

农业工程学报 2020年13期




(1. 中北大学材料科学与工程学院,太原 030051;2. 中国矿业大学(北京)生态功能材料研究所,北京 100083)

为解决沙漠公路施工和养护中固沙难的问题,利用十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride,CTAC)制备了一种改性黏土材料。研究了材料的力学性能、抗老化性能和保水性能,并利用X射线衍射仪、红外光谱分析仪和扫描电子显微镜对其固沙保水机理进行分析。结果表明:当CTAC与黏土的质量比为5:4时,固沙材料力学性能和耐老化性能较好,其透气保水性能较为均衡,草籽发芽率达到最高,为47%。微观分析表明:CTAC通过插层作用将松散的黏土颗粒连接,黏土间隙变为憎水性,水分运移阻力增大,因此改性黏土固沙保水性能较好。研究结果可为固沙材料的改进应用提供参考。


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针对十二烷基苯磺酸钠改性黏土在施工中遇到的问题,本文制备了一种改性黏土,采用十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Chloride,CTAC)对黏土进行有机改性,CTAC作为常见的表面活性剂,易溶解于水,对各种水质适应能力较强,而且不易起泡,成本低廉。本文主要研究了CTAC的最佳用量以及保水性能、耐老化性能、抗风蚀性能、草籽发芽率等,并对其固沙保水机理进行了研究。

1 材料与方法

1.1 主要原料


图1 十六烷基三甲基氯化铵结构式示意图

1.2 材料制备

在100g水中分别加入10、15、20、25、30 g CTAC,强力搅拌10min,充分溶解后边搅拌边将20g黏土颗粒缓慢地加入到溶液中,继续强力搅拌20min,使黏土颗粒与混合液体混合均匀后喷涂在粗砂表面(300 g粗砂置于杯口直径为70 mm的塑料杯中),粗砂相对湿度为45%。根据CTAC的不同用量对各试样命名,将CTAC用量为10、15、20、25、30 g的各试样分别命名为H1、H2、H3、H4、H5,另外制作未改性黏土为空白对照组H。

1.3 测试与分析



利用PQX多波段人工气候箱模拟荒漠化地区气候环境,根据荒漠化地区一天中温度、湿度和光照等相关参数的变化,将人工气候箱参数设置为5个阶段,共计24 h,参数设置如下:温度50 ℃,相对湿度0,光照强度100%,时间5 h;温度40 ℃,相对湿度20%,光照强度60%,时间7 h;温度27 ℃,相对湿度45%,光照强度0%,时间8 h;温度30 ℃,相对湿度35%,光照强度40%,时间2 h;温度32 ℃,相对湿度30%,光照强度60%,时间2 h;24 h循环运行。

在试验开始24 h后第一次测试粗砂含水率,此后每隔24 h测试1次粗砂含水率。测试时取粗砂层下3 cm左右的砂土,利用德国Sartorius MA30红外水分测定仪测试其含水率,温度参数为110 ℃。

材料抗压性能测试:抗压性能测试参照行业标准JTG E51-2009公路工程无机结合料稳定材料试验规程进行,将各试样置于特制的模具(直径×高=Ф50 mm×50 mm),自然养护7 d后取出模具,利用WE-1000B液压式万能试验机测试其抗压强度,每种配比制备5个平行样。

材料抗老化性能测试:抗老化性能测试参照行业标准JTG E51-2009公路工程无机结合料稳定材料试验规程进行,采用爱佩科技公司的紫外光老化实验箱,将试样置于特制的模具(直径×高=50 mm×50 mm),自然养护7 d后取出模具,然后置于500 W紫外线碳弧灯正下方老化500 h,然后根据试验规程测试其老化前后抗压强度和质量,并计算其抗压强度损失率和质量损失率,最后将样品粉碎制浆并喷洒到粗砂表面测试其保水性能,每种配比制备5个平行样。

模拟植草试验:利用模拟植草试验测试材料对草籽发芽率的影响。在相对湿度为45%的300 g粗砂中预先放入100粒美洲王草籽后,然后按1.2 中所述方法,制备各组改性黏土材料,分别取各试样浆体100 g均匀覆盖在粗砂上,每组制备5个平行样,在人工气候箱中模拟沙漠气候(参数设置与材料保水性能测试相同),从开始试验的时间起,每24 h 观察并记录1次种子的发芽数,共记录10 d,统计并计算10 d内累计发芽数、每组样品的平均发芽数n和平均发芽率,平均发芽率为n/100。

材料的测试与表征:用日本日立S-3400型电子显微镜观察改性前后试样表面形貌;用NEXUS 670FT-IR光谱仪对试样进行红外光谱分析,测试范围4000~500 cm-1,扫描次数128次,分辨率8 cm-1;用日本理学D/MAX-2200PC型X射线衍射仪测定试样的XRD图谱,铜靶(=0.154 059 nm),管电流=100 mA,扫描速度5°/min。

