

一带一路报道 2019年3期


Infrastructure construction: what's happening here is a miracle


























What does Africa look like in your mind? Poor?War-ridden? Yet a country there was giventhe title "the representative of Africa and the hopeof the black" more than 100 years ago. It is hometo coffee, sorghum and marathon runners. In recentyears, this country one ofthe least developed nationsin the world, has been ranking first in Africa in termsof development speed for many years. Its flourishingeconomy is changing the stereotype about Africa.That country, is Ethiopia.

A "Chinese model" on the roof of Africa

For Meng Hong, who has been working inEthiopia for many years, the changes here in recentyears are quite impressive. "I've seen firsthandthe economic development in Africa, especially inEthiopia, and more and more Chinese people camehere to look for opportunities," she said.

In Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, thiskind of feeling is even more pronounced. In the busydowntown area, there are wide asphalt lanes, flyinglight rail, Addis Ababa Stadium and African Unionheadquarters. It is said that 60% of the projects inAddis Ababa are completed by Chinese people,and you can find almost all the major Chineseconstruction companies here. Chinese enterprises aregradually changing the skyline ofthe city.

Today, China is inarguably Ethiopia's biggestinvestor. The British Financial Times commentedthat enterprises and capital from China have injecteda lot of resources and funds into roads, railways anddams in Ethiopia, thus enabling Ethiopia to achievea Chinese-style prosperity. Quartz, the US financialmedia, concluded that what's happening here is anecononuc miracle.

Unlike many other African countries that haveprospered by relying on mineral and oil resources,Etluopia has enjoyed long-term political stabilityand is one of the few countries in Africa that cantruly take advantage ofits demographic dividend todevelop labor-intensive industries.

In view of the backward industry the Ethiopiangovernment has actively advanced infrastructureconstruction and manufacturing industry by drawingon experience of the Chinese model. The seniorofficials have visited China many times for study tours.In 2010, the Etluopian government formulated thecountry's first "Five-year Plan" and opened up mostof its investment areas. At the same time, it activelysought assistance from the World Bank and AfricanDevelopment Fund to boost its infrastructure, energytelecommunications and other basic industries.

Under the strong impetus of Ethiopian thinktank and publicity department, the concept of"development, development and development" isconveyed in all the news and other programs of thestate television. Shots of highways and hydroelectricdams often appear in various programs.

Because of this, opening up, export processing,five-year plans, infrastructure construction and manyother scenes fanuliar to the Chinese people in the past30 years are now being staged in this remote Africancountry. "This country looks like China 30 yearsago:' said many Chinese who have visited Ethiopia.

A railway activates an economic belt

Among the projects cooperated between Chinaand Ethiopia, Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway is thebrightest star. As a landmark achievement of the Beltand Road Initiative, Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railwayis the first electrified railway on the African continentbuilt entirely with Chinese standards and equipment.It has been operating safely for more than a year,providing great convenience for local passengers andcargo transportation.

In the eyes of the Ethiopians, the inter-countryconnectivity was truly realized, and the landlockedcountry of Ethiopia was connected with Djibouti,thus having the opportunity to go global from theport. An endless stream of passengers travels betweenthe two places. Abdou, a passenger from Djibouti,is a big fan of Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway andhe takes it every time he goes to Dire Dawa, a cityin the east ofthe country. He said that it used to take18 hours by bus to get there, but now it takes only 4hours. "It's a far cry from the past," he said.

A set of data shows the popularity of AddisAbaba-Djibouti Railway. By March 2019, 403international passenger trains have been put intooperation, undertaking 155,000 passenger trips. Therailway has transported a total of 61,000 containersand delivered about l.2 nullion tons of goods.

An urgent transportation mission in June 2018,the busy farming season in Ethiopia, is still impressiveto Li Zhiyuan, general manager of CCECC EthiopiaConstruction Private Limited Company.

