英语插入语标点的 用法探究
1. 英语插入语标点的类型及位置
(1) 逗号是插入语标点的常用形式。如果插入语出现在句中一定要用两个逗号,一前一后;如果出现在句首或句末,只用一个逗号,放在后面或前面。例如:
All in all, I think we can say that weve done well.总之,我认为,可以说我们做得很好。
(2) 圆括号是仅次于逗号的插入语标点的常用形式。无论出现在句子的任何位置都是双括号,一前一后。例如:
The 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings (6 June 1944) was attended by many world leaders. 许多世界领导人出席了诺曼底登陆七十周年纪念日活动(19446年6月)。
(3) 破折号是插入语标点用得较少的形式。如果插入语出现在句中,必须要用两个破折号,一前一后;如果出现在句首或句末,只用一个,放在后面或前面。例如:
The cheetah-the worlds fastest land animal-is native to Africa.猎豹──陆地上跑得最快的动物──原产于非洲。
2. 英语插入语标点──逗号的用法
(1) 独立的形容词(短语)、副词(短语)、介词短语、分词短语、动词不定式短语等用作插入语要用逗号与句子其他部分隔开。例如:
Worse still, the money in my wallet was stolen this morning. 更糟糕的是,今早我钱包里的钱被偷了。(形容词短语)
Personally, I could care less whether the Giants come or not. 就我个人来说,我根本就不在乎巨人队来还是不来。(副词)
(2) 插入语为非限定性定语从句,用逗号与其他部分隔开。例如:
Solar energy, which is safe, renewable, environmentally benign, has serious disadvantages. 安全、可再生、环境友好的太阳能存在严重的不足。
(3) 一般情况下,标点不能放在句子的主、谓语之间。但插入语例外,逗号可以隔开主语和谓语。例如:
Fang, in fact, was furious. 事实上,芳是愤怒的。
Jumbo, it seems, prefers peanuts in soy sauce. 瓊博似乎更喜欢花生酱。
(4) 正确使用两个并列句之间的插入语短语的逗号。插入语短语前后都应有逗号与句子其他部分隔开。例如:
The substance starts off in a higher energy state, and by combining with oxygen, ends up in a lower energy state.(×)
The substance starts off in a higher energy state and, by combining with oxygen, ends up in a lower energy state.(√)物质以较高的能量状态开始,并与氧结合,以较低的能量状态结束。
(5) 解析and前后使用逗号且含有插入语的句子。例如:
It rained all day, and, as a result, the hut collapsed.(√)雨下了一天。结果,小屋倒塌了。
It rained all day and, as a result, the hut collapsed.(×)
It rained all day, and as a result, the hut collapsed.(×)
这里,第一个句子的标点是正确的,因为and前后都有逗号。and前面的逗号是因为and 连接后面独立的分句;and 后面的逗号是因为插入语as a result前后都要用逗号。显然,后面两个句子是错误的。
(6) 检验插入语标点正确运用的唯一标准就是去掉插入语,看一看这样是否会损坏句子的结构和意义。例如:
Yet, outside that door, lay a whole new world.
如果把 outside that door去掉,就成了Yet lay a whole new world.这显然不是一个完整且有意义的句子。outside that door是地点状语与句子其他部分构成倒装,而不是插入语。修改后的句子就是一个倒装句:Yet outside that door lay a whole new world.
3. 英语插入语标点──圆括号的用法
(1) 圆括号式插入语用于表示列举、生死、货币等数字或字母序号。例如:
Please submit the following four items with your application: (1) a cover, (2) a resume, (3) a college transcript, and (4) a list of professional references. 申请时请您提交下列四种材料:(1)封面(2)一份简历(3)大学成绩单和(4)专业鉴定列表。
Guido Cavalcanti (1255—1300) had a profound influence on the writing of Dante. 吉多·卡瓦尔康蒂(1255-1300)对但丁的写作产生了深远的影响。
She owes seven hundred dollars ($700) in rent by the end of this week. 到本周末,她欠七百美元($700)的租金。
Three elements to a story include (a) characters, (b) setting, and (c) plot. 故事的三个要素包括(a)人物(b)背景和(c)情节。
(2) 圆括号式插入语用于区域电话代码。例如:
If you have any questions, please call me at (212)555-7875. 如果您有任何疑问,请致电 (212)555-7875。
(3) 圆括号式插入语隔开翻译、语音或对应词。例如:
She ran from the Kumar(bear).她逃离了Kumar(熊)。
(4) 圆括号式插入语用于首字母的缩略语。例如:
John Smith has been appointed CKO (chief knowledge officer) of the merged company. 约翰·史密斯被任命为合并后公司的CKO(首席知识官)。
President Eisenhower established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
in 1958. 艾森豪威尔总统在1958年成立了美国国家航空航天局(NASA)。
(5) 使用圆括号以确认信息或用作旁白。例如:
He finally answered (after taking five minutes to think) that he did not understand the question. 他终于回答了(考虑了五分钟后),他不明白这个问题。
(6) 圆括号式插入语若是一个完整的句子且放在句末时,可以有自己的标点;也可以与整个句子分享标点;若是短语时不能有自己的标点,只能与句子分享标点。例如:
Please read the analysis. (Youll be amazed.) 请阅读此分析。(你会惊讶的。)
Look what my dog did (damn)!看看我的狗做了什么(该死的)!