1.4 数据处理

采用Excel 2003、Origin 8.0和SPSS 16.0进行作图、方差分析,并采用Duncan’s多重比较对数据进行多重比较。

2 结果及分析

2.1 材料保水性能分析

图2为不同样品砂土含水率随时间变化图,由图可知,所有样品的含水率随时间都呈下降趋势,下降速率随时间延长逐渐趋缓,CTAC改性黏土含水率均高于未改性黏土,说明改性后黏土保水性能有所提高。未改性黏土的含水率到第3 天降为0。改性黏土中,含水率随CTAC的含量增加而升高,含水率最高和最低分别为H5和H1,第7天含水率分别为27%和7%。H4含水率也较高,第7天含水率为23%。这表明改性后黏土的保水性能明显提高,且随CTAC含量的增加,保水性能逐渐增强。

注:H是未改性黏土,H1、H2、H3、H4 、H5为十六烷基三甲基氯化铵与黏土质量比为 2:4、3:4、4:4、5:4、6:4的改性黏土,下同。

2.2 材料抗压强度分析

图3为不同样品的抗压强度图,其中未改性黏土H组由于强度太低(低于0.1 MPa),万能试验机未能测出数据。由图可知,改性后黏土的强度均有明显提高,各组改性黏土强度均符合标准(不小于1 MPa),且改性黏土的强度随CTAC的含量增加而升高,强度最高为H5(2.2 MPa),强度最低为H1(1.7 MPa),而H4强度也较高,为2.1 MPa。说明CTAC可将分散的黏土颗粒粘结在一起形成固结层,且其强度可满足机械施工要求。

图3 不同处理样品的抗压强度

2.3 材料抗老化性能分析

图4为各样品老化后强度和质量损失率,由图可知,随着老化时间延长,各组试样的强度损失率和质量损失率都有上升,且CTAC含量越大,强度损失率和质量损失率越高。图4a中强度损失率最高为H5组,老化500 h后强度损失率为10.4%。H4组强度损失率也较高,为7.3%。图4b中质量损失率最高为H5组,老化500 h后质量损失率为3.2%。H4组质量损失率也较高,为2.6%。材料老化是由于高分子材料中的活性基团在光热作用下发生氧化反应,使高分子长链发生交联或者断裂而失去性能,导致其粘结性能下降、强度降低,同时改性黏土的质量损失也主要是由于部分高分子长链断裂分解引起。

图4 不同处理样品老化后强度和质量损失率

图5为各组样品老化前后表面形貌图,由图可知,改性黏土成型稳定后表面较为平整致密,孔隙率较低,在固定流沙的同时可大幅度降低水分无效蒸发,因此其保水性能较好。经过500 h的老化后,材料表面未见明显裂纹或裂缝,表面保持平整致密,说明材料在光热条件下稳定性较好。图6为各组样品老化前后保水性能对比图,由图可知,老化后试样的保水性能略有下降,下降幅度在5%以内,保水性能依然明显优于未改性黏土。结合图5表明,CTAC化学性质稳定,在光热条件下不易分解,因此其抗老化性能较好,可满足荒漠化地区恶劣的气候条件。

图5 不同处理样品老化前后表面形貌对比

图6 不同处理样品老化前后保水性能对比

2.4 材料植草性能分析



2.5 材料保水固沙机理分析

图8为黏土改性前后的X射线衍射图谱、红外图谱。在X射线衍射分析中,布拉格方程2sin=n常用于描述入射光的衍射角与层间距的关系,其中表示面间距,nm,001表示(001)晶面的面间距;2为衍射角,(°);表示未知整数;表示入射的X射线光波波长,nm。由图8a可知,黏土矿物微观结构是由Si-O多面体和Al-O多面体复合而成的片层结构,由图可知,改性前后黏土主要晶相特征峰未发生明显改变,说明CTAC并未破坏黏土的片层结构,改性后黏土的(001)面的特征峰整体向小角度偏移,2由7.05°减少到5.95°附近,由布拉格方程2sin=可知,其片层间距由1.253 5 nm变为1.485 0 nm左右,说明CTAC改性是通过插层进入黏土片层间,使其片层间距变大。


图8b为黏土改性前后的红外图谱,由图可知,改性前后黏土中主要基团的特征峰基本一致,其中3 440 cm-1处特征峰为黏土片层间水分子的伸缩振动峰,1 630 cm-1为H2O的弯曲振动峰,1 430 cm-1为片层间羟基的振动峰,1 050 cm-1为Si-O的振动峰、500 cm-1为Al-O的振动峰。改性黏土中新增加了2 930和2 850 cm-1的特征峰分别是CTAC中-CH2-的不对称伸缩振动峰和对称伸缩振动峰,结合图7可知,CTAC插层进入黏土片层间。


