Lesson Eighty-three Cardiacmemory-diagnostictool in the making1


心电与循环 2018年3期


Classic definition of the term cardiac memory(CM)refers to the persistent T-wave changes on the ECG after a period of wide QRS rhythms that become evident once normal ventricular activation pattern is restored.It is related to the term ventricular electric remodeling sometimes used in basic science literature.Although CM itself is considered as an adaptive reaction to the change in the ventricular activation sequence,its manifestations (usually T-wave inversions,TWIs)are often confused with pathological conditions manifesting with TWI,such as myocardial ischemia or infarction.

In 1982,Rosenbaum et al introduced the term heart memory and presented the first unified hypothesis of how abnormal ventricular activation could lead to the development of T-wave abnormalities regardless of the wide QRS cause by a process he referred to as electrotonic modulation.In this seminal article,3 principles of CM were formulated:(1)the direction of the T waves in sinus rhythm follows (remembers)the direction of the QRS complex during preceding episode of abnormal activation;(2)the amplitude of memory T waves increases the longer abnormalconduction continues,and (3)repeatepisodesofabnormal activation after complete normalization of T waves result in more rapid and prominent accumulation of T-wave changes(hence the term memory).

Molecular Mechanisms

In brief,CM comprises a spectrum of 2 distinct but overlapping phenomena which differ in the mechanisms by which repolarization changes are achieved:shortterm and long-term CM.Short-term CM observed within minutes of ventricular pacing is thought to occur from modulation and modification of existing proteins and channel trafficking.It is relatively short-lived and dissipates within minutes.Long-term CM is seen after longer periods of abnormal activation and is longer lasting (days to weeks).It includes changes in gene transcription and protein synthesis.Molecular changes observed in the setting of CM include alterations of multiple ion channels,receptors,and cell coupling,including the transient outward current,Ito,IKr,ICa,Na/Ca exchanger,AT1 receptors,stretch-activated receptors,and gap junction redistribution.

Triggers of CM

Perhaps the most important discovery in the physiology of CM was establishing its relationship to the mechanical function of the heart.The notion that it is the change in ventricular contraction pattern and local ventricular wall stress (as opposed to electrotonic modulation originally proposed by M.Rosenbaum)that triggers CM was first made on the basis of CM inhibition by the renin-angiotensin system blockade.It was later confirmed in elegant experiments with excitation-contraction uncoupling demonstrating that pacing-induced CM only develops if the change in the electric activation sequence is accompanied by the active mechanical contraction, whereas CM-like changes can develop as the result of local mechanical myocardial stretching alone without electric activation change.

Role of Vectorcardiography in Evaluation of CM

As originally noted by Rosenbaum et al,not only the T waves follow the direction of the wide QRS complex in each ECG lead,but also the whole T-wave 3-dimensional vector aligns with the wide QRS vector when assessed using vectorcardiography.

This3-dimensionalnature ofrepolarization changes in CM made vectorcardiography a preferred tool of its assessment so that instead of tracking disparate T-wave polarities and amplitudes in individual leads the change in the whole T-wave vector can be observed and measured. The vectorcardiography-based measurement of CM,T-vector peak displacement was developed.It allowed to express CM magnitude as a single numeric value and track its changes under different experimental conditions.

Why was CM Initially Described only during Normal Ventricular Activation

Traditionally,CM has been associated with TWI during sinus rhythm with narrow QRS for several reasons:

First,normal T waves during sinus rhythm are positive in mostleads,whereasTWIisusually associated with pathological conditions (eg,ischemia,strain, cerebral hemorrhage). Therefore, T-wave changes are more likely to be noticed when TWI is present.Second,in the most common situations leading to CM development (LBBB,right ventricular apical pacing),wide QRS deflections initiating CM are negative in the majority of the leads and therefore produce TWI.Third,large secondary repolarization changes during wide QRS rhythms mask CM until the QRS becomes narrow(Figure 1).

