马志豪,陈占耀,贾 义,李亚楠,马凡华
马志豪1,陈占耀1,贾 义1,李亚楠1,马凡华2
(1. 河南科技大学车辆与交通工程学院,洛阳471003;2. 清华大学汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京 100084)
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日益严重的环境问题,迫使人们通过使用先进的技术手段降低发动机污染物排放。非道路用柴油机污染物排放与道路用发动机一样受到国内外人们的关注与重视。以美国与欧盟为代表的发达国家和组织先后制定了严格的排放法规限制非道路用柴油机的排放[1-2]。中国在2014年5月16日颁布了非道路用柴油机第三、四阶段排放标准[3],该标准与车用柴油机第三阶段基本相同[4],对于37 kW以上的非道路用柴油机可以借助车用柴油机排放控制技术满足该法规的要求;而对于小功率段(<37 kW)非道路用柴油机,由于成本、结构、使用对象及用途的限制,像车用柴油机上的电控、高压共轨、涡轮增压、废气再循环(exhaust gas recirculation, EGR)、选择性催化还原等技术暂无法得到推广和运用,因此对于小功率段非道路用柴油机的排放升级存在着很大的技术难度。此外,国家还对各档柴油机加权燃油消耗率(brake specific fuel consumption, BSFC)做出严格的规定[5]。对于小功率段非道路用柴油机而言,降低NOx排放同时还得满足BSFC不超出国家标准,这进一步增加了该类柴油机排放达标工作的难度。因此开发低排放高性能的小功率非道路用柴油机仍然是当今内燃机工作者重要的研究课题之一。
1 试验样机及设备
柴油机整机性能试验台架如图1所示,试验中采用Kistler公司生产的6052C和4618A0型传感器分别测量气缸压力与高压油管嘴、泵端压力,采用KiBox燃烧分析仪进行数据采集。采用HORIBA公司生产的MEXA-7100DEGR排放分析仪测量排气中气体成分,采用MDLT-1302颗粒排放测试仪对排气中的颗粒进行收集,在环境仓中用微量天平对收集到的颗粒进行质量称量。采用AVL DISMOKE 4000不透光烟度计对排气中的烟度进行测量。
表1 N490柴油机的基本参数
图1 柴油机性能试验台架示意图
2 关键系统的分析与优化设计
2.1 燃料喷射系统优化
通过测量原机在标定工况、最大扭矩工况的嘴、泵端压力(嘴端压力:在高压油管与喷油器接头前安装传感器;泵端压力:在高压油管与喷油泵接头前安装传感器),如图2所示,发现原机在标定工况嘴、泵端最高喷油压力分别为41、37 MPa,在最大扭矩工况原机嘴、泵端最高喷油压力分别为28、31 MPa。以原机的喷油压力,要想满足排放法规的要求几乎是不可能的。针对原机的不足,本文从喷油泵凸轮升程、柱塞配合间隙入手,保持柱塞直径不变,加大凸轮有效升程(为保证油泵的可靠性,不能过度增加凸轮有效升程。故将原机凸轮有效升程从3.1 mm增大到3.2 mm);减小柱塞配合间隙(原机配合间隙为3.5m,现调整为3.0m),以提高柴油机的喷油压力,改善燃油的喷射雾化性能。同时也对喷油泵的调压阀进行调整,以提高喷油泵体内腔油压。
喷油泵优化后,测得柴油机在标定工况、最大扭矩工况的嘴、泵端压力,如图2所示。在标定工况嘴、泵端最高喷油压力分别为54.4、49.5 MPa,与原机相比分别提高了32.7%、33.8%;在最大扭矩工况嘴、泵端最高喷油压力分别为42、42.1 MPa较原机相比分别提高了50%、35.8%。对比分析显示,优化后的喷油泵,可以明显提高燃油系统的喷油压力,与原机喷油泵相比更具优越性。
图2 喷油泵优化前后标定工况、最大扭矩工况嘴、泵端油管压力曲线
图3为优化前后,柴油机在标定工况,供油压力(即泵端压力,泵端压力与供油压力更为接近)随曲轴转角的变化速率。可以看出,优化喷油泵前,在压力上升阶段(段)的最大供油压力升高率为5.18 MPa/°CA,优化后压力上升阶段(11段)的最大供油压力升高率为5.87 MPa/oCA,与优化前相比提高了13.3%。与原机相比,优化后呈现出先缓后急的供油规律,这可以降低滞燃期内喷油量,从而降低缸内最高燃烧温度,最终降低NOx排放;在压力下降阶段(段、11段),优化前段的最小压力升高率为–11.47 MPa/oCA,优化后11的最小压力升高率为–21.9 MPa/oCA,与优化前相比降低了90.9%,说明断油干脆,这不仅对降低燃油消耗率有利,也对降低HC和颗粒排放有利。
图3 标定工况泵端油管压力升率曲线
但是从图2a中可以发现,在标定工况时,柴油机在主喷射结束后,高压油路中残余压力过高,残压峰值压力接近30 MPa;在最大扭矩工况,高压油路中的残压峰值接近20 MPa,而原机所用的喷油器启阀压力为24~25 MPa,这将导致柴油机在运行过程中产生二次喷射,使柴油机的性能恶化。为避免柴油机在运行过程中产生二次喷射,本文对喷油泵的出油阀减压容积进行优化。同时将原机所使用的2.0内径高压油管换成1.6内径油管,减小高压容积,从而使高压油路液力刚性提高[24]。图4为优化后柴油机在标定工况下的嘴、泵端压力,可以看出,优化后高压油路中的残余压力维持在一个相对较低的水平,此压力不足于使针阀不正常的二次开启,从而消除了二次喷射。
图4 减压容积优化后标定工况嘴、泵端油管压力
