摘 要:新时代教育教学环境下,如何开展劳动教育,如何实现劳动教育的育人功能,如何做到德智体美劳五育并举,如何提升学生的劳动素养?培养德智体美劳全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,要树立劳动观念,倡导全学段育人理念;融合劳动课程,形成全学科育人格局;培养劳动素养,落实全方位育人功能。深度落实劳动育人的目标,要以学校为主导;广度拓展劳动育人的内涵,需要家庭参与,做到家校合力,齐抓共管。另外还需要社会支持,开辟劳动教育场所,建立劳动实践基地;开挖劳动教育资源,增加学生劳动体验。在劳动教育的评价实施中,要健全劳动教育评价制度,细化劳动教育实施规则,加强劳动教育评估监督,避免劳动教育形式化、肤浅化、片面化。
【中图分类号】G622.0 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)19-0035-02
【Absrtact】Under the environment of education and teaching in the new era,how to carry out labor education,how to realize the educational function of labor education,how to carry out the five education of morality,intelligence,body,beauty and labor,and how to improve the students' labor literacy? To train socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality,intelligence,body,beauty and labor,we should set up the concept of labor,advocate the concept of educating people in the whole school,integrate the labor curriculum,form the pattern of educating people in the whole discipline,cultivate labor literacy,and carry out the function of educating people in all directions. In order to carry out the goal of labor education in depth,we should take the school as the leading factor,expand the connotation of labor education in breadth,need the participation of families,make the joint efforts of home and school,and work together. Social support is also needed To open up labor education places,establish labor practice bases,excavate labor education resources and increase students' labor experience. In the evaluation and implementation of labor education,we should perfect the evaluation system of labor education,refine the implementation rules of labor education,strengthen the evaluation and supervision of labor education,and avoid the formalization,superficial and one-sidedization of labor education.
【Keywords】Labor Education;Education;Labor Literacy;Implementation