

世界建筑 2020年12期


1 外景/Exterior view

本产品主要采用管材激光切割机和金属板激光切割机制造。此外,安装此单元时还需要焊接、机械装配(螺母和螺栓)与上漆。数控切割完成后,需对部分零件进行螺纹加工和焊接操作,以进行机械装配。随附指南将逐步解释如何制造和组装各零件。(潘奕 译)

2 渲染/Rendering

This product has been designed to be manufactured mostly with a tubular laser cutting machine, together with a sheet metal laser cutter. Additionally, welding, mechanical assembly features (nuts & bolts) and painting is necessary to build this unit. After the CNC-cutting of the parts, there will be threading and welding operations on some of the parts for mechanical assembling. There is a guide that will explain how to produce and assemble the parts step by step.

3 装置主要结构/Unit with the main construction parts

4 完整单元/Final unit

5 外景/Exterior view

6 使用中的采样装置/Unit in use

项目信息/Credits and Data

监理兼总设计师/Supervisor and Chief Designer: Renan Gökyay

工业设计/Industrial Designer: Serhat Ünlü

支持/Support: Mikropor and Unigen

顾问/Consultants: Semih Pertin, Murat Sayar, Levent Gündüz, Dilek Sunar

正压洁净室尺寸/Positive Clean Room Dimensions: 2.1 m×2.1 m×2.2 m

房间面积/Room Area: 4.41 m2

房间容积/Room Volume: 9.7 m3

每小时空气循环数/Total Circulation per Hour: 25

空气总流量/Total Flow Rate: 242.6 m3/h

期望正压/Desired Positive Pressure: 25 Pa

门扇总排气格栅开口/Total Exhaust Grill Openning at Door: 16.04 cm2

城市室外空气颗粒物量/Outside Air Particules Amount in City: 17,500,000颗粒物/m³/17,500,000 particul/m³

预期过滤后颗粒物量/Expected Particules After Filtration: 17.3颗粒物/m³/17.3 particul/m³

预期病毒/细菌/微粒对比室外空气的下降率/Expected Virus/Bacteria/Particules Drop Ratio Versus Outside Air: 0.00010%

负压测试室尺寸/Negative Test Room Dimensions: 1.1 m×1.1 m×2.2 m

房间面积/Room Area: 1.21 m2

房间容积/Room Volume: 2.66 m3

每小时空气循环数/Total Sirculation per Hour: 35

空气总流量/Total Flow Rate: 93.2 m3/h

期望正压/Desired Positive Pressure: 25 Pa

顶部总排气格栅开口/Total Suction Grill Openning at Ceiling: 5.21 cm2

城市室外空气颗粒物量/Outside Air Particules Amount in City: 17,500,000颗粒物/m³/17,500,000 particul/m³

预期过滤后颗粒物量/Expected Particules After Filtration: 7.4颗粒物/m³/7.4 particul/m³

预期病毒/细菌/微粒对比室外空气的下降率/Expected Virus/Bacteria/Particules Drop Ratio Versus Outside Air: 0.00004%

安装指南/G u i d e: h t t p s://d r i v e.g o o g l e.c o m/open?id=1vX8oYj-tpcjoYOcfxTToipcsBrz2WqNO

图片来源/Photos Courtesy : Nurus Group


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7 月CERNET 主干网总流量降356.66G
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