式中n为柴油机转速(r/min)、为循环喷油量(mm3)、为喷油器流量系数、为喷孔处平均流速(m/s)、为按曲轴转角记的喷油持续角(°CA)、为喷孔直径(mm)、i为喷孔数目,保持喷孔数目与原机相同,计算可得喷孔直径约为0.20~0.21 mm。据此将柴油机所使用的P523(P型5孔Φ0.23)喷油器换成P521(P型5孔Φ0.21)喷油器。图5为柴油机在标定工况,分别采用P523、P521喷油器时所对应的嘴、泵端压力,由图可见采用P521喷油器时,嘴、泵端的最高喷油压力得到提高。
喷油器喷孔长度与喷孔直径比值的大小影响燃油喷雾质量从而影响柴油机的性能。为此,选用具有不同长径比的喷油器(喷油器分别记为1、2、3、4)进行试验,试验结果如表2所示。当喷孔长度保持1 mm不变,随着喷孔直径的减小,长径比增加,柴油机的燃油消耗率与不透光烟度降低;当喷孔直径保持0.21不变,随着喷孔长度的增加,长径比从4.76增加到5.95,柴油机的燃油消耗率与不透光烟度明显增加,这是因为随着喷孔长度的增加,长径比增大,喷孔流量系数减小,相同工况时会延长喷油持续期,喷孔出口流速降低,减弱了燃油初次雾化和后期发展中卷吸空气的能力[25-26],缸内形成的可燃混合气质量变差,燃烧不充分,从而使柴油机的燃油消耗率与不透光烟度增加。对试验结果分析后可知,选用1-P521(P型5孔,孔径为0.21,喷孔长度为1mm)喷油器时,柴油机的性能得到提高。
表2 喷油器参数对柴油机性能的影响
2.2 配气定时优化
对不同转速下原机的进气质量流量进行测量并计算其容积效率,结果如图6所示。发现该机在转速为1 500~2 000 r/min时容积效率偏低。依据该柴油机的各项参数(燃油消耗量、进气流量),计算该机在最大扭矩工况时的过量空气系数,发现在最大扭矩工况时,过量空气系数仅为1.11,如此低的过量空气系数,远远不能满足柴油高效清洁燃烧的需求[24]。为了增加该柴油机的进气量,对原机的配气定时进行调整。将原机的进气提前角由8°增大至12°,以保证柴油机在进气行程开始时进气门已开大;同时为了能更好地利用气流惯性和压差增加进气量[27],将原机的进气迟闭角增大,由38°增大至42°。对原机的排气提前角和排气迟闭角也进行了调整,排气提前角由50°减少到44°,排气迟闭角由6°增加至12°。
图6为优化配气相位后,柴油机在不同转速下的容积效率。可以看出,柴油机转速在1 400~1 600 r/min时容积效率有小幅降低,转速在>1 600 r/min时优化后的柴油机容积效率较原机有了大幅的上升。优化后的配气相位,增大了进气延续角及气门重叠角,更好地利用了柴油机在转速高时进气流速高、惯性大的特点,提高了柴油机在高转速(>1600 r/min)时的容积效率,而在低转速 (< 1600 r/min)时,气门重叠角偏大,使得进气管内压力降低,进气流量减少,容积效率出现小幅降低[28]。
图6 配气定时优化前后柴油机的容积效率(燃料喷射系统已优化)
2.3 燃烧室结构优化
注: D′为活塞直径,mm;d为活塞喉口直径,mm;H为活塞深度,mm;h为凸台顶面距活塞顶高度,mm。
2.4 燃烧过程分析
为了与优化后方案相匹配,在试验过程中对柴油机的动态供油提前角进行调整,在标定工况动态提前角调整为上止点前14oCA BTDC (Crank Angle Before Top Dead Center)较原机推迟6oCA BTDC、在最大扭矩工况动态提前角调整为14oCA BTDC与原机相比迟后3oCA BTDC。图8为优化前后样机标定工况、最大扭矩工况缸内压力实测结果。可以看出,经优化后柴油机在标定工况缸内最大爆发压力由7.6 MPa下降到6.4 MPa,下降15.8%;最大扭矩工况缸内最大爆发压力由7.3 MPa降低到6.6 MPa,下降9.6%。这不仅可以降低缸内最高燃烧温度,从而降低NOx的排放,而且还可以降低柴油机的燃烧噪声。
图9为优化前后柴油机标定工况、最大扭矩工况的瞬时放热率曲线。可以看出,在标定工况,燃烧持续期为38oCA,与优化前(40.1oCA)相比缩短了2.1oCA;在最大扭矩工况,燃烧持续期为41.9oCA,与优化前(45oCA)缩短了3.1oCA。优化后的柴油机通过提高喷油压力并采用小孔径喷嘴,改善了燃料的喷射和雾化,同时采用缩口和中心高凸台设计增大了燃烧室内的涡流保持率,加速了缸内燃烧,从而使得柴油机的燃烧持续期缩短。同时还可以看出,优化后柴油机的初期放热率减小,放热率峰值显著降低,标定工况由86.5 J/oCA降低到78.7 J/oCA,降了9%、最大扭矩工况由79.8 J/oCA降低到72.8 J/oCA,降了8.8%。柴油机经优化后,预混合燃烧占整个燃烧持续期的比例减小。
图9 优化前后柴油机标定工况、最大扭矩工况放热率曲线
3 优化后整机的性能与排放
图10为优化前后柴油机外特性的燃油消耗率和不透光烟度试验结果对比。从图中可以看出优化后整机燃油消耗率及不透光烟度较原机有所降低。在标定工况下,燃油消耗率由原机的246.1 g/(kW·h)下降到238.7 g/(kW·h),降幅为3.0%,不透光烟度由19.9%降低到17%,降幅为14.6%;在最大扭矩工况,燃油消耗率由243 g/(kW·h)降低到237.1 g/(kW·h),降幅为2.43%,不透光烟度由原机的27%下降到优化后的24.3%,降幅为10%。原因是,优化后在柴油机常用转速下,容积效率得到提高,并配以更高的喷油压力和优化的喷油嘴结构参数,改善了柴油机的喷射和雾化,同时由于燃烧室结构的改变,增大了燃烧室的涡流保持率,改善了混合气的燃烧过程,从而降低了柴油机的燃油消耗率和不透光烟度[29-30]。
