

现代交际 2020年18期

吴兰芳 张世锋


关键词:英文写作 冗余结构 修改

中图分类号:G232  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1009-5349(2020)18-0056-04

简洁、清晰、易懂是现代英文写作的最高标准。简洁就意味着使用最贴切的单词和表达,删除冗余的单词,使句子更加清晰、有效地表达出作者的意图。小威廉·斯特伦克和E·B.怀特(William Strunk Jr. & Elwyn Brooks White)在其撰写的《风格的要素》(The Elements of Style,1918)一书中主张“删除句中的多余词语”[1]。此后,这条指令便成为很多英语写作手册的首要建议。由于各种原因,一些人喜欢在写作中使用冗长的句子,给读者的理解造成很大困难。本文将从弱势动词、沉闷的名词和连续的介词短语三个方面探讨英语句子冗余成分的识别及其修改建议,以期能促进英文写作。


一个结构拖沓、笨拙呆滞的句子通常附着在弱势谓语动词上,例如be动词(am,are,is,was,were,being,been)、静态动词(如have或exist)、动词被动形式(如“is believed”或“was seen”)。在写作或修改稿件时,要注意所使用的谓语动词。如果意识到文中使用了弱势谓语动词,应该用某个更有力的表达方式作为谓语动词。可以思考句子所表达的动作(事件),如果文中没有将表达主要动作(事件)的词语作为谓语动词,这个动词可能隐藏在非谓语动词(不定式或ing形式)、形容词、名词或从属子句之中。找到这个动词作为句子(或主句)的谓语动词,可以让原文的表达变得简洁明了。


More remote,less densely populated suburbs,whose lower values were often a function of how far they were from work centers,and small towns in rural locations,whose lower values were a reflection of the difficulty of earning a living,are likely to see considerable appreciation of their property values in the next two decades.

这个句子的主干为“more ... suburbs ... are likely o see...”。主语后面接了三个定语从句,从而与谓语动词之间距离较远,这不仅给理解造成很大困难,也让整个句子显得头重脚轻。如果考察整个句子中所使用的动词,就可以很容易找到问题。Be动词在主从句中一共出现了四次,而句子的主要动作存在于名词和非谓语动词(reflection,appreciation,earning,to see)之中。稍做分析,便可以发现句子的主要动作(事件)是地产的增值。当appreciate作为句子的主要动词时,找到它的主语便比较容易了,确定其他句子成分也水到渠成了:

Since many people will no longer have to commute to work centers to earn a living,property values in the more distant suburbs and rural areas should appreciate considerably in the next two decades.


Rural and exurban property values should appreciate considerably in the next two decades as it becomes easier for people to earn a living in areas remote from work centers.


The shelter will be owned by the town,but it will be run by members of the humane society and supported,in part,by funds raised by them.The bulk of the operating funds,however,will be supplied by the town.


Although the town will own the shelter and pay most of the operating expenses,members of the humane society will run the facility and provide additional support through fund raising.

修改稿將两个句子融为一个句子。在原文中,被动语态的主语shelter 和“bulk of the operating funds”各自需要自己的动词;在修改稿中,将town作为行为主语时,可以管控带不同宾语的两个动词,这样一个句子就可以提供原来需要两个子句所表达的相同信息。

在检查句子中是否存在弱势动词时,还可以删除大多数松散的句子开头,例如“There is”和“It is important to note that”。通常,我们可以轻松删除这些松散的表达,而且绝大多数句子直接切入要比迂回进入主题更好。下面的例子来自一位美国金融专栏作家:

To make the most of your investments,it is essential that you understand what your goals are and what your financial temperament is.

如上所述,可以将“it is essential that”替换为“must”或者“have to”,并且删除 what 引导的从句。修改后的句子为:

To make the most of your investments,you have to understand your goals and financial temperament.

有些专家认为修改版本虽然更加简明易懂,但是失去原句中的强调效果。如果要保留这种强调效果,让读者特别注意这个陈述,可以放慢陈述的节奏。当确定弱势动词和被动态词语的替代词语时,可能有好几个不错的选项,最后的决定完全取决于想要突出的内容。因此,这里并不是说应该删除句中的be 动词和所有被动语态。例如,我们肯定不会去改动 “To be or not to be,that is the question”甚至“She is more to be pitied than censured”这样的英文表达。有时由于语篇衔接和不知道或者不想透露发出动作的人选择被动语态,但在使用额外词语的时候,一定要清楚自己使用被动语态的目的,而不是随意为之。可以保留那些表达我们想要的语气、强调或变化的词语,但要知道将大多数被动语态的句子转换成主动语态的益处。



The inference that because high school graduates are more likely to be employed than dropouts,the differences may be attributed to the possession of a diploma is suspect since dropouts and graduates may differ in a variety of ways relevant to both graduation prospects and employment status.