Figure 1 ECG during narrow (AAI pacing,A)and wide QRS(DDD pacing,B)before (baseline)and after cardiac memory(CM)induction(day 7).A,At baseline,the T waves during AAI pacing are positive in most leads.On day 7 during AAI pacing,inverted T waves in multiple leads assume the polarity of the paced QRS complex consistent with CM.B,During wide QRS rhythm,CM manifests as a decrease in the T-wave amplitude with no change in polarity on day 7 compared with the baseline. Unless quantitative vectorcardiography methods are used to measure the T-wave loop,this change usually goes unnoticed on a 12-lead ECG.

Distin guishing between TWI from CM and Ischemia

Since the time CM was first described,its similarity to ischemic TWI made it a significant confounder in the diagnosis of myocardial ischemia often resulting in excessive cardiac testing.In particular,precordial TWI because of intermittent right ventricular pacing or LBBB(by farthe mostcommon presentationsofCM encountered in clinical practice)can be easily confused with the Wellens'syndrome2characteristic of transient proximalleftanteriordescending coronary artery occlusion,a condition requiring promptcoronary intervention.

In general,the direction of the ischemic T-waves points away from the area of ischemia.Because the ischemic region attributable to the proximal left anterior descending coronary artery lesion involves the left ventricle,the ischemic precordial TWI has a rightward axis in the frontal plane and is characterized by TWI in leads I and aVL.The rare cases of right coronary artery ischemia producing precordial TWI with the leftward axis have deeper TWI in inferior leads than that in the precordial leads.However,right ventricular apical pacing and LBBB produce QRS vectors positive in leads I and aVL resulting in positive T waves in these leads on resumption of normal conduction consistent with CM principles.It also produces precordial TWI deeper than the inferior TWI.

The combination of positive T in lead aVL and positive/isoelectric T in lead I,and precordial TWI>inferior TWI produces a unique pacing induced CM signature that was 92%sensitive and 100%specific in differentiating pacing-induced TWI from ischemia in a retrospective study.

Figure2 Vectorcardiogram of the patient in Figure 1 during AAI and DDD pacing in frontal (A)and transverse(B)projections before(baseline)and after the induction of cardiac memory (CM;day 7).On day 7 during AAI pacing,the T vector assumes the direction of the paced QRS complex while increasing in magnitude.At the same time in DDD mode,the T-vector magnitude decreases with no change in direction.Black arrows indicate the direction and magnitude of the projection of T-peak displacement as the result of CM and are similar in AAI and DDD modes.

Cardiac Memory in Wide QRS Rhythms

Despite the fact that processes underlying CM do not develop suddenly on QRS normalization but rather progress gradually during abnormal ventricular activation,for a long time it was thought that CM cannot be detected until QRS becomes narrow.Secondary T-wave changes in wide QRS rhythms occur immediately and are dominant,whereas CM-induced T-wave changes are initially subtle and while gradually increasing over time are obscured by the secondary changes.The assessment of CM by surface ECG in the setting of wide QRS is limited because of the dominance ofthesecondaryT-wave changes.Repolarization changes because of CM in this situation have been largely overlooked,being masked by the large discordant T waves.Nevertheless,vectorcardiogram can readily detect CM in this situation.Figure 2 presents the vectorcardiogram of the patient shown in Figure 1 demonstrating the 3-dimensional T-vector displacement after 7 days of right ventricular pacing during the narrow(AAI pacing)and wide(DDD pacing)QRS.The actual T-vector change (T peak displacement)in the narrow and wide QRS is nearly identical in both magnitude and direction.As seen on both Figures 1 and 2,CM in wide QRS rhythms presents as a decrease in T-vector magnitude without directional change (another reason why they are usually missed)in contrast to the narrow QRS rhythm,where T vector becomes larger and rotates toward the paced QRS. Using quantitative vectorcardiograpic analysis,CM can be detected in paced rhythm within minutes after the onset of pacing.

Clinical Application of CM in Wide QRS:Age Determination of LBBB

The finding that CM decreases discordant T-wave amplitude in wide QRS rhythms has important clinical implications.For example,it can be used to determine whether LBBB is old or new which becomes valuable in the setting of chest pain.

