

一带一路报道 2019年3期


To be the next global manufacturing center

——Research report on Ethiopia


2010年,埃塞政府启动首个“增长与转型”计划(Growth and TransformationPlan I)。多年来,埃塞政府各级官员高频次到中国考察,回国后积极发展基础设施、能源和电信等基础性行业,建设以出口创汇为先导的工业园,为国民经济的长期发展打下基础。2013年,埃塞政府聘请中国开发区协会为其拟订工业园发展规划。2014年埃塞政府成立工业园开发公司(IPDC),并于2015年颁布《工业园法》,将工业化作为重点优先发展方向,工业园开发战略成为其中的核心战略举措。













东方工业园(Eastern Industry Zone)是中国民营企业投资的产业园,也是该国境内首个由外资建成且正式运营的工业园区,推动了埃塞工业园法的落地。2008年,中国江苏永元投资有限公司在埃塞投资建设东方工业园,将现代工业园发展理念和模式引入埃塞。东方工业园一期工程总投入约2亿美元,2013年中国提出“一带一路”倡议后,一大批企业到非洲寻求发展,进入东方工业园的企业迅速多起来。目前,工业园一期已有83家入园企业,解决了1.4万当地人员就业。













I Overview of Ethiopian Economy

Ethiopia is an ancient country with a civilization history of 3,000 years. Witha land area of l.14 million square kilometers and a population of over 100 million,it is the second most populous country in Africa.

In 2010, the Ethiopian government launched Growth and Transformation PlanI. Over the years, officials from the Ethiopian government at all levels have madefrequent visits to China. Afier returning to Ethiopia, they have actively advancedinfrastructure development, energy telecommunications and other basic industries,and built industrial parks spearheaded by earning foreign exchange through export,laying a foundation for the long-term development of the national economy.In 2013, the Ethiopian government invited China Association of DevelopmentZones (CADZ) to draw up the A Proclamation on Industrial Parks. The Ethiopiangovernment established the Industrial Park Development Corporation (IPDC) in2014 and promulgated the Industrial Park Proclamation in 2015. Industrializationwas set as the priority in development, and the industrial park development strategybecame a core strategic measure.

On the other hand, the Ethiopian government actively advocates agriculturalmodernization centered on the agricultural product processing, consolidates thefoundation of agriculture and animal husbandry and vigorously develops traditionaladvantageous industries such as coffee, oil seeds, flowers, cattle and sheep, andleather export. Since 2015, Ethiopia's GDP has maintained an annual growth rate ofover 10%.

In terms of capacity cooperation, when labor-intensive industries are facingrising costs in China and Southeast Asia, Ethiopia hopes to take advantage ofits strength in labor, undertake international capacity transfer and replicate theChinese-style industrialization path. It aims to transform an agrarian economyinto one donunated by light manufacturing, making Ethiopia the next globalmanufacturing center.

II Progress of the Belt and Road Initiative Construction in Ethiopia

Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway is built with Chinese standards, design, funds,supervision and equipment. The railway is 751.7 kilometers long, with a designedspeed of 120 km/h for passenger and 80 km/h for freight. The total investment isabout USD 3.8 billion. It is China's first electrified railway in Africa with Chineseelements fully integrated, including technology standards, equipment, financing,construction, supervision, operation and management.

The opening ceremony of the commercial operation of Addis Ababa-DjiboutiRailway was held at the Lebu Railway Station, Addis Ababa on January l, 2018.According to the investigation of Lebu Railway Station, a passenger train leavesat 8 a.m. and returns the next day from the terminal station (once every two days).A pair of freight trains run each day. Now, 19 stations have been built along AddisAbaba-Djibouti Railway, including 5 0pened. The number of stations is expectedto reach 45 in the future. In April 2018, the railway eamed more than USD 2.35million in freight revenue and USD 150,000 byserving 12,000 passengers (fare: as much as ETB1,008 for locals and ETB 2,016 for foreigners).

During the investigation, problems such aspower instability, imperfect laws and regulations, aswell as safety risks are also found from time to time.Therefore, facilities improvement and personneltraining will continue after project completion for along term.

(II) Addis Ababa Light Rail

Addis Ababa Light Rail is the first modem urbanlight rail in East Africa. It currently comprises twolines, the north-south line and the east-west line, witha total length of 31.05 kilometers and 39 stations.Addis Ababa Light Rail was built by China RailwayErju Construction Co.,Ltd, adopting a full range ofChinese standards, Chinese designs and Cluneseequipment.

The fares include ETB 2, ETB 4 and ETB 6.Operating hours are from 6 a.m. t0 10 p.m. The trainruns every 15 minutes in peak time and every 20minutes in normal time. Since the second half of 2015t0 2018 0n May 31, the light rail had operated safelyfor 985 days, with 230,000 trains running and a totalnuleage of 5.842 million kilometers. It had served atotal of 129 nullion passengers, with a daily averageof 104,500 and a record of 185,000 (In China, theaverage daily passenger flow on the subway in somecities is only 20,000 people). A light rail camagecan accommodate a maximum of 317 passengers,while the subway can hold l,600 people. Therefore,an average of 100,000 passengers a day is indeedimpressive.

