

植物研究 2017年5期


(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京 100093)



(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京 100093)



图1 A-C.四面山赤车:A.叶和果序;B.果序,下面观;C.瘦果和宿存花被片 D-J.稀柱毛楼梯草:D.具雄头状花序的枝条;E.雄头状花序;F.雄花蕾和雄小苞片;G.具雌头状花序的枝条;H.雌头状花序,下面观;I.雌总苞苞片,侧面观;J.3雌花和1雌小苞片 K-M.四面山楼梯草:K.具雄头状花序的枝条上部;L.雄头状花序;M.雄总苞苞片Fig.1 A-C.Pellionia simianshanica: A. Leaf and infructescence; B. Infructescence,seen from beneach; C. Achene and persistent tepals D-J. Elatostema oligotrichum: D. Branch with staminate capitula; E. Staminate capitulum; F. Staminate flower bud and staminate bracteole; G. Branch with pistillate capitula; H. Pistillate capitulum,seen from beneach; I. Pistillate involucral bract,seen from side; J. Three pistillate flowers and one pistillate bracteole K-M. Elatostema simianshanicum: K. Upper part of brunch with staminate capitula; L. Staminate capitulum; M. Staminate involucral bract(all from holotype)

赤车属Pelionia Gaudich.

四面山赤车 图1:A-C

PellioniasimianshanicaW.T.Wang, sp. nov. Fig.1:A-C

(Sect.LeiolaenaW.T.Wang ser.IncisoserrataeW.T.Wang)

Ob folia breviter petiolata penninervia, et floris pistillati tepala 2 projecturis carentia species nova haec est affinisPellioniaeronganensisW.T.Wang & Y.G.Wei, a qua folio nervos secundarios pauciores gerente, floris pistillati tepalis 2 dorso sub apicem breviter corniculatis, acheniis oblongis differt. InP.ronganensis, folium paria 8 nervorum secundariorum gerens, floris pistillati tepala 4 omnia haud corniculata, et achenia lanceolata sunt.

Perennial herbs. Stems ca. 20 cm tall, near base ca. 2 mm in diam., above base 1-branched, near apex densely puberulous(hairs 0.05-0.1 mm long), elsewhere glabrous. Leaves alternate, glabrous, shortly petiolate; blades papery, oblanceolate or narrowly oblanceolate, 5.5-12×1.8-2.6 cm, at apex long acuminate or caudate-acuminate, at base cuneate at leaf narrow side and rounded at broad side, at margin denticulate, penninerved, secondary nerves 4 at leaf narrow side and 6 at broad side, flat on both surfaces, cystoliths dense, bacilliform, 0.1-0.4 mm long; petioles 1.5-3 mm long; stipules subulate, ca. 1.5 mm long. Infructescences singly axillary, ca. 5 mm in diam., 2 times branched, pedunculate; peduncles slender, 2-8 mm long, glabrous; bracts linear-lanceolate, 1-1.4×0.4 mm, glabrous; primary branches robust, 0.5-1×0.8 mm, densely puberulous(hairs ca. 0.5 mm long), secondary branches connate; pedicels absent. Achenes numerous, dense, sessile, oblong, 0.6-0.7×0.35-0.5 mm, tuberculate; persistent tepals 4, greenish, on apex with 1-2 short hairs or glabrous of them 2 tepals linear-lanceolate, ca. 0.7×0.35 mm, without any projections, the other 2 tepals linear-navicular, ca. 0.7×0.5 mm, at apex acute, abaxially below apex shortly corniculate, with horn-like projections 0.1-0.2 mm long. Staminate cymes and staminate flowers unknown.

重庆市(Chongqing Shi):江津区,四面山,千砂岩(Jiangjin Qu,Simian Shan,Qianshayan), alt. 1 002 m,阔叶林下(under broad-leaved forest),2016-03-11,刘正宇,林茂祥等(Z.Y.Liu,M.X.Lin et al.)S-0590(holotype,PE).

本种的叶具短柄和羽状脉,雌花的2花被片无任何突起,因此与融安赤车PellioniaronganensisW.T.Wang & Y.G.Wei相近缘,区别特征在于本种叶的二级脉(侧脉)较少,在叶狭侧4条,在宽侧6条,雌花的2花被片在背面顶端之下有一短角状突起,瘦果呈长圆形。在融安赤车,叶有8对二级脉,雌花的4枚花被片均无角状突起,瘦果呈披针形[2]。

楼梯草属Elatostema J.R. & G.Forster稀柱毛楼梯草 图1:D-J

ElatostemaoligotrichumW.T.Wang, sp. nov. Fig.1:D-J.

