Charlie’s Raven (Excerpt IV)《查理的渡鸦》(节选四)
琼·克雷格黑德·乔治 吴文安/译析
A knock sounded at his door.
“Its me, Singing Bird. Lets go fishing.”
Charlie opened the door a crack and peered out. There stood his very best friend, Singing Bird. The two of them had met in second grade when her parents bought land and built a ranch house across the irrigation ditch from Granddad. Her parents had seen the Grand Teton Mountains when they were first married and pledged that somehow, some way, they must live near those majestic snowcapped peaks. Although the Teton Sioux Nation had never lived in the valley below these mountains, Singing Birds parents felt a kinship with them. The Indian name Teton came from Tutonwan, one of the Teton Sioux tribes that lived along a river. It meant “people in community.”
School separated Singing Bird and Charlie when Charlies family moved to Jackson and Singing Birds parents returned to the Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota for the school year. But each spring Singing Bird and her family came back to Sagebrush Flats when school was out.
“Hey,” Charlie said, his eyes almost closed by his big smile. “When did you get back?”
“Yesterday,” said Singing Bird. “The balsamroot is blooming. We always come back when it blooms.”
Charlie was more than happy to see her. Not only was she a good fisherman and nifty storyteller, but she was also an observant naturalist. He needed her on his study.
“The caddis flies are hatching,” she said. “The cutthroat trout will be biting in Cache Creek. Come on out.”
Singing Bird wore her long hair in two braids with beautiful black and brown feathers of the prairie chicken tied near their ends. Her bronze cheeks glowed, and her large eyes were as dark as Gentian Canyon in a storm. Slender eye brows arched over them, emphasizing her pretty face. Silver squash blossom earrings dangled from her lobes. This morning Singing Bird wore her fishing outfit, a pair of faded and frayed blue jeans and a T-shirt that said: STANDING ROCK MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS AND BOYS BASEBALL TEAM. Charlie stepped out the door and quickly closed it behind him.
“Where is your fishing rod?” Singing Bird asked. Charlie usually appeared at his door with his rod and creel when she called. Now he looked sneaky, as if he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. “Whats the matter?” she asked.
“I cant come with you,” he said. “Im doing a scientific study.”
Singing Bird smiled. “You are? Whats it about?”
“Ravens. I am studying ravens for Granddad.”
“Ravens.” Her eyes brightened. “Can I help? I love ravens. Theyre magical.”
Charlie frowned. She sounded like Mr. Spinder—magical, supernatural, all that unscientific stuff—then he remembered that it was she who had inspired him to get a raven because it could cure, and he opened the cabin door to her.
Blue Sky was sitting contentedly in his basket. He wagged his tail and backed up toward Singing Bird.
“He likes you,” Charlie said. “His tail is wagging.”
“That means he wants to give me his little diaper bag so Ill carry it far from the nest. Baby birds do this to keep their nests clean of whitewash so predators wont find them.”
【第三段】第一句的人物行为描写极为生动(“Hey,” Charlie said, his eyes almost closed by his big smile.),但不能按照字面意义翻译,比如“查理的眼睛因为大大的微笑几乎闭上了”。译文按照中文文学作品中常见的描述转换为“查理笑得合不拢嘴,眼睛眯成一条缝”。原文Charlie was more than happy to see her也不能直译,需要把原文的意义具体化为“看到歌唱鸟,查理高兴极了”。
【第六段】原文句子Her eyes brightened被扩展为“歌唱鸟的双眼闪闪发光”,补足了原文的意义。