

农业工程学报 2020年13期

唐永飞,赵永满,2,王吉奎,2,王 征


唐永飞1,赵永满1,2※,王吉奎1,2,王 征1

(1.石河子大学机械电气工程学院,石河子 832003;2. 农业农村部西北农业装备重点实验室,石河子 832003)

针对现有残膜回收机脱膜困难的问题,该研究设计了一种夹指链式残膜回收机脱膜装置,主要由刮板总成、曲柄摇杆机构和膜杂分离机构等组成,可一次性完成脱膜、膜杂分离和输膜作业。为增加夹指随夹指链转过上收膜轮的过程中与刮板接触的次数,将刮板总成中的刮板设为双层,并通过作业过程分析对其结构参数进行设计;使用ADAMS软件对刮板末端运动轨迹进行仿真分析,并根据仿真结果对曲柄摇杆机构的杆件长度及安装角进行设计;通过对残膜受力情况的分析,确定了曲柄摇杆机构的安装位置;通过运动学分析获得了夹指不被漏刮时上收膜轮角速度与曲柄角速度比的最大值;为实现输膜与膜杂分离,设计了往复摆动式膜杂分离机构,并通过作业机理分析及性能试验对相关部件的结构参数进行设计。田间试验结果表明,当机具作业速度为4.5 km/h、刮板宽度为100 mm、曲柄回转中心与上收膜轮中心间的水平安装距离为290 mm、竖直安装距离为200 mm、上收膜轮角速度与曲柄角速度比为0.5、输膜筛相邻棒条间的安装距离为50 mm时,残膜回收率为93.12%,脱膜率为98.2%,含杂率为16.08%,能够满足残膜回收机田间作业要求。研究成果可为相关装置的设计提供参考。


0 引 言




1 整机结构与工作原理

1.1 整机结构


1.机架 2.秸秆粉碎装置 3.夹指 4.夹指链 5.地轮 6.集膜箱 7.脱膜装置 8.上收膜轮 9.传动系统 10.秸秆输送装置 11.变速箱

1.2 工作原理


1.3 主要技术参数

根据新疆地区棉花种植模式及残膜回收机国家标准GB/T 25412-2010[27],夹指链式残膜回收机主要技术参数如表1所示。

表1 夹指链式残膜回收机主要技术参数

2 脱膜装置设计与分析


1.机架 2.传动链轮 3.传动轴 4.轴承座 5.曲柄轴 6.刮板总成 7.曲柄轴轴套 8.曲柄 9.连杆 10.摇杆 11.膜杂分离机构 12.挡膜帘



2.1 刮板总成设计


刮板总成主要由安装架、刮板和加强筋等组成。刮板有2层,每层18片,由挠性与耐磨性较好的普通平带制成,均布于安装架上下两侧,上下层刮板间的安装间隙1为50 mm,刮板轴向安装距离1为120 mm。相邻刮板间预留有安装间隙,作业过程中分别与夹指及夹指链相对,安装间隙1的大小对脱膜效果有直接影响,1过小时,夹指及夹指链通过性降低,导致整机动力消耗增加,刮板磨损加快,此外还会夹带残膜;1过大时,刮板无法有效接触到夹指及夹指链,影响脱膜效果。综合考虑脱膜效果及通过性,相邻刮板间的安装间隙1取20 mm,则可计算出刮板宽度2为100 mm。刮板的长度对脱膜效果也有一定影响,由于脱膜时夹指绕上收膜轮做回转运动,当刮板长度过小时,无法从夹指根部开始脱膜。夹指末端回转半径约为180 mm,上收膜轮半径为50 mm,因此刮板长度应不小于130 mm[25-26]。此外作业过程中受空气作用力与惯性力影响,刮板会发生形变,刮板过长,会导致刮板脱膜过程中的形变增大,影响脱膜性能。前期样机试验表明,刮板长度1取150 mm时可以顺利作用至夹指根部,且作业过程中刮板形变较小。加强筋固定在安装架上,由直径6 mm的45 #圆钢制成,长度2为100 mm,可有效延长刮板使用寿命,减小刮板与夹指及夹指链接触时的形变,保证脱膜效果。

1.刮板 2.加强筋 3.安装架

1.Scraper 2.Stiffener 3.Mounting frame


Note:1is the axial mounting distance of scraper, mm;2is the width of scraper, mm;1is the mounting clearance between adjacent scraper, mm;1is the length of scraper, mm;2is the length of stiffener, mm;1is the mounting clearance between upper and lower layer scrapers, mm.