As a landlocked agricultural country, 95%of Etluopia's import and export goods need to betransferred through the port of Djibouti. Some 30,000tons of chemical fertilizer were stuck in Djibouti,too late to be transported in the old way. That lefiEthiopia's agricultural department in hot water.The good news was that the Addis Ababa-DjiboutiRailway had opened by then. So, they reached out tothe operation team for support.

There was no time to lose. The rail operationsteam moved quickly. "We opened 11 special freighttrains for the chemical fertilizer, and got everythingdone within a month, ensuring the smooth progress ofEthiopia's agricultural production." Li recalled.

It is again a busy season for Li and his team, buthe is confident this time. "To complete the cross-border transportation of bulk chemical fertilizer asquickly as possible, Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway isno doubt the best choice."

Relying on transportation advantages, industrialparks along the railway have mushroomed. "Atpresent, there are about 10 industrial parks underconstruction along the railway, more than half ofwhich have been put into operation. For a countrylike Ethiopia which has great demand for exports andforeign exchange, this railway can boost the economyalong the route, especially the export-orientedeconomy," said Li.

The pace of cooperation never stops

"Connectivity is a path at our feet. Whether it isby road, rail, air or the internet, our cooperation iswherever the path leads." President Xi Jinping's wordsdefined a direction for China-Ethiopia cooperation.The two countries have made great achievements inthe fields of roads, energy and housing construction.The biggest dam in Africa, the first light rail and thefirst Chinese standard railway...China and Etluopiahave jointly achieved one breakthrough after another.

On a grassland 50 kilometers west of AddisAbaba, at the end of a winding road, stands animposing transformer substation. It is the largest500kV substation in the world, Holeta Substation, theEthiopian GDHA (Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam)power transmission and transformation project. Froma distance, this group of awe-inspiring "silver armoredsoldiers" is dutifully guarding the vast land.

In stark contrast t0 13 months of hot sunshine,Ethiopia's electricity supply was severely scarce. Before2014, the installed power generation capacity was only2 million kilowatts, and 83% of the population had noaccess to electricity. The general electrification rate in thecountryside was as low as 6%, and only l/3 0f people inthe capital had access to electricity. People often queuedup to charge their phones.

Given the extreme imbalance of energy and powerload the 500KV power transmission and transformationproject undertaken by State Grid China Electric PowerEquipment and Technology Co., Ltd. (CET) is ofgreat significance for promoting Ethiopia's economicdevelopment and improving local people's lives.

"On the schematic diagram of Ethiopia's nationalgrid, a long red transmission line running from westto east points to the Blue Nile. This is the GDHA 500kV power transmission and transformation project,with the longest transmission line, the highest voltagelevel and the largest transmission capacity in Africa:"said Jin Mingguang, Chinese field executive managerof the operation and maintenance project.

Today, this transmission and transformationproject, which is well known in Africa, not onlyplays an important role in improving the structureof Etluopia's power grid and solving the problemof power supply shortage in the capital area, butalso bears great significance in facilitating the cleanenergy export of Ethiopia and building the GlobalEnergy Interconnection (GEI).

There was a time when Addis Ababa was silent after8 p.m.because of its weak infrastructure and inconvenienttransportation. Now, by 10 p.m., there are still many shopsand restaurants open. Such vitality is inseparable from thepower supply and the running light rail.

The Addis Ababa Light Rail, East Africa's firsturban light rail system, is a sight to see on the roof ofAfrica. "Convenient transportation means more colorfulurban life. The city is more active because of the lightrail," said Wang Wei, general manager of EthiopiaCompany of Shenzhen Metro Group Co., Ltd.

The first light rail in East Africa, the largestpower transmission and transformation projectin Africa, the tallest building of 210 meters inEast Africa...A host of Chinese-built projectshave become Addis Ababa's new name card. Theheadquarters of the African Union, United NationsEconomic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and anumber of NGOs aiding Africa located here also putAddis Ababa at the forefront of Africa's intemationaldiplomacy. Ethiopia is showing amazing dynamismand vitality to the world.

