郭艳丽 刘维丽 吴丽红
[摘要] 目的 以网络药理学方法研究枸杞子的主要活性成分及其作用靶点规律,推测可能存在的药理机制。 方法 在BATMAN-TCM平台检索枸杞子的活性成分,以口服生物利用度(OB)≥30%和类药性(DL)≥0.18为标准筛选活性成分,找出活性成分对应靶点。构建枸杞子活性成分靶点蛋白互作网络,运用DAVID数据库进行靶点GO功能富集和KEGG通路富集分析。 结果 筛选到枸杞子OB≥30%、DL≥0.18活性成分45种,其中36个活性成分作用靶点去除重复共计208个;在DAVID数据库以“P < 0.05,基因数>10”作为条件进行筛选,得到枸杞子靶点主要的生物功能GO条目56条、KEGG通路84条。 结论 探索枸杞子多药效物质基础和多维药理作用可为枸杞子深入研究提供依据。
[关键词] 网络药理学;枸杞子;GO富集;KEGG通路
[中图分类号] R282 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2020)07(a)-0112-05
[Abstract] Objective To study the main active components and targets of Lycii Fructus by network pharmacology, and speculate the possible pharmacological mechanism. Methods The bioactive components of Lycii Fructus were searched on the platform of BATMAN-TCM. The bioactive components were screened according to the criteria of oral bioavailability (OB)≥30% and drug like (DL)≥0.18, and the corresponding targets of the bioactive components were found. The purpose protein interaction network of active ingredients of Lycii Fructus was constructed, and the GO function enrichment and KEGG signal pathway enrichment were performed using the DAVID database. Results Forty-five kinds of active components that were OB≥30%, DL≥0.18 in Lycii Fructus were screened, among which, 36 active components had a total of 208 targets eliminating duplicates. In the DAVID database, performed under the condition of “P < 0.05, number of genes>10”, and 56 GO items of main biological functions of Lycii Fructus were obtained, 84 KEGG pathways were obtained. Conclusion The exploration of the multi-functional substance basis and multi-dimensional pharmacological effects of Lycii Fructus can provide reference for the further study.
[Key words] Network pharmacology; Lycii Fructus; GO enrichment; KEGG signal pathway
枸杞子(Lycii Fructus)是茄科多年生落叶灌木枸杞Lycium barbarum L.的干燥成熟果实。枸杞子性平,味甘,无毒,具有滋补肝肾、益精明目的功效,临床上用来治疗腰膝酸痛、内热消渴、头晕、健忘等病症[3-4]。现代医学证明,枸杞子具有抗氧化、抗衰老、增强免疫功能以及抗肿瘤等多种生物活性[5]。枸杞子活性成分多、作用靶点复杂,基于此,本研究利用网络药理学分析平台,对枸杞子的活性成分、其靶点相互作用关系进行分析,为枸杞子药理机制研究和临床应用提供更多可能。
1 资料与方法
1.1 枸杞子活性组分及靶点蛋白筛选
1.2 靶点蛋白互作(PPI)网络构建
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