The criterion for LBBB age determination was developed on the premise that new LBBB would have larger T vector(and taller T waves on a 12-lead ECG)compared with the old one in accordance with CM development in wide QRS rhythm (Figure 3).As the duration of LBBB increases the discordant secondary T waves become smaller (Figure 3A).A retrospective analysis>1700 LBBB ECGs showed that indeed the new onset LBBB (defined as<24-hour duration)was rare(3%)and had significantly larger T waves(as well as smaller QRS vector magnitude)compared with the chronic LBBB (Figure 3B and 3C).Although the best results in LBBB age determination were achieved using quantitative vectorcardiography technique,a simplified 12-lead ECG criterion using the ratio of the maximal precordial S wave/maximal precordial T-wave amplitude(asapproximationsofthe QRS and T vectors,respectively)was also developed.A conservative cutoff of S/T<2.5 allowed to detect 100%of the new LBBBs.

Figure 3 Use of the maximal precordial S/T ratio in left bundle branch block (LBBB)age determination.S/T represents the ratio of the maximal precordial S wave/maximal precordial T-wave amplitude.A,As the duration of LBBB increases,the maximal precordial S/T ratio increases from 1.64 at 6 hours(=new)to 3.22 at 15 days(=old).B,A typical example of resolution of a new LBBB (<8-hour duration).S/T ratio is 1.61.Resolution of LBBB results in no apparent T-wave abnormalities during narrow QRS.C,A typical example of resolution of an old LBBB (>3-day duration).S/T ratio is 2.93.Typical changes of cardiac memory with precordial TWI are evident during narrow QRS.D,A new onset LBBB (<75 minutes)in a setting of an acute left anterior descending coronary artery thrombosis.S/T ratio is 1.68 consistent with the new LBBB.Note ST segment changes in the baseline tracing consistent with ischemia and loss of R waves after resolution of LBBB.

TheT-vectormagnitudein LBBB changes significantly during the first 24 hours.In cases of painful LBBB syndrome when ECG isrecorded within seconds/minutes of symptoms onset (often during an exercise stress test),S/T ratio can be as low as 1.4.The majority of the T-wave changes occur within the first 24 hours of LBBB persistence when it assumes chronic QRST configuration.In the true chronic LBBB,the S/T ratio is close to≥3.0 (Figure 3A and 3C).It is important to recognize that LBBB is often a dynamic phenomenon and can be intermittent or rate-dependent.Repeated episodes of intermittent LBBB can cause accumulation of CM-related T-wave changes,sometimes making the distinction between new and old LBBB difficult.

The new LBBB S/T criterion held true in a small subgroup of patients with acute coronary syndrome(Figure 3D)but needs to be confirmed in larger clinical trials.

词 汇

seminal adj.精液的,繁殖的,种子的

trafficking n.非法买卖

dissipate v.驱散,使……消散,消散,使...散放,放荡,耗散,浪费,使……耗散

synthesis n.综合,合成,合题

elegant adj.雅致,优美的,精确的,上等的

vectorcardiography n.心电向量测定法

disparate adj.全异的

displacement n.移位,位移,撤换

confounder n.混乱者

resumption n.重新开始,恢复

obscure adj.&v.晦涩的,无名的,隐藏的;使……变暗,遮住,使……难解

premise n.假定,前提;v.引出


conservative adj.&n.保守,保守的,保守党,稳当的;保守者,防腐剂

注 释 the making指“正在兴起、正在形成、策划中、酝酿中”等,如A stem cell that loses its immunoprotection over time is a time bomb in the making.随着时间推移,失去免疫保护的干细胞是潜在的定时炸弹。

2.Wellens'syndrome是De Zwaan等于80年代首先描述的一种综合征,患者胸痛时心电图表现为V2、V3T波深倒(>5mm)或双向,ST段不抬高或轻度抬高,是冠状动脉前降支近端严重狭窄的特征性改变,预示前壁大面积梗死的危险,而当患者来急诊时通常已无胸痛症状,心肌酶正常或仅轻度增高,如果单纯药物治疗,75%会在数周内发生急性心肌梗死。



术语心脏记忆的经典定义是指一段时间宽QRS节律后心电图上出现的持续性T波变化,一旦恢复正常心室激动图形后,这种T波变化就变得显而易见。这与有时用于基础科学文献中的术语心室电调节相关。虽认为心脏记忆本身是对心室激动顺序变化的适应性反应,其表现(通常为T波倒置,T-wave inversion,TWI)经常与呈现TWI的病理状态如心肌缺血或梗死相混。











