——以PEP《英语》六(上)Unit 3 Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk为例


小学教学设计(英语) 2022年8期





例如在执教PEP《英语》六(上)Unit 3 Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk 这一课时,在对话前,笔者运用头脑风暴的形式激发学生思考,从而开启学生的发散思维,提前预测对话内容的方法。


1.Greetings and warming-up


(2)A song“What are you going to do?”


(1)Fun with the timeline(见图2)

T: Here is a timeline.Can you go on with this?

Ss: Tomorrow/ This Friday/ This weekend/...

Then T shows her own list.

T: That’s my list.I think you listed more than me.

Ss: ...



T: There are so many activities.What activities make you feel happy/busy/meaningful? Please choose a kind and list in groups.

Ss: OK!

T: How many activities have you listed? Please share them with the class.

After that,T shows her own lists and asks the Ss to read.

(3)Share Ms Bao’s weekend plan(见图4、图5)



T: For me teaching is meaningful.Now I am having an English lesson.This afternoon I am going to have an English class in 606.What are you going to do this afternoon?

S1: I’m going to...

T: I’m going to see a film this evening.What are you going to do this evening?

S2: ...

T: Now, boys and girls, you may choose one to ask and answer in pairs.In this exercise you can use “Have a good time! Sounds great! Can I go with you?”etc.

Ss work in pairs.Then choose some pairs to show.

T: If you want to know Ms Bao’s weekend plan,what will you ask?

S1: ...

Encourage the Ss to ask questions and get to know the teacher’s weekend plan.

T: What do you think of my weekend?

Ss: It is busy/ happy/ meaningful, ...

本课所设计的三个对话前活动从不同的层面激开启学生的思维。活动一通过对时间轴的补白,引导学生广泛搜罗脑海中关于时间的词汇,同时通过观察和思考得出这个时间轴上的词汇指向未来,于是又对脑海中所搜集到的词汇进行筛选进而获得最佳答案,在这一活动中学生的想象思维和逻辑思维同时开启;活动二是通过头脑风暴的形式让学生列举所学过的动词词组,是一个更为开放的思考活动,学生在列举大量的动词词组的同时,还需要判断该词组属于The activities make you feel happy/ busy/ meaningful 中的哪一类,从而促使学生在想象中判断,在判断中想象;活动三是通过让学生提问教师的方式获取有关教师的周末计划的信息,如何提问、如何组织语言等等便成了学生需要思考和解决的问题,学生需要思考的问题更多,相应的思考也将更深入。

以上三个对话前的活动前后联系,梯度上升,以weekend plan 为主线,引导学生进行多方面的思考,连续刺激和开启学生的思维,为接下来的学习和进一步思考奠定基础。




仍以PEP《英语》六(上)Unit 3 Part A Let’s try& Let’s talk 为例。在对话中,笔者通过呈现情境,让学生预测对话内容的方法,开启学生的想象思维和发散思维。


1.Presentation and practice

(1)Predict Sarah’s and Mike’s weekend plan

T: Now look! Who are they?

Ss: ...

T: What are they doing?

Ss: They are making a phone call.

T: What are they talking about?

Ss: ...


T: They’re talking about the weekend plan.

Write the title“The weekend plan”on Bb.

T: What is Mike going to do? And what is Sarah going to do? You may choose one and predict in pairs.(见图7)


(2)Listen and check(见图8、图9)



T: First let’s check their Saturday plans.Let’s listen and circle.

Ss listen to the dialogue of Let’s try and finish the exercise on P24.Then check.

T: So what is Mike going to do this Saturday morning?

Ss: ...

T: What about Sarah? What is Sarah going to do this Saturday?

Ss: .../ I don’t know.

T: We’re not sure.So we can say,“Maybe Sarah is going to go swimming in the afternoon or in the morning”.

Ss: Maybe Sarah is going to go swimming this Saturday.

(3)Watch and check

T: We’ve got their Saturday plans.What about Sundays? Let’s watch the video.

(Before watching, the Ss will have 2 questions.)

Q1: What is Mike going to do this Sunday?

Q2: What is Sarah going to do this Sunday?

(4)Read and check

T: Mike is going to see a film.When is he going to see a film?

Ss: ...

T: In the afternoon or in the morning?

Ss In the afternoon.

T: How do you know that?

Ss: Because on the ticket, it says 16:20.

T: What’s Mike going to do this Sunday morning? Do you know?

Ss: ...

T: Maybe Mike is going to...

Ss: Do homework.

T: I think so.

T: Doing homework belongs to work activities.Going fishing and seeing a film belong to play activities.So:

Work+Play= A meaningful plan

T: What is Sarah going to do this Sunday?

Development: When is Sarah going to have an art lesson?

Where is Sarah going to have an art lesson?

What is Sarah going to do in the art lesson?

(5)Listen and repeat the dialogue

(6)Read together

(7)Read in roles

在对话中笔者设计了前后相连的三个活动。先让学生在前一个环节的基础上预测Sarah 或Mike 的周末计划,旨在让学生全方位展开想象,在进入对话之前对对话有一定的预判。通过想象,学生不但对对话内容有了一定的了解,更激起了学生对对话内容的好奇和向往。然后通过Listen and check, Watch and check 以及Read and check 三个活动从听觉和视觉方面一步步地来印证之前的预测和想象。这三个活动层次分明,前后连贯,学生在活动中不仅印证了对对话内容的预测,而且还对细节进行了理性思考,整个过程中学生的注意力、判断力都被积极地调动起来,进而思辨出自己之前的猜测孰对孰错。





仍以PEP《英语》六(上)Unit 3 Part A Let’s try& Let’s talk 为例。在对话后,笔者采用了先让学生反思总结之前所学对话,再想象类似的对话情境,并创编新对话的方式培养学生的综合分析能力和创新思维能力。



(1)Let’s think

T: What do you think of Mike’s weekend plan?

S1: It’s meaningful.

S2: Sometimes he plays and sometimes he works.That’s great!

S3: It’s colourful.


T: What do you think of Sarah’s weekend plan?

S1: She plays too much.

S2: She doesn’t do homework.

S3: She doesn’t read books.

T: So sometimes we need to play and sometimes we need to work.They are both important.There is a saying,“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

(2)Make your weekend plan with your friend

T: Now you may talk about your weekend plan with your friend.And try to make it concrete and meaningful.There are 3 levels for you to choose.

(3)Enjoy some meaningful plans

T: A meaningful plan helps you a lot.So try to make a plan before you do something important.

Ss: OK!

对话后的三个活动,引导着学生的思维向更深处探究。活动一,Let’s think 引导学生反思并总结刚刚所学的对话,让学生在谈体会、发表意见的过程中进行深层思考,综合分析各种计划合理与否,孰对孰错。这是学生对价值观发出的拷问,是一种深层次的对话,这样的对话来源于课本,又高于课本,拷问过后在学生心中沉淀下来的就是正确的认识。活动二,Make your plan with your friend 是一个开放性的活动,在分层设计中学生的创新思维被不同程度开启,学生需要想象在什么样的情况下需要制定计划,设置什么样的计划才是合理的,怎样合理分配学习和娱乐的时间等等。通过这些想象,学生所创编出来的对话便是创新的成果。活动三,Enjoy some meaningful plans 可以丰富学生的体验,这样的体验刺激了学生情感的丰富,有了一定的情感积淀之后学生的想法自然增多,也就是学生的思维处在复杂之中,复杂便是学生思维品质提升的表现,慢慢地学生必将从中提炼出道理的精髓、智慧的精华以及人生的真谛。


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