

一带一路报道 2019年3期


“China-Pakistan Economic Corridor,a cooperative project serving the people"

——An Interview with Yao Jing, Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan





















In China, people often use the term "BaTie" to refer to Pakistan, which meansthat Pakistan and China are "faithful pals"and "sworn friends". In recent years,with the continuous deepening of theBelt and Road, the two countries enjoyeven flourishing economic and tradecooperation as well as cultural exchanges.During the lst China Intemational ImportExpo held in November 2018, ChinesePresident Xi Jinping met with PakistaniPrime Minister Imran Khan and stressed,"We will consolidate the early-harvestprojects of the China-Pakistan EcononucCorridor and promote the construction ofthe corridor to the direction of building theindustrial parks and carry out projects inthe field of social livelihood. We shouldtake the opportunity of 2019, the year ofChina-Pakistan sister cities, to carry outmore cultural exchanges." This April, theChina-Pakistan Free Trade Agreement wasinitialled. According to the agreement,the majority of the Pakistan goods to beexported to China will be zero-tariffed.Under this topic, our correspondent had aninterview with Mr. Yao Jing, the ChineseAmbassador to Pakistan, and asked himto share with us the current situationand future trend of economic and tradeexchanges between the two countries.

Reporter: Could you share with us inwhat sense is China-Pakistan All-weatherAtrategic Partnership special?

Yao Jing: Since the diplomatic tiewas established 68 years ago, China andPakistan have withstood challenges anddifficulties, and they have become a modelof state-to-state exchanges. We havebecome "sworn friends". I would liketo attribute our close friendslup to threereasons.

The first is that we hold trust foreach other. In the course of advancingcooperation, we always respect eachother's independence, sovereigntyand territorial integrity, respect thedevelopment path chosen by each otheraccording to our national conditions, andfully consider each other's feelings and tryto make each other comfortable.

The second is that we both cherish thefriendship between us. Pakistan offeredresolute support to China in several casesof critical time, for example, the timewhen new China was trying to breakthrough the external blockade afier itsfounding, the time when China regainedits legitimate seat of the United Nations,and the time when Wenchuan earthquakeoccurred in Sichuan. Similarly, at thecritical moments when Pakistan promoteseconomic and social development,safeguards national security, and suffersnatural disasters, China always stands withPakistan and offers support and assistancewithin its capabilities.

The third is that we both adhere torighteousness and integrity. On a series ofmajor international and regional issues,we two countries have always workedtogether and held firmly the justice. Weboth safeguard the common interests ofdeveloping countries and have become animportant force in promoting world peace,stability and development.

With the proposal of the Belt andRoad Intiative, China-Pakistan relationshave entered a new era. President XiJinping pointed out that China-Pakistanrelations should be a model of goodneighborly and friendly relation, a pillarof regional peace and stability, and abenchmark for international cooperationin the framework of the Belt and RoadInitiative. The two countries are movingtowards a closer relation as a communityof shared future.

Reporter: After 5 year ofdevelopment. China-Pakistan EconomicCorridor has entered a new phase ofqualily upgrading. Then how can thisquality upgrading be realized?

Yao Jing: President Xi Jinpingpointed out at the symposium on the 5thanniversary of promoting the developmentof the Belt and Road that it is the basicrequirement for the next phase of the "Beltand Road" construction to maintain thehigh-quality development. As the fastest-growing all-factor cooperation projectunder the Belt and Road framework, theChina-Pakistan Economic Corridor is alsoupgrading and entering a new stage ofreplenishment and extension.

In the new stage, replenishment isgoing to be carried out in the industrialcooperation. The Corridor constructionis shifting from building large-scaleinfrastructures to attracting investmentto Pakistan. China encourages capableenterprises to invest in Pakistan. Atpresent, Chinese auto companies such asChangan Automobile, Dongfeng Motorand Sinotruk have invested in Pakistanto set up production lines. Anhui DeliHousehold Glass and Pakistan JW Grouphave established ajoint venture in Pakistan.The Pakistani govemment also has restatedthat it will introduce preferential policies toattract foreign investment and create a goodbusiness environment. I believe that moreand more Chinese companies will invest inPakistan in the future.

The new stage will deploy some ofthe resources toward the livelihood inPakistan. In December of last year, Chinaand Pakistan teamed up a working groupfor the social and livelihood improvementfor the Corridor. China has sent a teamof experts to investigate in Pakistan, andproposed a number of time-saving, smallbut worthy livelihood projects which areexpected to result in significant impact onimproving local people's living condition.These projects cover six major areas:agriculture, poverty alleviation, health,education, drinking water supply andvocational training. They will soon beapproved and implemented.

