

农业工程学报 2017年11期

王 学,刘全明,屈忠义,王丽萍,李相君,王耀强

(内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院,呼和浩特 010018)


王 学,刘全明※,屈忠义,王丽萍,李相君,王耀强

(内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院,呼和浩特 010018)

土壤介电常数是微波遥感进行土壤含水率测量的物理基础,尤其介电常数实部是必须解决的问题,土壤介电特性的研究显得尤为重要。该文目的是试验与评价C波段RADARSAT-2 SAR(synthetic aperture radar)数据模拟土壤介电特性,进而反演土壤水分的性能。以受盐渍化影响较严重的内蒙古河套灌区解放闸灌域为试验区,首先回归分析了介电常数实部与SAR四极化后向散射系数、地表粗糙度的复杂关系,并与Oh经验模型对照,其决定系数R2为0.859 7,模拟精度较高;然后验证常用的2个介电常数模型,Dobson半经验模型、Hallikainen简化实部经验模型模拟的介电常数实部与实测值的决定系数R2分别为0.935 9、0.869,表明2个模型均能模拟地表土壤水分与介电常数实部的密切关系;最后构建了Dobson模型、Hallikainen简化实部模型反演土壤含水率的模型,并与统计回归模型比照,其模拟数值与土壤实测值的决定系数R2分别为0.803 8、0.737 4、0.842 1,均方根误差RMSE分别为5.2%、5.7%、5%。Dobson模型与统计回归模型反演结果与实地土壤墒情分布较为吻合,具有良好的精度和适用性,从而建立了一个较为完整的土壤介电特性研究体系,为微波遥感监测土壤水分奠定了基础。


0 引 言

土壤水分(即土壤含水率)在地表→大气→地表的能量交换中扮演着极其重要的角色,在水资源合理利用、农田灌溉以及旱涝灾害预报等农业科学研究领域中具有重要的意义,也是研究者们长期密切关注的课题[1-4],尤其是土壤水分在大尺度上的监测具有重要意义。土壤水分传统监测方法是通过人工或观测仪器在各个监测点上获得长周期具有较高精度的土壤水分信息。虽然能够获得观测点上比较准确的土壤水分信息,但这样不仅费时费力而且难以将采集的点数据扩展到面上,无法在大范围内有效反映土壤水分的时空变化情况。陆表的土壤水分含量可由可见光、热红外和微波遥感数据估算,光学遥感直接反演土壤水分有很多限制。微波遥感具有全天时、全天候和穿透能力强的特点,能够获取地表的时空信息,为全面观测提供了可能。尤其主动微波遥感可估算地表5 cm深度土层的土壤水分,成为获取大尺度、长时间序列土壤水分的有效手段[5-6]。


1 试验区概况与数据获取

1.1 试验区概况

试验区位于河套灌区解放闸灌域内,地处内蒙古自治区巴彦淖尔市杭锦后旗境内,东经106°43′-107°15′、北纬40°48′-40°59′,北靠阴山,东郊临河市,南望鄂多斯高原,西与磴口接壤,是典型引黄河水灌溉的旗县。海拔1 033~~1 055 m,属温带高原型、大陆性气候,全年平均气温6.3~7.7 ℃,干燥少雨,全年平均降雨量为139.4 mm,而平均蒸发量达2 070.4 mm,兼于解放闸灌域复杂的土壤水盐环境系统,使其成为理想的试验区域。在研究区域内设置100个采样点,数据采集时间为春季4月份,此时灌区为春灌前的裸露地表无植被覆盖,因此进行水分反演工作时无需考虑植被的影响。如图1为试验区雷达影像及采样点分布。

1.2 Radarsat-2 C波段影像数据

作为当今世界十分先进的SAR系统,Radarsat-2具有成像模式多、分辨率高、成像幅宽大、视角范围广等特点,可在大范围内快速成像,减少卫星过境时间。与此同时还有多种极化方式可供选择,提高了对目标物进行精细刻画的能力[22]。本研究使用C波段Radarsat-2 的HH+HV+VH+VV精细全极化模式的雷达影像,轨道号43 459,幅宽(km)25×25,分辨率8 m,入射角30.42°,影像数据为SLC格式,其中H代表水平极化方式,V代表垂直极化方式,二者组结合。

通过雷达影像处理软件ENVI SARscape来处理获取的Radarsat-2的雷达数据,数据处理主要包括以下内容:数据聚焦、多视处理、斑点滤波、地理编码和辐射定标、几何校正、提取后向散射系数。如表1中所示部分采样点数值。

