韩广弢 李皓桓
[摘要] 前交叉韧带是一种胶原结构,起源于股骨外侧髁的内侧壁。它不仅是关节内还是关节囊外结构,且愈合能力有限。它主要通过抵抗胫骨过度伸展、平移和旋转运动而起到维持膝关节静态稳定的作用。它抵抗所有的内翻和外翻运动,其损伤是常见的骨科疾病,且影响年轻人,特别是女孩,其经常参与跳跃、转动以及方向改变的运动。既往研究已经确定了前交叉韧带损伤多种内在和外在风险因素,包括解剖变异、神经肌肉缺陷、生物力学异常、比赛环境和激素状态。许多方案可以有效降低年轻人前交叉韧带损伤的发病率。治疗方案包括有氧训练、本体感受和平衡训练,以及关于身体力学和正确落地模式的教育和反馈。
[关键词] 前交叉韧带;损伤;危险因素;预防策略
[中图分类号] R685 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)08(a)-0042-04
[Abstract] The anterior cruciate ligament is a collagenous structure that arises from the medial wall of the lateral condyle of the femur. It′s an intra-articular but extracapsular structure with limits healing capacity. It maintains the static stability of the knee primarily by resisting overextension, over translation, and over rotational motion. It resists all varus and valgus movements. Injuries are common orthopedic disorders and affect young people, especially girls, who often participate in jumping, turning and changing directions. Previous studies have identified a variety of internal and external risk factors for anterior cruciate ligament injures, including anatomical variation, neuromuscular defects, biomechanical abnormalities, race environment and hormonal status. Many prevention programs have proven effective in reducing incidence in young people. Treatment options include aerobic training, proprioception and balance training, as well as education and feedback on body mechanics and proper landing patterns.
[Key words] Anterior cruciate ligament; Injury; Risk factors; Prevention strategy
1 危险因素
1.1 解剖因素
1.2 神经肌肉和生物力学因素
1.3 性别因素
1.4 环境因素
1.5 其他因素
1.6 复发性前交叉韧带损伤的风险
2 预防策略
3 临床应用
4 小结
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