In the new stage, the resourceallocation will be extended to theless developed western Pakistan. Theeconomic development in the westernprovinces of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa andBalochistan relatively lags behind theaverage level of Pakistan. ConsideringPakistan's needs, China has increased itsinvestment in the western region. The firstindustrial park, the Rashakai IndustrialPark, which is about to be built underthe Corridor project framework, is rightsettled in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa. TheGwadar Port in Balochistan, operated by aChinese company, is changing rapidly. Atthe end of March this year, Prime MinisterImran Khan attended the commencementceremony of the new intemational airportin Gwadar and announced the signing ofthe agreement between China and Pakistanon the building of vocational and technicalschools and hospitals in Pakistan.

In the past five years, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor has been at theforefront ofthe development of the Belt andRoad. I believe that with the joint efforts ofour two countries, the quality upgrading ofthe Corridor will also make rapid progress,and take the lead in the high-qualitydevelopment ofthe Belt and Road.

Reporter: Please tell us aboutthe latest progress of China-pakistanEconomic Corridor construction, and itsimpact on Pakistan

Yao Jing: Since the proposal ofthe China-Pakistan Economic Corridorin 2013, especially since PresidentXi Jinping visited Pakistan in 2015,remarkable progress has been madein the fields of Gwadar Port, energy,transport infrastructure and industrialcooperation. The Corridor is alreadyan all-factor cooperation program withthe most undergoing projects and therapidest progress under the Belt and Roadframework.

At present, the four major areasunder the "1+4" cooperation layoutof the Corridor and the four provincesthroughout Pakistan have projectsapproved and landed. The operation ofGwadar Port is on the right track; theFree Trade Zone is open for business;and more than 30 Chinese and Pakistanicompanies are settled. A number oflarge-scale coal-fired power stationsand new energy projects have comeinto operation, effectively alleviatinglocal power shortages. Among them, theSahiwal Coal-fired Power Station with acapacity of l.32 million-kilowatt cameinto use in 22 months, setting a worldrecord in terms of the construction speed.Under the Corridor project framework,the two major projects, the second phaseupgrading and renovation project of theKarakoram Highway, and the Multan-Sukkur Expressway project, will beopened to traffic in the second half of thisyear. The first industrial park along theCorridor, the Rashakai Industrial Park,will also commence m the near future.

All circles in Pakistan and theinternational public opinions generallybelieve that the Corridor is an importantengine of economic growth in Pakistan.In the fiscal year 2018, Pakistan'seconomic growth rate reached 5.8%,the highest in the past decade. TheCorridor program provided nearly 80,000employment posts to the local job market.It is estimated that by 2030, it will haveprovided 700,000 job opportunities,directly or indirectly. The Corridor alsoshowed the international community apositive image of Pakistan's prosperous,peaceful and stable development. Thishelps Pakistan attract more foreign directinvestment.

Reporter: Could you tell us aboutthe cooperarion between Pakistan andChina on the aspect of people-to-peopleconnectivity? What kind of other potentialsof cooperotion will be explored in thefuture?

Yao Jing: The special friendshipbetween China and Pakistan is not onlyreflected in the pioneering role of theChina-Pakistan Economic Corridor forthe development of the Belt and Road, butalso in the fact that the people-to-peopleconnectivity and the cultural exchangesbetween China and Pakistan take the leadamong the countries along the route. In2018, the people of two countries paidnearly 200,000 exchange visits Thereare 28,000 Pakistani students enrolledin Chinese universities, ranking third inthe world. It tops in the world ranking interms of the student number receivingChinese government scholarship. The twocountries have so far established 16 pairsof sister provinces and cities. In the fieldof health, China has sent medical teamsto Pakistan several times. At present,the Red Cross Society of China has aresident medical team in Gwadar Port.Last year, the Chinese ophthalmologicalmedical workers went to Pakistan toconduct a "Bright Travel" clinic activity,helping more than 500 cataract patientsrecover their eyesight. Every year, the twocountries send a number of art groups toeach other, bringing excellent performancefor the two peoples.

The Corridor is a cooperative programserving the local people with real benefit.The China-Pakistan Friendship Schoolis the first project completed underthe Corridor program with the fund ofthe China Foundation for Peace andDevelopment. The school was originallydesigned to receive 150 children, but500 came on the opening day of theschool. Dozens of Pakistani women drovetrucks for the coal-electricity project inthe second section of Thar Coalfield,becoming the "heroines" who supporttheir families. The social and livelihoodworking group of the Corridor programteamed up by the two governments willsoon launch a series of livelihood projectsthat are closely related to the life of thepeople and are expected to be efficient.With the joint efforts of the peoples of thetwo nations, the China-Pakistan EconomicCorridor is becoming a corridor leadingPakistan to prosperity and the people tohappiness.


Message from TCL Pakistan CEO Sunny Yang