按中国第三阶段非道路排放标准[3]对优化后的柴油机进行八工况试验循环测试。表3为八工况加权比排放结果,可以看出,CO由原机的1.7 g/(kW·h)下降为 1.109 g/(kW·h),降幅为34.7%,HC+NOx由原机的 7.94 g/(kW·h)下降为优化后的6.23 g/(kW·h),降幅为21.5%,颗粒(PM)由原机的0.802 g/(kW·h)下降为 0.522 g/(kW·h),降幅为34.9%。与原机相比优化后的柴油机的排放物均显著降低。排放试验结果显示,优化后的柴油机整机排放达到中国第三阶段非道路排放标准的要求。
图10 外特性上的燃油消耗率及烟度
表3 八工况试验循环下整机排放结果
4 结 论
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Power, economy and emission characteristics of low power non-road diesel
Ma Zhihao1, Chen Zhanyao1, Jia Yi1, Li Yanan1, Ma Fanhua2
As society and economy developing, the problem caused by non-road diesel engine emission has been widely drawing people’s attention. Increasingly serious environmental problems have forced people to use advanced technology to reduce engine emissions and lots of countries have established non-road diesel engine emission regulations. Developed countries, represented by the United States of America and the European Union, have formulated stringent emission regulations to limit emissions from non-road diesel engines. China issued the limits and measurement methods for exhaust pollutants from diesel engines of non-road mobile machinery in 2014. By using the vehicle emission control technology, the high power (>37 kW) diesel engine could meet the emission standards. Because of the structure, production costs and application limit, electronic control system, common rail system, turbocharger, exhaust gas recirculation and selective catalytic reduction can’t be applied in low power (<37 kW) non-road diesel engine. So there are a lot of technical difficulties for the upgrade of low power non-road diesel engine emissions. In addition, the strict regulations on the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) of diesel engines were made, which further increases the difficulty of such diesel engine emissions meeting the requirements. The emission standards implementation and requirements of the low power non-road diesel engine are constantly tightened. The electronically controlled VE pump-line-nozzle fuel injection system has the advantages of low cost, simple structure, convenient arrangement on the engine, and also has the potential to meet Level III or even Level IV emission regulation requirements in China. Therefore, it’s necessary to research and develop a low power non-road diesel engine with high performances and low emissions. In this article, the non-road N490 direct injection diesel engine was taken as the prototype, By