The light rail has changed the look of the cityin many ways. Previously, due to the lack of publictransportation, the city went to sleep at 8 p.m.Now, the light rail runs until 10 p.m., so shops andrestaurants can stay open later, and business in the citybrisks up. The light rail has become an urban brand ofEthiopia. Every year, major African conferences areheld in Addis Ababa, and many delegations come tovisit the light rail, showing their appreciation.

(III) Industrial Park

At present, all the 8 industrial parks underconstruction led by the Ethiopian government areundertaken by Clunese-funded enterprises. EasternIndustry Zone and Huajian International LightIndustry City(Ethiopia) PLC, the 2 completed non-government leading industrial parks, were fullyinvested and developed by Chinese private enterprises.

The Ethiopian Eastern Industry Zone, an industrialpark invested by private enterprises in China, is thefirst industrial park built and formally operated byforeign capital in the country which has promotedthe implementation of the Ethiopian IndustrialPark Proclamation. In 2008, Jiangsu YongyuanInvestment Co., Ltd. invested in the construction ofEastem Industry Zone in Ethiopia and introduced thedevelopment concept and mode of modem industrialpark into the country. The total investment of EastemIndustry Zone Phase I is about USD 200 million.After China put forward the Belt and Road Initiativein 2013, a large number of enterprises went to Africafor development. Many enterprises entered EastemIndustry Zone. So far, 83 enterprises have entered thefirst phase ofthe project and created 14,000 local jobs.

Huajian International Light Industry City:Huajian's shoe factory was one ofthe first enterprisesto enter Eastern Industry Zone. It is considered amodel for capacity cooperation between China andEthiopia. By the end of 2017, Huajian had becomeChina's largest private enterprise in Ethiopia, withover USD 122 million eamed from exports and over7,500 local jobs created. With an annual output ofover 5 million pairs ofwomen's shoes, the companyis the largest shoe exporter in Ethiopia, accounting forover 65% of Ethiopia's shoe exports.

As a labor-intensive enterprise, Huajian has alsobenefited from the low labor costs in Ethiopia andconsolidated its international competitiveness. Laborcosts here are l/7 0f that in China, and electricity billsare half that in China. Although the logistic cost ishigh, the comprehensive benefits are several timeshigher than those in China. The Addis Ababa-DjiboutiRailway has been commercialized, but the exportprocess is still to be smoothened. Huajian and otherenterprises still rely on road transportation, and thelogistics cost high in both time and money.

Entering Africa, Huajian started to plan its globallayout. Its two domestic production bases are stillin production. High-end products are produced inDongguan and lower-end products in Ganzhou.The group plans to transfer 60% of its productioncapacity to Ethiopia and other African countries inthe future. Export from African and Southeast Asiancountries enjoy tariff-free and quota-free policies.Shoes, clothing and other products made by Chinesecompanies in Ethiopia enjoy zero tariffs whenexported to Europe and the US.

III Existing Problems and Related Suggestions

Etluopia has overtaken Nigeria as Africa's most attractive destination forinvestment, according to a five-year Investment Attractiveness Index (AAI) studyby the UK-based consultancy Emst&Young. However, many problems were foundin the investigation.

(I) Taxation. When formulating specific policies, some policy makers do notunderstand the actual situation of the industry and have insufficient knowledge ofthe industrial chain. What's more, the product tax policy of Ethiopia is relativelybroad, with too many general principles and too few detailed rules. Whenimplementing specific policies, tax and customs officials have great discretion inlaw enforcement, and there are problems such as excessive tax law enforcement.

(II) There is a risk of currency devaluation. Affected by the downturn ininternational commodity prices, coffee and other Ethiopian agricultural products areweak in earning foreign exchange through export. According to the latest figuresfrom the UK Financial Times, Ethiopia's foreign exchange reserves are now USD3.083 billion, while its foreign debt accumulates to USD 23.167 billion. A risingtrade deficit threeatens Ethiopia's solvency.

After investigation, the author puts forward the following developmentsuggestions:

First of all, it may not be a good idea to build as many industrial parks aspossible. The construction of overseas industrial parks requires a more systematicanalysis of production capacity cooperation and industrial park development.

Secondly, cooperation in power and other infrastructure projects should bestrengthened. Ethiopia has plenty of water power, but less than 5% of it is exploited.The old transnussion and distribution system have led to the conspicuous problemsof power instability. Ethiopia is now working intensively to deal with blackouts andupgrading its power grid.

Thirdly, the cross-cultural management should be improved. The Belt andRoad Initiative values mutual learning among civilizations. More effort should bemade to build the people-to-people ties.

Fourthly, more attention should be paid to education, medical care and otherlivelihood issues. We should encourage more enterprises and talents to take rootsin Africa, which requires supporting education and medical care services. Bothstate-owned enterprises and private companies hope to build Chinese hospitals andschools overseas with government support. This will help talents settle inAfrica.

Fifthly, it is suggested to build Belt and Road capacity centers in differentregions of Africa, including Ethiopia in the east and Nigeria in the west. At present,many Chinese companies send their local employees in Africa to China for training.It is expensive and it is highly possible that they will leave the company upon theirreturn. The construction of capacity center will help African officials and staff getup close and personal on key issues ofthe Belt and Road Initiative.

