

一带一路报道 2019年3期


"I'm a big fan of Chengdu"

——Exclusive interview with Mr.Ran Peleg, Consul General of lsrael in Chengdu













As China keeps making progressin the Belt and Road Initiative,trade ties between China and Israel aresoaring in recent years and exchanges intechnological innovation keep increasing.In 2017, China-Israel bilateral tradevolume exceeded USD 13 billion. Chinahas become the largest trade partner ofIsrael in Asia and the third largest tradepartner in the world. Benjamin Netanyahu,Prime Minister of lsrael, noted that "traderelation between Israel and China is amarriage made in heaven. China's strengthand foresight and Israel's proven abilityto be at the cutting edge of technologicalinnovation can combine together and leadto great results." Since May 2018, Chinaand Israel have launched the fourth roundof negotiation on free trade zone. Whenthe zone is completed, it can double thetrade volume between the two countries.

In addition, the cooperation betweenChina's southwest region and Israel alsokeeps expanding. In October 2018, RanPeleg, new Consul General of Israel inChengdu, came into office. As a formerspokesman, Embassy of lsrael in Beijing,Ran Peleg has a lot of experience inChina-Israel cooperation and exchanges.So what does he think about the deepeningbilateral cooperation and what is he goingto do about cooperation with China'ssouthwest region? Here is the interviewwith him.

Recporter:What is the top topic inChina-Israel cooperation?

Ran Peleg: Cooperation based oninnovation is the important directionbetween China and Israel. Over the pastdecade, I have endeavored to promotecooperation and communications betweenChina and Israel, during which I witnessedthat many innovation cooperation projectswere established. Now bilateral relationdriven by innovation is facing the besthistorical opportunity. Israel's advantagein innovation is in line with the needof China's economy. Many Chineseenterprises began to invest investing inIsrael and establish R&D centers here.Currently, one quarter of investment inIsrael comes from China, and innovativecooperation between the two countries isbecoming more diversified. I believe thatthere will be more space to explore in thiscooperation field in the future.

In 2017, the China-Israel innovativecomprehensive partnership wasestablished. On 24 0ctober 2018, ChineseVice President Wang Qishan and IsraeliPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahuattended the fourth meeting of China-Israel Joint Committee on InnovationCooperation and signed an action planfor China-Israel Innovation Cooperationfrom 2018 t0 2021, including cooperationintention in health care, technology,education etc. It is an upgrading inbilateral innovation cooperation since2015, ushering it into a new era."cooperation will be carried out inmany fields, such as agriculture andhealth care"

Reporter: In the next few years, whatare you going To do during your tenureabout the

Ran Peleg: Since the consulate generalof lsrael in Chengdu was set up, Sichuanand Israel have carried out cooperationin many fields. In the next few years, theprimary goal during my tenure is to boostinnovation cooperation with the southwestregion, including synergy in agriculture,water resource, sanitation and education,and facilitate more cooperation projects.Among the cooperation, digital healthcare and new education in hi-tech field arewhat we are strong at, so I hope to bringthese advantages to the southwest region,in order to improve the quality of life oflocals. In education field, we wish to helpdevelop education in some remote areasin the west by establishing digital anddistance education platforms.

As for digital health, in 2018, theministries of health in the two countriessigned collaboration agreements in thefield of digital health care. Recently,Israel and Health Commission of SichuanProvince signed healthcare agreement.In 2019, China will hold two healthcareseminars and the two countries willembrace more medical and trainingcooperation, including the Medical Clownwhich aims to assist patients to copewith illness through humor and mentaltreatment.

Reporter: Could you share the storybetween you and Sichuan and yourimpression on Chengdn?

Ran Peleg: I have to say I'm a bigfan of Chengdu. In 2006, I, togetherwith my girlfriend (now my wife),made a backpack tour in Sichuan. Thatwas the first time we came here, duringwhich we took a motorbike and wentto several places in Sichuan, such asLitang, Yading and Kangding, and finallyarrived in Chengdu where I sampledvarious delicious food. And in a Sichuanrestaurant, I proposed to my girlfriend.Later, I revisited Chengdu for many timeswhen I worked at Embassy oflsrael inBeijing. Every time it impressed me a lot.I feel enchanted with the pleasant climate,gorgeous scenery, various cuisine, andprofound culture in Chengdu, as wellas Chengdu people's positive attitudestowards life and their hospitality. Now, Icame here again, but not as a tourist, sinceI will settle and live here with my familyfor the next few years. So far, I have fourchildren and one is about to be born in2019. I'm looking forward to future workand life in Chengdu.

Speaking of Chengdu cuisine, I haveto say, I love Sichuan cuisine very much,and the spicier it tastes, the more I enjoyit. Mapo tofu, hotpot, twice cooked porkslices, to name a few, are all my favoritedishes. Certainly, what surprises me mostshould be Chengdu's fast development.For me, it grows even faster than Beijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou.