首先,窦性节律时的正常T波在多数导联呈正向,而TWI通常与病理状态(如缺血、劳损、脑出血)相关。因此,当出现TWI时更易观察到T波的变化。其次,在最常导致心脏记忆发生的状态 [左束支传导阻滞(LBBB),右心室心尖起搏],引发心脏记忆的宽QRS波群在多数心电图导联上是负向的,因此而产生TWI。第三,宽QRS节律时大的继发性复极变化掩盖了心脏记忆,直至QRS波群变窄(图1)。



通常,缺血性T波的方向背离缺血区。因前降支冠状动脉近端病变引起的缺血累及左心室,额面上缺血性胸导联TWI电轴右偏,特征表现为Ⅰ和aVL TWI。右冠状动脉缺血引起电轴左偏、胸导联TWI的罕见病例,下壁导联的TWI较胸导联深。然而,右心室心尖起搏和LBBB产生I和aVL QRS波向量向上,基于重新开始的正常传导与心脏记忆一致的原理,导致这些导联T波向上,这也导致胸导联TWI深度超过下壁TWI。

一项回顾性研究显示,结合aVL T波直立和ⅠT波直立/等电位线,以及胸导联TWI>下壁TWI,产生独特的起搏诱发心脏记忆特征,这对鉴别起搏和缺血诱发的TWI的敏感性和特异性分别达92%和100%。





根据宽QRS节律时心脏记忆的形成(图3),与陈旧的LBBB相比,新发LBBB T向量较大(12导联心电图上T波高尖),以此为前提,形成鉴别LBBB发生时间的标准。随着LBBB持续时间延长,反向的继发性T波变小(图3A)。回顾分析>1 700例LBBB心电图发现,新发LBBB(定义为<24h)极少见 (3%),与慢性LBBB比较具有明显高尖T波(而QRS向量较小)(图3B和3C)。虽然采用定量心电向量图技术确定LBBB时间能达到最佳结果,但采用胸导联最大S波与最大T波振幅比值的简单12导联心电图标准已经形成。取S/T<2.5的保守截点,能100%诊断新发LBBB。


新的LBBB S/T标准在小样本急性冠脉综合征亚组患者中保持准确性(图3D),但需在较大的临床试验中加以证实。

图1 诱发心脏记忆前(基础)后(第7天)窄(AAI起搏,A)和宽(DDD起搏,B)QRS心电图。A:基础状态下,AAI起搏期间T波多数导联直立。AAI起搏第7天,多个导联T波倒置,呈现起搏QRS综合波极性与心脏记忆的一致。B:宽QRS波群节律期间,与基础状态比较,第7天心脏记忆表现为T-波振幅降低而极性不变。除非采用定量心电向量图方法测定T-波环,否则,12-导联心电图上这种变化通常被忽视。

图2 图1患者AAI和DDD起搏期间诱发心脏记忆前(基础)后(第7天)的额面(A)和横面(B)心电向量图。AAI起搏第7天,T向量与起搏QRS波群方向一致,而振幅增大。DDD模式的同一时间,T-向量振幅减小而方向不变。黑色箭头标明因心脏记忆产生的T-峰位移突起的方向和幅度,AAI和DDD模式下相似。

图3 胸导联最大S/T比值在LBBB时间判断中的应用。S/T代表最大胸导联S波/最大胸导联T-波振幅。A:随着LBBB时间延长,最大胸导联S/T比值从6h(=新发)的1.64增至15d(=陈旧)的3.22。B:新发LBBB(<8h)缓解的典型病例。S/T比值是1.61,LBBB缓解致使窄QRS期间无明显T-波异常。C:陈旧LBBB(>3d)缓解的典型病例。S/T比值2.93,窄QRS波群期间呈典型的心脏记忆胸导联TWI变化。D:急性左前降支冠状动脉血栓导致的新发LBBB(<75min)。S/T比值1.68与新发LBBB相一致。注意基础状态下ST段变化与缺血相符,LBBB缓解后R波消失。

[1]Shvilkin A,Huang HD,Josephson ME.Cardiac Memory-Diagnostic Tool in the Making.Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol.2015;8:475-482.