图3 刮板总成结构简图

Fig.3 Structure diagram of scraper assembly

2.2 曲柄摇杆机构设计


1.夹指 2.夹指链 3.上收膜轮 4.刮板末端运动轨迹 5.刮板 6.曲柄摇杆机构

1.Clamping finger 2.Clamping finger-chain 3.Upper film collecting wheel 4.Motion trajectory of scraper endpoint 5.Scraper 6.Crank-rocker mechanism


Note:is the rotation center of crank;is the hinge point of crankand connecting rod;is the hinge point of connecting rodand rocker;is the hinge point of rockerand frame;is the endpoint of scraper;1is the length of scraper, mm;1is the length of crank, mm;2is the length of connecting rod, mm;3is the length of rocker, mm;4is the length of frame, mm;1is the angular speed of crank, rad·s-1;2is the angular speed of upper film collecting wheel, rad·s-1;is the mounting angle of crank-rocker mechanism, (°);and111are the positions of each rod respectively when crankand frameare collinear;1and2are the transmission angles when crankand frameare collinear, (°).

图4 曲柄摇杆机构示意图

Fig.4 Schematic diagram of crank-rocker mechanism

2.2.1 杆长与安装角确定





受机架空间结构和脱膜装置的安装位置的限制[29-30],初步确定曲柄长度1=170 mm,连杆长度2=370 mm,摇杆长度3=290 mm。根据曲柄摇杆机构中曲柄存在的条件,图4中各杆件长度应满足


将1、2与3的值代入式(6)~(7)后计算可得机架长度4的取值范围为250~446.2 mm。



对图5中轨迹1、轨迹2与轨迹4分析后发现,在安装角不变的情况下,随着机架长度4的增加,轨迹中需与夹指及夹指链接触部分的形状变化不明显,但轨迹整体逐渐由不规则的“凸轮”状转变为较圆滑的“椭圆”状,曲柄摇杆机构运动过程中的稳定性得到改善,综合考虑,确定机架长度4=445 mm。


表2 各轨迹曲线对应的曲柄摇杆机构位置与参数

2.2.2 曲柄摇杆机构安装位置确定






2.2.3 曲柄角速度确定


将安装间距∆=180 mm,上收膜轮半径=50 mm代入式(13),计算可得2/1≤0.57。分析可知,上收膜轮角速度与曲柄角速度的比值越小,刮板复位过程中夹指链转过上收膜轮的距离越短,脱膜效果越好,但比值过小,会导致机具正常作业时的稳定性降低。综合考虑后,取2/1=0.5。为保证机具作业效率及运行的稳定性,经过多次试验论证,得到机具作业最大作业速度为4.5 km/h,因此取机具作业速度=1.25 m/s,根据文献[25-26]取=2,计算可得上收膜轮角速度2=12.5 rad/s,则曲柄角速度1=25 rad/s。

2.3 膜杂分离机构设计

机具作业过程中,脱下后的残膜受气流作用力的影响很难准确落入机架下方的集膜箱中,此外回收后残膜中的土壤和秸秆含量较高。针对该问题,本文设计了一种膜杂分离机构,主要由挡膜帘、输膜筛、摆杆和复位弹簧组成,其结构如图7a所示。挡膜帘由长度为1 900 mm、宽度为600mm的涤纶纤维帆布制成,其长边的一侧联接曲柄轴轴套,另一侧联接输膜筛筛架,作用是防止脱膜过程中残膜在刮板产生的气流作用力及静电吸附力作用下缠绕脱膜装置。输膜筛通过摆杆铰接在机架上,回位弹簧联接输膜筛与机架,作业时输膜筛在挡膜帘带动下往复摆动,进行输膜与膜杂分离作业。


1.挡膜帘 2.摆杆 3.复位弹簧 4.机架 5.杂质 6.输膜筛 7.残膜 8.筛架 9.筛面

1.Curtain of separating film 2.Swing rod 3.Reset spring 4.Frame 5.Impurities 6.Film transport sieve 7.Residual film 8.Sieve frame 9.Sieve surface


Note:2is the hinge point of swing rod and frame;3is the horizontal distance between rotation center of crank and hinge point, mm;3is the vertical distance between rotation center of crank and hinge point, mm;3is the length of swing rod, mm;is the swing angular of swing rod, (°).