(7) 圆括号式插入语若是对状语从句补充说明的,应紧跟其后,而不是在主句前面。例如:
When he got home (it was already dark outside), he fixed dinner. (√) 當他到家的时候(外面已经黑了),他定了晚饭。
When he got home, (it was already dark outside) he fixed dinner. (×)
(8) 圆括号式插入语内可以有自己的标点,如逗号、问号、冒号、感叹号等。例如:
My sisters husband (remember him?) is planning a surprise for her birthday. 我姐夫(记得他吗?)正在为我姐的生日设计一个惊喜。
(9) 圆括号式插入语隔开文章引用后注明的出处。例如:
“However,the literature is ambivalent on this issue”(Howard, Fine, and Howard 1925;Marx et al.1912). “然而,文学在这个问题上是矛盾的。”(霍华德、法恩和霍华德1925;马克思等人1912)
(10) 圆括号式插入语不是主语的一部分,不决定谓语动词的数。无论圆括号里是什么结构,与句子其他部分在意义上相联系但在语法上不相联系。撇开插入语,把句子其他部分读一读,看一看句子结构是否正确。例如:
The president (and his assistant) were expected to arrive by 10:00 a.m. (×)
The president (and his assistant) travelled by private jet. (√)
Joe (and his trusty mutt) was always welcome. (√)
4. 英语插入语标点──破折号的用法
(1) 破折号式插入语表示最高水平的强调。例如:
The idea that women are inferior to men is ridiculous-even preposterous. 认为女人不如男人的观点是可笑的──甚至荒谬的。
(2) 破折号隔开包含逗号且充当同位语的插入语,包括名词、代词或名词短语。例如:
My cousins—Oliver, Harry, and Lyra—cannot attend my birthday party. 我的老表—奥利弗、哈利和莉拉都不能参加我的生日聚会。
(4) 破折号式插入语表示列举、扩充、思维转移、语调变化、语气变化或支吾话语等。例如:
I need three items from the store-dog food, chili, and cheddar cheese.我需要商店的三种物品──狗食、辣椒和车达芝士。(列举)
You are the friend—the only friend—who offered to help me.你是愿意帮助我的朋友──唯一的朋友。(扩充)
I pay the bills—she has all the fun.我付账单──她快乐极了。(思维转移)
5. 逗号、圆括号和破折号的用法比较
(1) 插入语接在主语后三种标点可以互用。例如:
Su, my friend, accompanied me to school. 苏,我的朋友,陪我去学校。
Su (my friend) accompanied me to school.
Sumy —my friend—accompanied me to school.
(2) 逗号是最常用的插入语分隔标点;圆括号降低插入语的重要性;破折号非常明显地隔开插入语,通常是最有力地强调插入语。例如:
Mans mind is indeed, as Luther said, a factory busy with making idols. 正如卢瑟所说,人的心灵确实是一个忙于制造偶像的工厂。
Mans mind is indeed (as Luther said) a factory busy with making idols.
Mans mind is indeed—as Luther said—a factory busy with making idols.
(3) 逗號式插入语使句子平稳流畅。例如:
These findings, we would suggest, cast doubt upon his hypothesis. 我们会建议,这些研究结果质疑他的假设。
(4) 使用圆括号清楚地呈现插入语。例如:
We owe the bank thirty thousand dollars ($30,000). 我们欠银行3万美元($30,000)。
[1] R.L.Trask. The Penguin Guide to Punctuation. London: Penguin Books Ltd., 1997.
[2] 司红霞. 现代汉语插入语研究[M]. 长春:东北师范大学出版社,2015.
[3] 张道真. 英语语法大全[M]. 北京:首都师范大学出版社,2008.