[Sect.Weddellia(H.Schröter) W.T.Wang ser.StipulosaW.T.Wang]

Ob folia semi-triplinervia, capitula staminate longe pedunculata et ea pistillata sessilia species nova haec est fortasse affinisElatostematinasutoHook. f., a quo foliis minoribus haud trinervibus, bracteis involucralibus pistillatis et bracteolis staminatis et pistillatis dorso carinatis haud corniculatis, stigmate e pilis 3-4 constante praeclare recedit. InE.nasuto, folia majora usque ad 15.5 cm longa et 6.5 cm lata trinervia vel semi-triplinervia, bracteae involucrales pistillatae et bracteolae staminatae et pistillatae omnes apice corniculatae haud carinatae, stigma e pilis numerosis densis constans est.

Perennial herbs. Stems 20-25 cm tall, near base 3 mm in diam., often above base long 3-branched, subglabrous or on branches sparsely puberulous(hairs ca. 0.1 mm long). Leaves alternate, very shortly petiolate or sessile; blades papery, ovate, narrowly ovate, lanceolate, occasionally suborbicular, 1-5×0.5-1.6 cm, at apex slightly acute, obtuse, or acuminate, at base cuneate at leaf narrow side and rounded or auriculate at broad side, at margin denticulate or crenate, and ciliate(hairs 0.3-0.5 mm long), adaxially glabrous, semi-triplinerved, secondary nerves 1-2 at leaf narrow side and 3 at broad side, cystoliths slightly dense, lineolate, 0.1-0.25 mm long; petioles 0-1 mm long; stipules membranous, lanceolate-linear, ca. 1.5×0.3 mm, glabrous, apex acute. Staminate capitula singly axillary, long pedunculate, 5-7 mm broad, 5-8-flowered; peduncles 0.8-2.5 cm long, with few short hairs; receptacles inconspicuous; involucral bracts 2-seriate, glabrous or sparsely ciliate, outer bracts 2, broadly ovate, ca. 3×3 mm, inner bracts 8, oblong, 3-3.5×1.2-1.8 mm, abaxially above longitudinally 1-green-ribbed; bracteoles dense, linear-navicular, ca. 3×0.8 mm, sparsely ciliate, abaxially long 1-carinate; pedicels 1-2 mm long, glabrous. Staminate flower bud broadly obovoid, ca. 2 mm in diam., subglabrous, at apex with 5 horn-like projections ca. 0.6 mm long. Pistillate capitula singly axillary, sessile, ca. 3 mm in diam., multi-flowered; receptacle orbicular, ca. 2 mm in diam., glabrous; involucral bracts ca. 20, membranous, white, glabrous, mostly triangular, ca. 1.5×0.6 mm, abaxially 1-green-carinate, a few bracts deltoid, 1×1.5 mm; bracteoles dense, linear-navicular, ca. 1×0.4 mm, sparsely ciliate, abaxially 1-carinate. Pistillate flowers 3-5 densely fasciculate, sessile; tepals absent; ovary white, ellipsoid, ca. 0.4 mm long, on apex with 3-4 stigmatic hairs 0.2-0.3 mm long.

重庆市(Chongqing Shi):江津区,四面山,卧龙沟(Jiangjin Qu,Simian Shan,Wolonggou),alt.1 009 m,阴湿岩壁上,花黄绿色(on shady wet stony cliff,fls. yellow-green),2016-03-09,刘正宇,张军等(Z.Y.Liu,J.Zhang et al.)S-0112(holotype,PE);同地,四面山,千砂岩(same locality,Simian Shan,Qianshayan),alt.1 020 m,阔叶林下,花黄绿色(under broad-leaved forest,fls. yellow-green),2016-03-11,刘正宇,林茂祥等(Z.Y.Liu,M.X.Lin et al.)S-0628(paratype,PE).

本种的叶具半离基三出脉,雄头状花序具长柄,雌头状花序无柄,因此与也具上述特征的托叶楼梯草ElatostemanasutumHook. f.可能有亲缘关系,与后者的区别在于本种的叶较小,长达5 cm,宽达1.6 cm,不具三出脉,雌总苞苞片以及雄、雌小苞片均在背面具龙骨状突起,无角状突起,柱头只由3~4根柱头毛组成。在托叶楼梯草,叶较大,长达15.5 cm,宽达6.5 cm,具三出脉或离基三出脉,雌总苞苞片以及雄、雌小苞片均在顶端具角状突起,无龙骨状突起,柱头具多数密集的柱头毛[1]。

四面山楼梯草 图1:K-M

ElatostemasimianshanicumW.T.Wang, sp. nov. Fig.1:K-M

[Sect. Weddellia(H.Schröter) W.T.Wang ser. Stipulosa W.T.Wang]

Species nova haec est affinisElatostematilongicuspiW.T.Wang & Y.G.Wei, a quo caulibus apice puberulis, capitulorum staminatorum pedunculis brevioribus, bracteis involucralibus staminatis lineari-navicularibus dorso 1-carinatis haud corniculatis facile distinguitur. InE.longicuspi, caules glabri, capitulorum staminatorum pedunculi longiores 1.5-2.3 cm longi, et bracteae involucrales staminatae oblongae dorso sub apicem breviter corniculatae haud carinatae sunt.