图7 膜杂分离机构及输膜筛示意图

Fig.7 Schematic diagram of film-impurity separation mechanism and film transport sieve

输膜筛筛面中的棒条由直径5 mm的45 #圆钢切割制成,通过焊接均匀固定在筛架上,筛面总长为1 900 mm。相邻棒条间的安装距离与棒条长度对输膜与膜杂分离效果有直接影响,相邻棒条间的安装距离越大,土壤和秸秆越不容易壅堵在筛面上,但安装距离过大,会导致输膜筛端部对残膜的支撑效果降低,弱化输膜效果。棒条长度越长,残膜相对于土壤和秸秆被向前推送的距离越长,膜杂分离效果越好,但长度过长会导致长条状残膜进入相邻棒条间空隙后难以与输膜筛分离,影响输膜效果。前期样机田间试验结果表明,输膜筛相邻棒条间的安装距离为50 mm,棒条长度为200 mm时,输膜与膜杂分离效果较好。

摆角的大小对输膜与膜杂分离效果也有影响,摆角过小时,输膜筛摆动过程中与残膜分离不彻底,导致残膜堆积在输膜筛筛面上,影响输膜与膜杂分离效果,而摆角过大时,会降低整机作业性能,加快挡膜帘与复位弹簧损耗。前期样机试验表明,当3=200 mm,3=300 mm,3=170 mm时,输膜与膜杂分离效果较好,由图7a中的几何关系可计算出此时摆角的值约为40°。

3 田间试验

3.1 试验条件

为检验夹指链式残膜回收机脱膜装置的实际作业性能,2019年10月在新疆兵团农六师新湖农场22连收获后的棉田中进行田间作业性能试验,试验装置安装在夹指链式残膜回收机的机架后侧,如图8所示。试验棉田为黏性土壤,平均含水率为17%(0~50 mm),平均土壤坚实度为2.7 kPa,地面整体情况良好,土地平整。田间地膜幅宽为2050 mm,厚度为0.008 mm,覆膜时间约为180 d,膜下滴灌带已回收,地膜表面有少量破损,且留有覆土及作物茎叶,地表秸秆余留高度为800~900 mm。试验选用约翰迪尔904型轮式拖拉机作为动力单元,此外配有皮尺(0~100 m)、电子台秤(型号:TCS-100,量程100 kg,精度1 g)、土壤水分速测仪(型号:MS-10,精度0.1%)等设备。考虑作业质量与经济效益,机组作业速度设定为4.5 km/h。

1.脱膜装置 2.秸秆输送装置 3.收膜装置 4.拖拉机

3.2 试验方法

良好的收膜、脱膜与清杂效果是保证残膜回收机连续作业的必要条件,因此结合实际情况,试验过程中选取残膜回收率、脱膜率及含杂率作为夹指链式残膜回收机的性能评价指标。试验田内随机选取1个膜幅进行5次重复验证试验,单次试验的测试区长度为100 m。每次试验结束后分别对集膜箱内的膜杂混合物与缠绕在收膜装置上的残膜进行收集与处理。各指标的计算如下[32-34]

式中1为残膜回收率,%;2为脱膜率,%;3为含杂率,%;0为100 m长的同等型号新地膜的质量,g;1为集膜箱内膜杂混合物的总质量,g;2为集膜箱内残膜的质量,g;3为缠绕在收膜装置上的残膜质量,g。

3.3 试验结果与分析


表3 田间试验结果

由表3可以看出,当机具作业速度为4.5 km/h、刮板宽度为100 mm、曲柄回转中心与上收膜轮中心间的水平安装距离为290 mm,竖直安装距离为200 mm、上收膜轮角速度与曲柄角速度比为0.5、输膜筛相邻棒条间的安装距离为50 mm时,夹指链式残膜回收机作业时的平均残膜回收率为93.12%,脱膜率为98.2%,含杂率为16.08%,能够满足残膜回收机田间作业性能要求。机具连续进行过程中状况良好,刮板在曲柄摇杆机构的驱动下可顺利将粘附在夹指与夹指链间的残膜刮落,未出现残膜二次缠绕的现象,膜杂分离机构可将脱下的残膜顺利推送至集膜箱上方,并在此过程中完成膜杂分离,减少了集膜箱内土壤和秸秆的质量,各部件功能与作业效果达到了设计的预期。