using a combination of theoretical analysis and experimental research, technology strategy of low non-road diesel engines was explored to meet the requirements of high performance and low emissions. By increasing the pump cam lift, reducing the inner diameter of the high-pressure fuel pipe, and improving nozzle geometry of the injector, the maximum nozzle side pressures at the rated condition and the maximum torque condition increased by 32.7% and 50%, respectively. Re-entrant dumbbell-shaped chamber was designed to strengthen the central bulge of the combustion chamber bottom, which improved the air movement in the combustion chamber. By adjusting the valve timing, the volumetric efficiency of the diesel engine was improved. The combustion was optimized by reducing the fuel injection quantity during ignition delay period. After optimizing the parameters of the fuel injection system, the valve timing and combustion chamber, the diesel engine performance was greatly improved. Compared with the original engine, both at the rated condition and at the maximum torque condition, the specific fuel consumption was decreased by 3.0% and 2.43%, respectively, and the light-proof smoke was also decreased by 14.6% and 10%, respectively. The experimental results showed that the exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxide (NOx) + hydrocarbon (HC), and particulate matter (PM) were 1.109, 6.23 and 0.522 g/(kW·h), respectively, which were lower than Level Ⅲ emission standards in China. Compared with the results of the prototype, the measured values of CO, NOx+HC and PM were reduced by 34.7%, 21.5% and 34.9%, respectively. At the same time, both the maximum cylinder pressure and the heat release rate were greatly reduced. At the rated and the maximum torque conditions, the maximum cylinder pressures were decreased by 15.8% and 9.6%, respectively; the maximum heat release rates were decreased by 9% and 8.8%, respectively. Through the analysis of experimental data, the research shows that optimization matching of fuel injection, in-cylinder air movement and combustion chamber can not only decrease the exhaust emissions obviously but improve the fuel economy of the engine.
diesel engines; emission; optimization; fuel injection system; valve timing; combustion chamber
TK 42
马志豪,男,河南省洛阳市人,回族,教授,博士,博士生导师,主要研究方向为内燃机燃烧与污染物排放控制。Email: mazhihao@haust.edu.cn