

农业工程学报 2017年11期


(1. 北京科技大学机械工程学院,北京 100083; 2. 内蒙古科技大学机械工程学院,包头 014000)



(1. 北京科技大学机械工程学院,北京 100083; 2. 内蒙古科技大学机械工程学院,包头 014000)

针对农业机械设备在强背景噪声下微弱故障特征难以提取的问题,提出一种基于自适应奇异值分解的随机共振微弱故障特征提取方法。首先,将原始信号奇异值分解并重构得到分量信号,构建互信息差分谱,权衡各分量信号对原始信号的贡献率,自适应选取有效奇异值个数,以克服已有方法人为主观选择或仅考虑奇异值大小等不足;其次,对选取的有效奇异值对应的分量信号自适应随机共振,使其微弱故障特征增强;最后,对增强的分量信号统计学平均以提取微弱故障特征。仿真和轴承外圈故障试验结果表明,该方法不仅克服了强背景噪声下有效奇异值的选取困难,而且结合自适应随机共振,有效提取出仿真信号100 Hz和轴承外圈 155.5 Hz的故障特征频率,因此,所提方法不仅能够更好的增强微弱故障特征,而且分析结果优于单纯的奇异值分解和随机共振方法。该文提出的方法不仅可适用于强噪声背景下轴承的故障诊断,同时为农业机械设备的轴承故障诊断提供参考。


0 引 言


针对强背景噪声下的微弱故障特征提取一般有2种方法。一种方法是从抑制或消除噪声的角度提取微弱故障特征,如小波分析[6-8],奇异值分解(singular value decomposition, SVD)[9-10]及总体平均经验模态分解[11-13]等,其中SVD在轴承故障诊断中具有优异的降噪特性[14-15],尤其是脉冲信号。赵学智等[16]提出奇异值分解与小波变换具有相似性并研究了奇异值分解的机理,何田等[17]用奇异值分解方法检测信号中的突变信息,Kang等[18]利用奇异值分解对感应电机提取故障,并利用支持向量机对故障分类,郑安总等[19]通过奇异值分解寻找特征信号分量与噪声强度相匹配的分量信号,以获取强噪声背景下的特征信号,以上研究均根据奇异值曲线选取k个奇异值,其余奇异值置0,奇异值的个数选择取决于人为设定,奇异值选择过多,会使有用信号混入过多噪声,选择过少,则使有用信号丢失,因此有必要研究一种有效奇异值的选择方法。杨文献等[20]利用奇异值熵增量选择有效奇异值,需人为经验才能确定奇异值个数,赵学智等[21]通过构造奇异值差分谱实现了自适应选择,但仅考虑奇异值的大小,容易使隐藏在强背景噪声下的有用信号被移除,影响微弱故障的检测结果,因此,有效奇异值选择问题并未从根本上解决[22]。



1 SVD降噪原理


式中σ1≥σ2≥σ3…σq>0称为矩阵A的奇异值。其中q≤min(m, n),U、V分别称为矩阵A的左、右奇异矩阵。

对于实测信号X=[x(1), x(2), …, x(N)],利用此信号构造Hankel矩阵如下:


式中ui∈Rm×1,vi∈Rn×1,i=1,2,··,q, q=min(m, n)。设Ai的第一个行矢量用Pi,n表示,而Hi,n是Ai最后一个列矢量减去第一个元素后的子列矢量,将Pi,1和Hi,n的转置首尾相接构成一个分量信号Pi,写成矢量形式:


2 随机共振理论



3 有效奇异值选择和随机共振方法的提出

3.1 构建互信息差分谱

互信息(mutual information,MI)是信息理论中的基本概念,通常用于描述系统之间的相关性。根据奇异值分解理论可知,原始信号可分解成一组分量信号。分量信号A与原始信号B的互信息用公式表示为:




其中i=1,2,··,q+1,所有λi形成的序列C=[λ1, λ2,··,λq-1]称为互信息差分谱(difference spectrum of mutual information,DSMI)。文中将奇异值重构得到分量信号,各分量信号中都有可能包含有用信号与噪声成分,采用互信息差分谱选取有效奇异值,重点考虑各分量信号对原始信号的互信息,通过互信息突变选取有效奇异值。当相邻互信息差别较大时,互信息差分谱发生突变,即相邻两分量信号对原始信号的贡献率发生突变,在整个差分谱序列中必有一个最大突变峰值ki,它不仅反映了分量信号与原始信号的贡献率变化达到极大值,而且说明信号在性质上发生了根本性变化,也就是有用信号与噪声信号之间发生转变的自然反映,即前k个分量信号为有用信号(对应k个奇异值),其余为噪声信号。

3.2 自适应随机共振



4 自适应选取仿真信号的奇异值及特征提取

为了验证所提方法的有效性,仿真一个周期信号[31],采样频率为10 KHz,特征频率是100 Hz,采样时间是0.3 s,如图1a所示。为了模仿强背景噪声下的轴承故障信号,向周期信号加入标准差为0.5的高斯白噪声,如图1b所示。

图1 仿真信号时域波形和频谱图Fig.1 Time domain waveform and spectrum of simulation signal

由于周期信号被强噪声所淹没,在图1c频谱中不能获取周期信号的特征频率,因此,采用奇异值分解降噪,构建行列式为1 700×30的Hankel矩阵,得到30个从大到小依次排列的奇异值,如图2a所示。为了获取强噪声背景下的有效奇异值,将所有奇异值重构得到30个分量信号,根据式(8)得出30个分量信号的互信息,如图2b所示。从图2b中可知,每个分量信号互信息不同,而各分量信号互信息与所有分量信号互信息的百分比以贡献率衡量,由此得出各分量信号对原始信号的贡献率,如表1所示。

图2 互信息差分谱选取的有效奇异值Fig.2 Difference spectra of mutual information select effective singular value

表1 奇异值重构的分量信号对原始信号的贡献率Table 1 Contribution rate of singular value reconstruction component signal to raw signal


图3 自适应选取的分量信号频谱Fig.3 Spectrum of adaptive selected component signal

由图3a可知,分量信号P1和P2高频段频率比较明显,但特征频率不在其范围内,而分量信号P3在低频段有明显频率,但无法识别目标频率,说明对于强背景噪声下的微弱故障特征,仅SVD降噪难以提取出特征频率,因此,将3个有效分量信号分别输入到随机共振,首先采用移频变尺度处理,由于目标频率是100 Hz,载波频率是1 000 Hz,因此设定高通滤波器的通过频率和截止频率是分别是90和85 Hz,调制频率为85 Hz,变尺度压缩率是400,则预处理后的目标频率被压缩为0.0751,满足小参数要求,利用蚁群算法在0<α<10,0

从图3b可知,有效分量信号自适应随机共振处理后,强背景噪声下的周期信号特征频率被明显增强,但每个有效分量随机共振的最大谱峰频率不同,P1、P2分量信号的最大谱峰频率为100 Hz,P3分量信号的最大谱峰频率为96.67 Hz,由于故障特征频率被载波信号所调制,在频谱中表现为以载波频率为中心,以故障特征频率为边带的一个共振频带,因此不能根据P1和P2判断故障频率,只能判断是否存在共振频带,另外,有效分量信号的最大谱峰频率并不都是目标频率,因此,将3个有效分量信号统计学平均得出最终频谱图,如图4所示。

图4 统计学平均的频谱图Fig.4 Spectra of statistical average

由图4可知,通过统计学平均后部分噪声被过滤,噪声减少意味着干扰减少,从而要提取的故障特征频率100 Hz被明显凸显出来,幅值为0.106 9,与周期信号的特征频率完全相同,从而验证了所提方法的有效性。