试验过程中发现,当机具作业速度为4.5 km/h,上收膜轮角速度与曲柄的角速度比为0.5时,机具作业效果与整机状况良好。当机具作业速度加快或上收膜轮角速度与曲柄角速度的比值减小时,机具作业效果依然良好,但整机出现振动现象。这是因为脱膜装置中曲柄摇杆机构的质量分布不平衡,随着作业速度的增加,由质量不平衡产生的系统惯性力不平衡现象加剧,导致整机产生振动。因此在今后的研究中还需对曲柄摇杆机构中各杆件的质量分布情况进行优化改进,提高机具在较高作业速度下的稳定性。受试验环境与时间的限制,本次试验只在现有的结构及作业参数下对样机进行了性能验证试验,未深入探究脱膜装置在不同结构与作业参数组合下的作业效果,因此在后续的研究中还需进行脱膜装置结构与作业参数的优化试验,进一步提高夹指链式残膜回收机脱膜装置及整机的作业效果。

4 结 论



3)田间试验表明,当机具作业速度为4.5 km/h、刮板宽度为100 mm、曲柄回转中心与上收膜轮中心间的水平安装距离为290 mm、竖直安装距离为200 mm、上收膜轮角速度与曲柄角速度比为0.5、输膜筛相邻棒条间的安装距离为50 mm时,残膜回收率为93.12%,脱膜率为98.2%,含杂率为16.08%,机具连续作业过程中未出现残膜二次缠绕的问题,能够满足残膜回收机作业要求。

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Design and experiment of film removing device for clamping finger-chain type residual film collector

Tang Yongfei1, Zhao Yongman1,2※, Wang Jikui1,2, Wang Zheng1


Film-mulching cultivation technology could significantly improve the growth condition of crops and increase the economic benefits of agricultural production. However, the residual film in soil is very difficult to degrade, and there is no effective recovery method, resulting in the amount of residual film in farmland soil gradually increased. The residual film currently has a serious impact on the ecological environment of farmland soil. To solve this problem, domestic scholars have devised a variety of residual film collectors. The design of film removing device was one of the key points in the development of the residual film collector. However, the existing residual film collectors mainly adopts the structure of pneumatic, telescopic rod tooth and rotary scraper, which could easily cause secondary winding of residual film during the film removing process. Thus, a film removing device of clamping finger-chain type for residual film collection was designed in this study. The device was consisted of scraper assembly, crank-rocker mechanism and film-impurity separation mechanism, which could complete the work of film removing, film-impurity separation, and film transport at one time. In order to increase the contact times between the finger and the scraper when the clamping finger-chain moved upward, a double-layer arrangement structure of scraper was adopted in the scraper assembly, and the structural parameters were designed through the analysis of the operation process. The ADAMS software was used to simulate and analyze the motion trajectory of the endpoint of the scraper, and the length of each rod and the mounting angle of the crank-rocker mechanism were designed. Through the force analysis of residual film, the mounting position of the crank-rocker mechanism was determined. Through the kinematics analysis, the maximum value of the angular speed ratio between the upper film collecting wheel and the crank when the fingers were not scratched was obtained. In order to achieve the film-impurity separation and film transport, a film-impurity separation mechanism with reciprocating swing type was designed, and the structural parameters of related components were designed based on the operation mechanism analysis and performance tests. The field experiments results showed that the residual film recovery rate was 93.12%, the film removing rate was 98.2%, and the impurity rate was 16.08%, when the travel speed of the collector was 4.5 km/h, the width of scraper was 100 mm, the horizontal mounting distance between the rotation center of crank and the center of upper film collecting wheel was 290 mm, the vertical mounting distance between the rotation center of crank and the center of upper film collecting wheel was 200 mm, the angular speed ratio between the upper film collecting wheel and the crank was 0.5, and the mounting distance of the bar in film transport sieve was 50 mm, The results indicated that the film removing device could meet the field operation requirements of the residual film collector. The research can provide the basis and reference for the development of relevant residual film collector.

agricultural machinery; design; residual film recovery; film removing device; crank-rocker mechanism

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Tang Yongfei, Zhao Yongman, Wang Jikui, et al. Design and experiment of film removing device for clamping finger-chain type residual film collector[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(13): 11-19. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.13.002











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