Six fabric samples with different organizational weaves were designed. The article explored the ultraviolet and far-infrared properties of four series of fabric samples. The results showed that with the increase of the content of graphene polyester filament or graphene acrylic staple yarn in the weft yarn, the ultraviolet resistance of the fabric sample gradually increases. When the content of graphene polyester filament in the weft yarn reaches 100%, the ultraviolet resistance of the graphene polyester sample is the best, with UPF value of 1 433.56 and T(UVA)AV of 0.32%. The fabric weave and weft density have a significant impact on the ultraviolet resistance of fabric samples. Different fabric weaves lead to the difference in tightness, thickness, gram weight and average float length of fabrics. The ultraviolet resistance of 8-weft satin graphene polyester sample is the best, with UPF value of 136.84 and T(UVA)AV of 4.95%. This is due to the larger weft density and tightness of the sample, the longest average float length, fewer warp and weft yarn interlacing points, and less ultraviolet light transmitted through the sample. Therefore, the sample has the best ultraviolet resistance. The ultraviolet resistance of the graphene acrylic honeycomb weave sample is the worst, with UPF value of 17.02 and T(UVA)AV of 9.53%. Because its weft density is smaller, the coverage is smaller, the surface smoothness is the lowest, the ultraviolet reflection ability is the worst, the ultraviolet resistance of the sample is the worst. With the increase of the content of graphene polyester filament or graphene acrylic staple yarn in the weft yarn, the far-infrared performance of fabric samples gradually increases. When the content of graphene acrylic staple yarn reaches 100%, the far-infrared performance of fabric sample is the best, the far-infrared emissivity reaches 0.949%, and the far-infrared irradiation temperature rises to 2.13 ℃. The far-infrared performance of the fabrics is also related to the surface morphology of the fabric. The far-infrared performance of the graphene acrylic fiber sample is the best, the far-infrared emissivity is 0.954%, and the far-infrared temperature raises by 2.03 ℃, because the thickness of the sample is thicker, the surface is the coarsest, and the reflection ability of the infrared light is weak, leading to the the better far infrared performance of the sample.

Through the mathematical method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, it is concluded that among the B series fabric samples, 8-weft satin graphene polyester sample has the best comprehensive ultraviolet and far-infrared resistance. Among the D series fabric samples, 5-weft satin graphene acrylic fiber sample has the best comprehensive ultraviolet and far-infrared resistance. The samples studied in this article are samples with the best comprehensive performance of ultraviolet and far-infrared resistance by adjusting the type and content of graphene functional yarn in the weft yarn and different fabric weaves, providing reference for the subsequent development of graphene health functional textiles.

Key words: graphene woven fabric; ultraviolet-resistant; far infrared; functional yarn; fabric weave; fuzzy comprehensive judgement

收稿日期: 20221111;

修回日期: 20230621

基金項目: 作者简介: 史洋涛(1998),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为功能性纺织品、纺织产品设计。通信作者:张红霞,教授级高工,。