图9 黏土改性前后的扫描电镜图

结合图10的示意图可知其固沙保水机理如下:如图10a所示,沙漠表层由粒径约为0.2~2 mm的砂土颗粒组成,颗粒间连接松散、间隙大,孔隙率约为45%~55%。当降水或灌溉时,水分容易渗漏;当光照较强、地表温度较高时,水分容易蒸发。因此未改性黏土保水性能差,苗木难以生存。如图10b所示,改性黏土H4中松散的黏土颗粒被CTAC粘结在一起,形成较为致密的固结层。黏土间的空隙变为曲折的毛细孔道,水分运移阻力增大。而且CTAC作为粘结剂,其中亲水端(季铵离子端)向内与黏土连接,憎水端(长碳链端)向外相互粘结,使材料中黏土间隙形成的孔道由亲水性向憎水性转变,水分运移阻力进一步增大,从而大幅度提高材料保水性能。继续增加CTAC,如图10c所示,样品H5中黏土间空隙进一步被CTAC填充,气体运移通道被堵塞,材料透气性能下降,难以满足植物发芽生长对空气的需求,从而导致草籽发芽率降低。


3 结 论

1)利用十六烷基三甲基氯化铵(CTAC)改性黏土制备固沙材料,当CTAC与黏土的质量比为5:4时,材料透气保水性能最优,同时其力学性能和耐候性能较好:固结层抗压强度为2.1 MPa,老化500 h后抗压强度损失率为7.3%,质量损失率为2.6%,草籽发芽率为47%,并且材料具有良好的施工性能。


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Sand fixation and water retention performance of clay modified by cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride

Qu Yongping1, Zhang Zengzhi2


A kind of clay modified by Cetyltrimethyl Ammonium Ahloride(CTAC) was prepared to solve the problem of sand fixation in desert highway construction and maintenance. H1, H2, H3, H4 and H5 were assigned to the treatments with mass ratios of CTAC to clay 2:4, 3:4, 4:4, 5:4 and 6:4, respectively. In addition, unmodified clay was prepared as the control group H. Water retention performance was tested in an artificial climate box to simulate the desert climate. And the changes of mass and compressive strength were compared before and after ageing to test the anti-aging property. The grass planting experiment was conducted to analyze the effect of materials on germination rates. At last, the mechanism of sand fixation and water retention was analyzed by X-ray diffractometer, infrared spectrum analyzer and scanning electron microscope. The results showed that the water retention property was obviously improved with the increase of CTAC content. The moisture content of H5 and H4 were 27% and 23% respectively, while H1 was 7% on the 7th day, indicating the water retention performance of modified clay samples were gradually enhanced with the increase of CTAC content. In the compressive strength test, the strength of the unmodified clay group H was failed to measure due to the strength less than 0.1 MPa, while the strengths of the modified clay samples were significantly improved, and the strengths of the modified clay samples all met the standard requirements (no less than 1 MPa). Moreover, the strength of the modified clay increased with the increase of the content of CTAC, with the highest and higher strength of H5 and H4 (2.2 and 2.1MPa respectively), and the lowest strength of H1 (1.7 MPa). This indicated that CTAC could bond dispersed clay particles together to form a consolidation layer, and its strength could meet the requirements of mechanical construction. In the anti-aging performance test, after aging for 500 h, no obvious cracks were found on the surface of the samples, and the water retention performance decreased by less than 5%. The strength and mass loss rate of all the groups increased with aging time, and the higher the CTAC content, the higher the strength and mass loss rate. The strength loss rates of H4 and H5 were respectively 7.3% and 10.4%, and the mass loss rates of H4 and H5 were respectively 2.6% and 3.2% after 500 h of aging. The grass planting experiment showed the germination rate of the unmodified clay group (H) was only 7%, far below that of modified groups. With the increase of CTAC content, the germination rate of grass seeds gradually increased. The germination rate of the modified group H1 was 33%, and the highest germination rate was up to 47% (H4). But there was no more increase when CTAC content increase further, and the germination rate of H5 group was 41%. The microscopic analysis showed that CTAC could bond the loose clay particles together through intercalating effect. The clay gaps were turned into hydrophobicity, which resulted in the increase of the water transport resistance. So the modified clay had better sand-fixation and water-retention performance. However too much CTAC blocked the space of clay particles, the permeability of clay decreased, so the germination rate of H5 decreased. Although the compressive strength and water retention performance of H5 is slightly better than H4, as a kind of sand fixation material, the most important performance is the survival rate of seedlings. Therefore, under the premise that all other performances meet the standard requirements, H4 with the highest germination rate was selected as the best treatment scheme. The results could provide reference for the application of the modified sand-fixing materials.

sand consolidation; water; desertification; water retention; cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride; modified clay

渠永平,张增志. 十六烷基三甲基氯化铵改性黏土固沙保水性能[J]. 农业工程学报,2020,36(13):109-115.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.13.013

Qu Yongping, Zhang Zengzhi. Sand fixation and water retention performance of clay modified by cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2020, 36(13): 109-115. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2020.13.013