图1 试验区雷达影像图Fig.1 Radar image of experimental area

表1 根据雷达影像获取的样点数据(部分样点)Table 1 Sample data obtained by radar image (partial samples)

1.3 地表参数获取

本研究采用安捷伦微波网络分析仪,通过同轴探针法进行采样点的土样介电常数测量。如表1中所示为部分采样点的介电常数实部值。野外用厘米格网的剖面板测量地表粗糙度,计算获取均方根高度S与相关长度L的数值。地表粗糙度反演模型的初期研究只有均方根高度S或相关长度L之一参与模型运算,不能得到较好的反演结果,科研人员通过对S和L进行组合来表示地表粗糙度,如Zribi等[23]利用S与L组成ZS=S2/L,他们采用的组合参数在模型反演中均取得了理想效果,本文将利用组合参数ZS进行反演建模。用地温计对地温进行3次实时测量,并取均值;用激光粒度仪Helos/B对采样点土样进行土壤颗粒测量,获得黏粒C与砂粒S的百分比含量。用100 cm3的环刀取样测量土样土壤容重。烘干法获取土样重量含水量,并转换为体积含水率。

2 研究方法与结果

2.1 土壤介电常数特性



利用采样点的后向散射、介电常数及地表粗糙度数据,按照Oh模型进行介电常数反推计算,其模拟与实测数据的决定系数R2=0.820 9,具有较高的精度,如图2所示。可通过插值的方法得到介电常数的空间分布。

图2 Oh模型介电常数模拟与实测值拟合分析Fig.2 Fitting analysis of Oh model dielectric constant simulated value and measured value

2.2 土壤介电常数模型


2.2.1 Dobson模型

常用的Dobson模型是利用5种不同土壤类型的实测数据建立的1.4~18 GHz一个半经验的土壤介电常数模型[27],其形式简单、应用方便,只需输入简单参数即可。其模型公式:


利用采样点地表参数代入Dobson模型获取土壤介电常数实部模拟值,与实测介电常数的决定系数为0.935 9,如图3所示。可见Dobson模型适用于本试验区的介电特性模拟。

图3 Dobson模型模拟数值与实测数值拟合分析Fig.3 Fitting analysis of Dobson model simulates value and measured value

2.2.2 Hallikainen模型

Hallikainen等[28]在1.4~18 GHz的频率范围内测得不同含水率、不同土壤质地的介电常数。在数据分析的基础上,建立了以土壤质地和含水量为输入变量的经验公式,其通式为:




图4 Hallikainen简化实部模型模拟与实测值拟合分析Fig.4 Fitting analysis of simulation value of Hallikainen simplified real part model and measured value

2.3 土壤水分反演模型


2.3.1 Dobson水分反演模型



将70个采样点的参数代入公式(7)得到Dobson模型反推含水模拟数值,公式(7)中所用的介电常数为Oh模型反演介电常数得到的数值。通过30个数据对Dobson模型反推含水模拟数值与土壤实测含水值的相关性分析,得到决定系数R2=0.803 8,均方根误差RMSE=0.052,如图5所示。

图5 Dobson模型反推土壤含水率模拟数值与实测值的拟合Fig.5 Fitting analysis of Dobson model inversion value and measured value of soil moisture content

2.3.2 Hallikainen水分反演模型


将采样点的参数代入公式得到Hallikainen简化实部模型反推含水模拟数值,其决定系数R2=0.737 4,均方根误差RMSE=0.057,如图6所示。

图6 Hallikainen简化实部模型反推土壤含水率模拟值与实测值拟合分析Fig.6 Fitting analysis of soil moisture content simulation value of Hallikainen simplified real part model and measured value

2.3.3 统计回归水分反演模型


图7 经验回归模型土壤含水率反演值与实测值拟合分析Fig.7 Fitting analysis of empirical regression model inversion value and measured value of soil moisture content


表2 经验回归模型土壤含水率反演精度检验Table 2 Soil moisture content inversion accuracy test of regression model

2.3.4 水分反演模型对比

最后使用 ENVI软件最大似然法对Dobson模型、Hallikainen简化实部模型反推含水率数值与统计回归模型结果分类,得到3种土壤墒情分布图(图8所示)。根据3种模型反演的土壤墒情在空间分布存在明显差异。

图8 不同模型反演的土壤含水率结果Fig.8 Soil moisture content inversion results of different models


