米晓丽 贾艳春
【摘要】针对独立学院英语专业学生普遍对paraphrase 兴趣不高,信心不足的情况,笔者结合《基础英语》课堂内容及授课经验,针对什么是paraphrase,何时需要paraphrase,如何进行paraphrase以及其作用等问题给予详细阐述,希望对这门课程的教学能带来一些启示。
【Abstract】In terms of English students lacking of interests and confidence to paraphrase in theIndependent College, the author, based on the texts in Basic English Course, gives concrete explanation and analyses about what paraphrase is, when students need paraphrase, how to paraphrase as well as the roles of paraphrase in learning English, so as to enlighten the teaching of Basic English.
【Key words】paraphrase; Basic English; application
I nodded assent. (Para 41, Unit 8)可简单释义为:I nodded in agreement.
(2)词性转换法。为使句意明确通顺,有时需在各词性之间进行变换。如:Familiarity sometimes makes people physically invisible.(Para 26, Unit 6)可释义为:When people are familiar with each other, sometimes they dont noticephysical changes.
(3)固定搭配、俚語、非正式用语等。英语中多固定搭配、俚语及非正式用语等,通过逐个单词的意思组合,无法获得准确意思。在课堂上,这也是老师重点输入的部分,需要学生长期的语言积累。如:Anyhow, it is water under the bridge now. (Para. 11, Unit 12)“water under the bridge”意为“无法改变的事”,可释义为:Anyhow, the thing is past and gone;it cannot be changed.
You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesnt jump the fence, or that your client doesnt go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. (Para. 5 unit 1)
在此句中,see to it 后面接了三个并列从句,代指三种情况。因此在paraphrase时,需要一一列出:If youre a pharmacist, …. As an engineer, …. If you become a lawyer, ….
(2)改变句子成分。英语中介词使用广泛,尤其多做状语。笔者发现,学生通常对副词的接受和理解程度比介词短语更好。比如:He wrote about the marvels of tomorrow with such precise, indisputable detailthat he was taken seriously. (Para. 7 Unit 13) 在此句当中,with such precise, indisputable detail是介词短语的形式,可以直接用副词accurately 和convincingly 来替代。
(3)修辞。修辞在文学作品中不可或缺。但正是由于修辞的使用,文章更难理解,因此paraphrase时必须将这些修辞的隐含之意表达清楚。比如:Soon I began to see her almost every weekend and my well of knowledge about natural history began to brim over. (Para. 24 Unit 6)该句中,作者将自己的知识储备比作一口井,知识丰富的就像要从井里溢出的水一样。I began to know much about natural history and my knowledge was too much for a boy of my age.endprint
Keeping to myself was my way of not forming attachments that I would only have to abandon the next time we moved. (Para. 3 Unit 6)
“attachment”可以代指各种情感,亲情,友情,爱情。根据文章内容可知这里主要指友谊。因此,可释义为:Idid not try to make many friends because in that way I didnt have to give up my friendship the next time I had to move.
“My stockings”, he told a friend, are like a spider-wed in which a hippopotamus has been sleeping. (Para 19, Unit 13)
河马是一种体积庞大的动物,其重量是长筒袜难以承受的,这必然会导致袜子破损。作者以夸张的表达来指自己没钱购买袜子,尽管它全是破洞。因此可释义为:“My stockings are full of big hoes,” he said to a friend.
笔者发现大部分研究者对paraphrase 在课堂教学中持肯定态度。对教师而言,“教师既能得到学生对课文内容理解程度的反馈,又可通过学生语言组织结构看到学生英语思维的改变和英语语言表达的变化。”根据反馈,教师可以更好地把握课堂内容,调节课堂节奏,开展课堂教学。
对学生而言,paraphrase有助于他们更好地理解课文,扩大词汇量,更准确地辨析同义词,记忆单词。另外,在Paraphrase 过程中,学生通过活用英语单词和句式,有利于巩固所学的语法知识。最后,paraphrase更有利于实现课堂全英授课,给学生创造浓厚的英语氛围。通过用英语去理解、思考、解释英语,学生们必会在一定程度上培养自己的英语思维能力。