5 试验验证

试验中采用Spectra Quest公司生产的机械设备故障综合试验台,如图5所示。信号则由IOtech公司生产的Zonic Book/618E 型数据动态系统采集,该设备由8个信号输出通道,幅值精度可达±0.5 dB,试验中采用ER-10k滚动轴承作为故障轴承,其几何尺寸D=33.5,d=7.939 5 mm,α=0°, Z=8,采样频率为2 560 Hz,转速为3 060 r/min,根据振动理论分析可知,轴承外圈的特征频率是155.664 Hz,原始信号的时域和频谱图如图6所示。

图5 机械设备综合故障试验台Fig.5 Comprehensive failure test of mechanical equipment

由图6a原始信号时域波形可知,由于轴承外圈故障频率被强背景噪声所淹没信噪比极低,看不出任何故障特征,而在频谱图6b中有明显的转频50.52 Hz以及转频的4~9倍频,但无法看到155.664 Hz的故障频率,为了提取微弱故障特征,利用本文所提出的方法检测轴承外圈故障,将原始信号构建行列式为1 700×20的Hankel矩阵,得出20个奇异值序列,如图7a所示。

图6 原始信号的时域波形和频谱Fig.6 Time domain waveform and spectrum of raw signal

图7 互信息差分谱选取有效奇异值Fig.7 Difference spectra of mutual information selecting effective singular value


表2 轴承外圈信号奇异值重构的分量信号对原始信号的贡献率Table 2 Contribution rate of component signal by singular value reconstruction to raw signal for bearing inner ring

图8 P2,P3,P6,P8,P10分量信号频谱图Fig.8 Spectrum of P2, P3, P6, P8, P10component signal

由图8可知,各分量信号噪声有所降低,但仍难以提取故障特征,同样说明在信噪比极低情况下仅奇异值分解无法提取故障特征,因此将选取的5个有效分量样本信号自适应随机共振。由于轴承外圈的故障特征频率是155.664 Hz,首先采用移频变尺度处理,设定高通滤波器的通过频率和截止频率分别是是154和150 Hz,调制频率为150 Hz,变尺度压缩率是400,则预处理后的目标频率被压缩为0.014 16,满足小参数要求,利用蚁群算法在0<α<10,0

图9 P2,P3,P6,P8,P10分量信号自适应随机共振频谱图Fig.9 Spectra of P2, P3, P6, P8, P10component signal adaptive stochastic resonance

由图9可知,强背景噪声中的微弱故障特征被明显增强, P2,P6,P8,P10分量信号自适应随机共振的最大谱峰频率接近于故障频率155.664 Hz,但最大谱峰频率大小不同,P3分量信号自适应随机共振的最大谱峰频率为161.9 Hz,与特征频率155.664 Hz相差较大,不能真实反映轴承的外圈故障,因此将各有效分量信号合成并统计学平均得出最终的频谱图,如图10所示。

图10 统计学平均频域图Fig.10 Spectra of statistical average

由图10可知,最大谱峰频率是155.5 Hz,与随机选取分量信号自适应随机共振的最大谱峰频率相比,统计学平均的最大谱峰频率辨识度更高,更接近于轴承外圈故障频率155.664 Hz,因此,利用统计学平均随机共振比单个分量信号的随机共振效果更优,更接近于特征频率,从而通过试验再次验证了所提方法的有效性。

6 结 论




3)由于强背景噪声下信噪比极低,仅通过奇异值分解不能提取微弱故障特征,而利用随机共振提取分量信号的故障特征,最大谱峰频率大小不同,本文将两者结合,不仅克服了强背景噪声下有效奇异值的选取困难,而且能够更好的增强微弱故障特征,通过仿真和轴承外圈试验有效提取出100和155.5 Hz的微弱故障特征,从而得出该方法提取效果优于单纯的奇异值分解和随机共振方法。


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Extracting weak fault characteristics with adaptive singular value decomposition and stochastic resonance

