9 Famous Geeks Who Changed the World 改变世界的九位著名极客


英语世界 2023年5期

赛卡特·巴苏 陈俭贞/译

Much like a “guru”1 is a spiritual leader and teacher, a geek is a technology leader and teacher. Geeks introduce us to brave new worlds, with visions of the future. Many of the early pioneers of the internet illustrate that geeks often develop new ideas for the “love of the game,” without seeking fame or fortune.


The following geek list is of people whom you might not recognize if you bumped into them at the neighborhood mall. So no Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, or Mark Zuckerberg.


Alan Turing


Famous Geekiness: The Turing Machine in second place. His effect on the outcome of the Second World War in the first.


The famous cipher breaker is regarded as the Father of Computer Science. He also made a lasting contribution to the ideas about artificial intelligence. The Turing Machine was the forefather of the modern computer algorithm. It is a hypothetical model that explains computational logic and can even be used to explain a CPU. Think of it as the simplest computer of its kind.


Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf


Famous Geekiness: Proposed and gave form to the Internet we know today in a paper titled ‘A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection.


Considered to be the “Fathers of the Internet”, Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn thought of and created the TCP/IP suite of communication protocols that is the virtual backbone of the Internet. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the Internet Protocol for the first time enabled a diverse range of computers and networks to ‘talk with one another, truly creating a global connection.


Sir Tim Berners-Lee


Famous Geekiness: Invented the World Wide Web.


While working at CERN2 he proposed the idea of hypertext that would allow researchers to share information across the Internet in the form of hypertext documents. What was meant to be a way for information interchange between scientists, became a global interconnected network, the Web we know today. Tim Berners-Lee also created the first browser, the first web editor, and the first website at CERN.


Interesting Fact: His father Conway Berners-Lee and mother Mary Lee Woods both worked on the development of Ferranti Mark 1, the worlds first commercial electronic computer.


Ralph H. Baer


Famous Geekiness: Video games pioneer, considered to be the Father of Video Games for his contributions.


Ralph H. Baer developed the Brown Box (later the Magnavox Odyssey), the first home video game console. He also created the first light gun and brought in cartridges3 as part of console games. He almost single-handedly4 gave birth to what today is a multi-billion dollar industry.


Interesting fact: Ralph H. Baer was a television engineer by profession and later also created the classic Simon5 for Mattel6.


Ray Tomlinson


Famous Geekiness: Creator of email.


Just when Internet was coming into being via its predecessor, the ARPANET7 in 1971, Ray Tomlinson created something that in time made postmen worry about their future and us forget about the art of letter writing. The email had humble beginnings when it was sent from one machine to another that was next to it. Later other mail handling protocols were established and email rapidly evolved as a form of communication.


Interesting fact: The @ symbol was used by Ray Tomlinson to tell which user was at what computer in the building they were all in.


Dennis Ritchie


Famous Geekiness: Created the “C” programming language and the UNIX operating system (with Ken Thompson).


The importance of C is that it can be used to code without worrying about the hardware platform. It is the core of many operating systems from Mac OS X to iOS and Android. Many hardware drivers are written in C. As the geeky saying goes, real men code in C.


Interesting fact: Dennis Ritchie along with Brian Kernighan authored The C Programming Language, the most definitive book on the topic. They were the first to introduce the “Hello World” program which continues to be used as an example first program by everyone.


Jarkko Oikarinen


Famous Geekiness: Created the oldest multi-chat protocol in the world.


In 1988, Jarkko Oikarinen created the Internet Relay Chat (IRC). IRC was the worlds first real-time chat protocol. It is still going strong with thousands of networks and IRC servers around the world. IRC clients are available for every operating system and todays IRC clients, unlike their text-only predecessors, also allow file sharing.


Bram Cohen


Famous Geekiness: Created BitTorrent.


You might have heard about BitTorrent but not about Bram Cohen. The American computer programmer wrote the peer-to-peer protocol which enables us to share files of any type simultaneously with other users around the world. He also programmed the BitTorrent client.


Michael Hart


Famous Geekiness: Creator of the electronic book (eBook).


Michael Hart is probably the least geeky person on this list, but his contribution is profound and could be more so as knowledge expands and spreads. Thanks to eBooks. He is also the founder of Project Gutenberg, the worlds first online public library that makes available books out of copyright (Public Domain9).


Interesting fact: He typed in by hand the first 300+ books made available on Project Gutenberg.



How to Tell a Geek and a Nerd Apart

Geeks often wear T-shirts displaying their object of interest. Nerds may appear carelessly dressed.

Geeks, whether introverted or extroverted, can talk ad nauseum about their interests. Nerds prefer to spend time engaged in an activity or study rather than talking about it.

Geeks very likely keeps a collection, such as figurines, collector cards, video games. Nerds possibly has a messy home, since their focus will be on interests, not mundane tasks like cleaning.

Geeks are ideal candidates for employment that allows them to share their interests with others. Nerds want employment that requires a high level of specialized knowledge.


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