刘洪宇 张长连 陆小左
[摘要] 目的 为更准确地诊断高尿酸血症及提高临床疗效,拟对高尿酸血症患者舌象进行初步分析。 方法 2017年1~7月利用舌象仪在天津武清泉达医院随机收集50例高尿酸血症患者舌象作为高尿酸组,同时采集50名健康体检者的舌象作为健康组,分析高尿酸血症舌色RGB值和苔色RGB值,并对高尿酸血症舌色和苔色特点进行初步探讨。 结果 两组舌尖颜色R1、舌尖颜色G1、舌尖颜色B1、舌左边颜色R2、舌左边颜色G2、舌右边颜色R3、舌右边颜色B3比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05);两组舌根苔色R4、舌尖苔色G6、舌尖苔色R6、舌中苔色B5、舌尖苔色B6比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。舌色淡紫、红绛,苔色黄、苔色白为高尿酸血症的舌象特点。结论 高尿酸血症舌色、苔色具有与正常舌色、苔色不同的特点,为高尿酸血症的中医防治与疗效评估提供了基础数据。
[关键词] 高尿酸血症;舌色;苔色;RGB值
[中图分类号] R589 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2019)03(a)-0113-04
[Abstract] Objective To diagnose hyperuricemia more accurately and improve the clinical effect, the tongue manifestation of patients with hyperuricemia was analyzed preliminarily. Methods The tongue manifestation of 50 patients with hyperuricemia in Tianjin Wuqing Quanda Hospital by tongue manifestation analyzer from January to July 2017 was randomly collected as hyperuricemia group. At the same time, the tongue manifestation of 50 healthy persons was collected as healthy group. The RGB values of tongue color and RGB values of moss color of hyperuricemia were analyzed, and the characteristics of tongue color and moss color of hyperuricemia were analyzed preliminarily. Results There were all statistically significant differences of the tongue tip color R1, the tongue tip color G1, the tongue tip color B1, the left tongue color R2, the right tongue color R3 and the right tongue color B3 between the two groups (all P < 0.05). There were all statistically significant differences of the moss color of tongue root R4, the moss color of tongue tip R6, the moss color of tongue tip G6, the moss color of central tongue B5 and the moss color of tongue tip B6 between the two groups (all P < 0.05). Lilac or purple-red tongue, yellow or white moss seems to be the characteristics of tongue manifestation of hyperuricemia. Conclusion The tongue color and moss color of hyperuricemia have different characteristics compared with those of normal tongue color and moss color, which provides essential data for TCM prevention and treatment and efficacy evaluation of hyperuricemia.
[Key words] Hyperuricemia; Tongue color; Moss color; RGB value