Li Zhixing1,2, Shi Boqiang1※
(1. School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science & Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China; 2. School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science & Technology Inner Mongolia, Baotou 014000, China)

Bearings are the important component of agricultural machinery and equipment, whose failure may seriously endanger the healthy operation of equipment and even lead to bodily injury. So the fault diagnosis of agricultural machinery and equipment gains more and more attention. Using the vibration signal to extract the fault characteristics is the most common method, but it is difficult to extract the weak fault characteristics in strong background noise. Therefore, the extraction of weak fault characteristics with very low SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) under strong background noise becomes the key to the fault diagnosis of agricultural machinery bearings. There are 2 general methods for weak feature extraction under weak background noise. One method is to extract weak faults from the perspective of suppressing or eliminating noise. The other one is not to eliminate noise but using noise to improve the SNR to extract the weak fault characteristics, such as stochastic resonance (SR) theory. Compared to the traditional noise reduction method, SR makes use of noise energy transfer to weak signal, so the weak fault characteristics are enhanced while some of the noises are weakened. Because of the excellent features of extracting weak fault characteristics in strong background noise, SR has become a hot topic for many scholars in recent years. In this paper, the weak fault characteristics extraction method of SR based on adaptive SVD (singular value decomposition) was proposed. In the method, firstly, the original signal was decomposed by singular value and reconstructed to obtain the component signal; the difference spectrum of mutual information was constructed, the mutual information of each component signal and the original signal was weighed, and the number of valid singular values was selected adaptively, in order to overcome the problem of existing methods including human subjective choice or only considering the size of singular values and other deficiencies. Using the mutual information difference spectrum, 3 and 10 effective singular values were obtained in the simulation signal and bearing outer ring signal, respectively. Secondly, the adaptive SR was performed for the component signal corresponding to the selected effective singular value which enhances weak fault characteristics. Finally, the enhanced component signals were statistically averaged to extract the weak fault characteristics. In this paper, constructing the mutual information differential spectrum, and considering the mutual information of the component signal and the original signal, on the one hand, it avoids the elimination of the useful signals; on the other hand, the adaptive selection is realized which avoids the subjectivity of the artificial selection. In addition, due to the presence of strong background noise, the larger singular value may have smaller mutual information, but it is not valid singular value. It indicates that large singular value does not necessarily contain useful information, and there may be noise interference. Hence, the selection of effective singular values should not be based on the size of the singular value. The above analysis shows that it is difficult to extract the weak fault characteristics by SVD in strong background noise. We combine the 2 methods to process the effective component signal selected by mutual information difference spectrum in SR, and the maximum spectral frequency of each component is obtained. The statistical average is used to achieve noise filtering in order to highlight the characteristics of weak fault frequency. The results of simulation and bearing outer ring test show that, the proposed method is superior to the SVD and SR method. The method can effectively extract 100 and 155.5 Hz weak fault characteristics respectively for simulation signal and bearing outer ring signal. The proposed method can be applied not only to the fault diagnosis of bearing in strong noise background, but also to provide reference for bearing fault diagnosis of agricultural machinery and equipment.

vibrations; agricultural machinery; fault detection; singular value decomposition; difference spectrum of mutual information; weak characteristic





李志星,石博强. 自适应奇异值分解的随机共振提取微弱故障特征[J]. 农业工程学报,2017,33(11):60-67.


Li Zhixing, Shi Boqiang. Extracting weak fault characteristics with adaptive singular value decomposition and stochastic resonance[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2017, 33(11): 60-67. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2017.11.008




李志星,男(汉族),河北衡水人,博士生,讲师,主要从事机械设备故障诊断的研究。北京 北京科技大学机械工程学院,100083。

※通信作者:石博强,男(汉族),河北唐山人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事机械设备故障诊断、机械可靠性研究。北京 北京科技大学机械工程学院,100083。