It is not necessarily the diploma that makes high school graduates more employable than dropouts;other differences may affect both their education and their job prospects.

修改后的句子要比原文更加简洁易懂,且完全表达了原句所表达的意思。比较两个句子中的名词和静态动词的数量,读者很容易理解修改版本所获得的简洁效果,尽管其中也使用了不够简洁的开头“it is”。虽然可以用“The diploma does not necessarily make...”开头,但是“It is not necessarily the diploma that makes”这个结构更具强调效果,表明对后面“high school graduates more employable than dropouts”这个陈述的反驳。


The stability and quality of our financial performance will be developed through the profitable execution of our existing business,as well as the acquisition or development of new businesses.


We will improve our financial performance not only by executing our existing business more profitably but by acquiring or developing new businesses.



The more reasoned analysis made by the Saint-Simonians of the nature of the new power situation in France and of the reasons the present government could not satisfy the needs of the people was confirmed by these developments.

这个句子包括7个介词短语,其中4个为连续出现。此外,这个句子的谓语动词采用了被动语态,并且使用了大量名词作为介词宾语。如果删除最后一个介词短语并将句子改为主动语态,可以获得主干结构“These developments confirmed...”,这样将主语与谓语靠得更近,从而使句子更容易理解。再仔细看那几个短语时会发现,“of the nature of the new power situation”表达的就是“of the new power situation”的意思,对于“of the reasons”,对政府无法满足人们需求的“a reasoned analysis”肯定分析了其中的理由。此外,还可以用“the Saint- Simonians”来替换“made by the Saint-Simonians”,删除另外一个短语。删除这四个介词短语后,这个句子修改为:

These developments confirmed the Saint-Simonians' more reasoned analysis of the new power situation in France and of the present governments inability to satisfy the peoples needs.

如果of 或者by引导的介词短语包括占有或所有关系,则经常用名词的所有格形式替代。[2]9但是,必须谨慎小心,因为不是所有of引导的短语都可以转换成为名词所有格。例如,将“the assassination of the dictator”转换成“the dictators assassination”,将受害者就变成了谋杀者。


The financial statements and related data presented elsewhere in this report have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles,which require the measurement of financial position and operating results in terms of historical dollars without regard to changes in the relative purchasing power of money over time.

这个句子的主干为被动语态结构,而这7个介词短语出现在主干之后的定语从句之中。反复研读后发现,这个句子似乎表明该报告符合按照原始币值编制数据的公认会计原则。虽然句子主语部分很长(The financial statements and related data presented elsewhere in this report),可是其中statements和data这些信息就包括在“this report”之中,没有多少新信息。而“in accordance with”完全可以换成accord或follow。将句子谓语动词转换成主动语态,这个句子可以缩短为:

Following generally accepted accounting principles,this report states the Companys financial position,operating results,and related data in historical dollars,disregarding changes in purchasing power.

实际上,最后部分“disregarding changes in purchasing power”可以转换成为“disregarding inflationary changes”,因为最近几十年的购买力一直在下降。


在英语写作中,作者应反复修改自己的稿件,以确保表达简明、清晰、易懂。经常逐一检查句子成分,删除多余词语并替换弱势词语,可以提高自己的写作水平。随着经验的积累,我们会逐渐内化这些标准,有意识地选择合适的词(下转第55页)(上接第58页)语和结构,避免写作时出现这些问题,从一下笔就写出简洁地道的英文句子。威尔逊·佛莱特(Wilson Follett)曾经写道:“我们通常忽略了删除多余词语的益处——那就是自动抑制粗心写作中的各种问题。一个人只要能在不损害意义的情况下将100词减少到50个词,他将会看到自己写作中结构松散、前后矛盾和各种不规范都没有了。”[3]


[1]Strunk,W.,Jr.,White, E. B. The Elements of Style[M]. New York:W. P. HUMPHREY,1918.

[2] Cook,C. K. Line by Line:How to Edit Your Own Writing[M]. Boston:Houghton Mifflin Company,1985.

[3]Follett,W.,Wensberg,E. Modern American Usage: A Guide[M]. New York: Hill and Wang,1998.



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