7 Tell-Tale Signs You’re a Geek七个迹象表明你是个极客
迈克尔·波赫 张静/译
Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a geek? Are geeks highly intellectual individuals who are obsessively passionate over computer technology, or elements of pop culture so much that their lifestyle revolves around this passion? Can we label anyone who is well-versed1 with these topics as a geek? Or is there something else more fundamental that helps make this distinction?
My guess is that it has more to do with their attitudes than what they actually do that irritate (or perhaps, intimidate) others. Despite being socially awkward, their extraordinary attitudes are somewhat of a rare find, which is a good thing as these attitudes have led to some of the biggest technews-making events of this century.
Today, we see a greater acceptance and recognition for geeks (you can thank the late Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg for that). Who knows, you might even possess the very traits that they have. Check to see where you stand on the geek-o-meter.
1. Are you incredibly loyal to what you love?
1. 你是否对所热爱的事物极其忠诚?
One thing that could potentially distinguish geeks from the rest of the people is their undying commitment to the things they love, be it gaming, high-tech gadgets, or comics. Theyre fanatical about the object of their obsession, always willing to put in that extra effort (sometimes to extreme lengths) to make sure theyre the first to know about the latest news or updates.
To others, it may just be a hobby or a pastime. To them though, its the reason they exist. It defines who they are. This is why theyre so passionate about it.
Do you have a particular obsession, the reason why youre excited to get out of bed every morning? If you have that something that your life revolves around, youre closer to being a geek than you think.
2. Do you see yourself as distinct from the rest?
2. 你是否认为自己与众不同?
Due to their extreme loyalty and commitment to what they love, geeks only seek the company of those who exhibit the same enthusiasm as they do. They tend to group together, in a small community, preferring to mingle2 with their peers and shunning those who are not as committed to the same passion—which would explain the social misfit-ness of geeks.
In any case, they are stringent when it comes to accepting people as their kind. Its evident from the way geeks talk; you see that they speak in their own language (real or made-up), using their own terms, acronyms, and lingo. Its highly probable that only a fellow geek would understand what they are talking about.
Its not likely that any Tom, Dick, and Sally can just join the club by waltzing in, as even within the community itself exists a unique culture of their own. In a way, its like the fraternities where they have their own initiation before new members can be welcomed into the group. You need to show them that you think at the same (high) level as them; you cant feign being a geek.
3. Do you lose yourself easily in your obsession?
3. 你是否容易在痴迷中忘乎所以?
With them passionate over what they love to do, its not surprising to find themselves achieving ‘flow, the state of mind when they feel fully engaged in what they do and consequently lose track of time. This would explain why geeks who are into gaming could spend hours and hours without stopping for food while trying to complete their games.
Eventually, that feeling of euphoria3 from the flow becomes an addiction to them.
4. Do you have an insatiable4 need to know everything?
4. 你是否不知满足地想了解一切?
The life of a geek revolves around what they love. With that5, they have the constant desire to have that sense of power and control over what theyre good at and love doing.
They never stop exploring and always keep themselves updated about the things they are obsessed with: reading everything about the latest high-tech gadgets, attending every cosplay event and conference in town, etc.
They just want to be the first to be there, the first to hear about unconfirmed rumors, and of course, the first to break the news to everyone. Put simply, its extreme fandom at its best, almost a cult-like zeal.
5. Do you take pride in your expertise?
5. 你是否以自己的专长为荣?
Theyre the experts on the field. From time to time, they might talk to ‘outsiders about their obsession when others asked about it during the course of everyday conversations. Although they might openly resent it when others dont get their ideas or jargon, deep inside, the geeks take delight in the fact that theyve established themselves to be an expert.
Given the amount of time and effort that geeks are willing to devote themselves to the object of obsession, its quite understandable to be proud of themselves. After all, it is very much their life goal.
6. Do you have a niche within your passion?
6. 你的爱好是否针对特定目标?
Even when theyre geeks for a particular field, chances are that they have developed a preference within their passion. Take for instance the case of the stereotypical computer geeks. Sure, they may be crazy over computer technology and the latest technology trends in computing, but they often focus on a particular brand or system.
Its like going to the second layer of fanaticism, where you delve deeper to find one niche. Its why we always hear of the battle between supporters of different operating systems like Android vs iOS.
7. Are you willing to stick to it til the end?
7. 你是否乐意坚持到底?
Being a fan of a specific OS, comic superhero, cosplay costume, sci-fi movie, programming language, and others is one thing, while sticking to it no matter what happens is another. Geeks do both. This is what makes them so different, so special, and perhaps so intimidating to “outsiders”.
They are willing to stand up for what they believe in, even when times are really bad. Its not really about the objective assessment of the object they love; it is more than that. It involves emotions when it comes to their fandom.
One is not a geek if he or she is knowledgeable about the subject but lacks the passion for it. A real geek is totally into it, intellectually and emotionally. This idea explains why geeks will stay true and loyal to their idolized OS or superhero till the end; they have grown emotionally (or even spiritually) attached to them. To speak ill of their passion is to speak ill of them.