表3 土壤含水率统计结果Table 3 Statistic results of soil moisture content


3 结论与讨论





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Inversion and verification of salinity soil moisture using microwave radar

Wang Xue, Liu Quanming※, Qu Zhongyi, Wang Liping, Li Xiangjun, Wang Yaoqiang
(1. Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering College, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China)

Soil dielectric constant is the physical basis for soil moisture simulation based on microwave remote sensing, and especially the real part of the dielectric constant is of great significance to the research of the soil dielectric characteristics. Main aim of this study was to investigate capability of C-band RADARSAT-2 SAR (synthetic aperture radar) data applied in the soil dielectric characteristics monitoring and the soil moisture inversion over agricultural fields. Bare area of Jiefangzha sub-district of Hetao Irrigation District in Inner Mongolia of China was selected as the study region, which was influenced by soil salinization seriously. In order to achieve above purposes, an image of Radarsat-2 SAR was bought in April 2016, which has a kind of four fine polarization SLC (single look complex) format, covering an area of 25 km × 25 km with 8 meter ground resolution. Taking spatial uneven distribution of the saline soil into account, 100 sampling points were designed in the study area, and soil digging depth was 10 cm. Hand-held GPS (global positioning system) receiver was used to record coordinates of the sampling points. The experiment data included the soil dielectric real constant, surface roughness, surface temperature, percentages of clay and sand particles, soil bulk density and soil moisture. Agilent microwave network analyzer was used to measure the real part value of soil dielectric constant with coaxial probe method. Surface roughness was measured using centimeter grid profile plate to calculate the value of RMS (root mean square) height and the correlation length, and then composite roughness was got to represent the surface roughness in later research. Real-time ground temperature of the sampling points was measured by geothermometer. Particle analysis was fulfilled with laser particle size analyzer named Helos/B, obtaining the percentage content of clay and sand particles. Soil bulk density was measured by ring cutter. Soil moisture was measured by way of drying. SAR scape module of ENVI software was mainly used to perform the radar image processing, including radiometric calibration, geometric correction, slant range turning and filtering. Four polarization back scatter coefficient values corresponding to the sampling points were extracted based on previous results by spatial analysis module of ArcGIS software. In order to analyze complex relationship between the real part of the dielectric constant with SAR four polarization back scattering coefficients and surface roughness, firstly Oh empirical model was established, for which the relative relationship was significant between simulated and measured soil moisture, and the value of R2was 0.8209. Results showed that Oh model can offer precise real part value of the dielectric constant to inverse the soil moisture based on the soil dielectric model by means of the remote sensing and surface roughness data. Then Dobson semi-empirical dielectric models and simplified Hallikainen real part experience model were verified, and the R2between the measured and simulated real part values was 0.935 9 and 0.869 respectively, which indicated that the 2 models can simulate close relationship of the surface soil moisture and the real part of the dielectric constant. Finally Dobson model and Hallikainen simplified real part soil moisture inversion model were constructed. Compared with the statistical regression model, it looked like that relative relationship between simulated and measured value was significant, and the value of R2was 0.803 8, 0.737 4, and 0.842 1, respectively, for the former 2 models and the statistical regression model, the RMSE (root mean square error) value was 5.2%, 5.7%, and 5% respectively. The inversion results of Dobson model and statistical regression model were similar with the field soil moisture distribution, so they had good precision and applicability. Without considering the surface roughness, the simulation result of Hallikainen simplified real part model was then slightly worse than the other 2 models. The soil dielectric characteristics researching system and the moisture retrieval models established in this study can promote the application of the microwave remote sensing in the soil moisture monitoring.

soil moisture; remote sensing; models; soil dielectric properties; Oh model; Dobson model; Hallikainen simplified real part model; salinization


S152.7; P628.2



王 学,刘全明,屈忠义,王丽萍,李相君,王耀强. 盐渍化土壤水分微波雷达反演与验证[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(11):108-114.


Wang Xue, Liu Quanming, Qu Zhongyi, Wang Liping, Li Xiangjun, Wang Yaoqiang. Inversion and verification of salinity soil moisture using microwave radar[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(11): 108-114. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.11.014




王 学,男,山东济南人,主要从事定量遥感反演理论及应用研究。呼和浩特 内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院,010018。

※通信作者:刘全明,男,内蒙古四子王旗人,副教授,博士,主要从事测绘工程教育与定量遥感反演理论及应用研究。呼和浩特 内蒙古农业大学水利与土木建筑工程学院,010018。