Perennial herbs. Stem ca. 32 cm tall, near base 2 mm in diam., above 2-branched or simple, near apex puberulous(hairs 0.1 mm long). Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate or sessile, glabrous; blades papery, obliquely oblanceolate, 3.2-10×1.2-3.2 cm, at apex cuspidate, at base cuneate at leaf narrow side and auriculate at broad side, at margin obtusely dentate, penninerved, secondary nerves 4 at leaf narrow side and 6 at broad side, adaxially flat and abaxially slightly prominent, cystoliths slightly dense, bacilliform, 0.1-0.2 mm long; petioles 0-2 mm long; stipules subulate, ca. 1.2 mm long. Staminate capitula singly axillary, ca. 5×8 mm, 4-6-flowered, glabrous, pedunculate; peduncles 4-9 mm long; receptacles inconspicuous; involucral bracts ca. 7, 1-seriate, linear-navicular, unequal in size, 1.5-3×0.5-1 mm, at apex acute, abaxially 1-carinate, with apex of carina protruding out to form a triangular projection ca. 0.5 mm long; bracteoles few, similar to involucral bracts, but smoller; pedicels 1-3 mm long. Staminate flower glabrous: Tepals 5, white, membranous, orbicular-obovate or ovate, 2×1.5-2.2 mm, on apex long corniculate, with horn-like projections ca. 2 mm long. Stamens 5, white; filaments narrowly lanceolate-linear, ca. 2 mm long; anthers oblong, ca. 0.8 mm long. Pistillode minute, subulate, ca. 0.3 mm long. Pistillate capitula and pistillate flowers unknown.

重庆市(Chongqing Shi):江津区,四面山,和尚脑(Jiangjin Qu,Simian Shan,Heshanglao),alt.859 m,针叶林下,花淡黄绿色(under needle-leaved forest,fls. yellowish-greenish),2016-03-09,刘正宇,林茂祥等(Z.Y.Liu,M.X.Lin et al.)S-0519(holotype,PE);同地,四面山,南天门(same locality,Simian Shan,Nantianmen),alt.714 m,针叶林中岩壁上(on stony cliff in needle-leaved forest),2016-03-10,刘正宇,张军等(Z.Y.Liu, J.Zhang et al.)S-0178(paratype,PE).

本种与长尖楼梯草(ElatostemalongicuspeW.T.Wang & Y.G.Wei)在亲缘关系上接近,与后者的区别在于本种的茎顶端被短柔毛,雄头状花序的花序梗较短,长仅4~9 mm,雄总苞苞片呈条状船形,背面具一龙骨状突起,无角状突起。在长尖楼梯草,茎无毛,雄头状花序的花序梗较长,长1.5~2.3 cm,雄总苞苞片呈长圆形,背面顶端之下有角状突起,无龙骨状突起[1]。



Wang W T.Elatostema(Urticaceae) in China[M].Qingdao:Qingdao Publishing House,2014.


Wang W T.Nova classificatio specierum sinensiumPellioniae(Urtiaceae)[J].Guihaia,2016,36(1):1-29.



WANG Wen-Tsai

(State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100093)

One species of the genusPellioniaand two species of the genusElatostema(Urticaceae) are described as new from Simian Shan, Jiangjin Qu, Chongqing Shi: (1)Pellioniasimianshanicais related toP.ronganensisW.T.Wang & Y.G.Wei, differing from the latter in its fewer secondary nerves of leaves, 2 shortly corniculate tepals of pistillate flower, and its oblong achenes; (2)Elatostemaoligotrichumis possibly related toE.nasutumHook. f., differing from the latter in its smoller leaves, carinate pistillate involucral bracts and staminate and pistillate bracteols, and its stigma consisting of only 3 or 4 hairs; (3)Elatostemasimianshanicumis related toE.longicuspeW.T.Wang & Y.G.Wei, differing from the latter in its puberulous stem apex, shorter peduncles of staminate capitula, and its linear-navicular and carinate staminate involucral bracts.

Urticaceae;Pellionia;Elatostema;new species;Chongqing



Author introduction:WANG Wen-Tsai(1926—),male,senior scientist,Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences,major in flowering plant taxonomy.




