顾卓侃 李玲 王教瑜 柴荣耀 王艳丽 张震 毛雪琴 邱海萍 孙国昌
(1杭州师范大学 生命与环境科学学院, 杭州 310036;2浙江省农业科学院 植物保护与微生物研究所, 杭州 310021;3浙江农林大学 农业与食品科学学院, 浙江 临安 311300; *通讯联系人, E-mail: wangjiaoyu78@sina.com; sungc01@sina.com)
(1杭州师范大学 生命与环境科学学院, 杭州 310036;2浙江省农业科学院 植物保护与微生物研究所, 杭州 310021;3浙江农林大学 农业与食品科学学院, 浙江 临安 311300;*通讯联系人, E-mail: wangjiaoyu78@sina.com; sungc01@sina.com)
GU Zhuokan, LI Ling, WANG Jiaoyu, et al. Observation of sexual structure ofMagnaportheoryzaevia Calcofluor white and Nile red staining. Chin J Rice Sci, 2016, 30(6): 668-672.
稻瘟病菌; 有性生殖; 卡氏白; 尼罗红;
利用特异的荧光染料和显微观察研究病菌的结构,并明确其所含成分,在稻瘟病菌侵染机制的研究中有较多的应用。卡氏白(Calcofluor White)能够结合真菌细胞壁中的纤维素和几丁质,在荧光显微镜下能够观察到蓝色荧光[11]。尼罗红(Nile Red)是一类苯吩哑嗪酮类化合物, 可以与脂类物质结合并发出橙红色荧光[12,13]。尼罗红发出的荧光能够于水中迅速发生猝灭,而多余的染料不需要清除,这相较于苏丹黑、尼罗蓝-A等染料可以更准确地区分细胞内的脂类物质和其他贮藏物[14],因而常被用于检测动物及微生物细胞内的油脂含量。卡氏白和尼罗红染色在比较稻瘟病菌细胞壁强度和分生孢子细胞内脂类转移过程中已有应用[15,16],但利用这两种物质对有性阶段进行染色观察,尚未见报道。
1 材料与方法
1.1 供试菌株
1.2 培养基
参试培养基包括完全培养基(Complete medium,CM)[17]、燕麦培养基(Oatmeal agar medium,OMA)[18]、马铃薯葡萄糖培养基(Potato Dextrose Agar,PDA,马铃薯200 g/L,葡萄糖20 g/L)、淀粉酵母培养基(Starch yeast medium,Starch,酵母粉2 g/L,可溶性淀粉10 g/L,琼脂粉15 g/L)、基本培养基(Minimal medium,MM)[17]、V8培养基(V8 medium,V8)[19],均按已报道的方法进行配制。
1.3 对峙培养方法
从完全培养基[17]上培养生长5d的菌株菌落边缘切取2 mm×2 mm菌丝块,置于5种不同培养基平板上对峙培养,在24 h黑暗环境下27℃下生长7d至菌落相互接触,然后将各处理移至22℃恒温光照培养箱继续培养。
1.4 调查记录
对峙培养24 d后,通过奥利巴斯SZX10体式镜(东京,日本)观测并拍摄各种类型的培养基上子囊壳的形成情况和形态特征。
1.5 形态结构观察
将在燕麦培养基上生长28d后的Guy-11与2539杂交产生的子囊壳用牙签挑至载玻片上,覆上盖玻片,用牙签轻轻敲击盖玻片,压碎子囊壳,释放出子囊和子囊孢子,分别使用50 μg/mL的卡氏白(Calcofluor white,Fluorescent Brightener,Sigma)和尼罗红(Nile Red)染色,在奥林巴斯Xa21荧光显微镜下(东京,日本)观察子囊壳、子囊及子囊孢子结构。
2 结果与分析
2.1 不同培养基上稻瘟病菌有性世代形成情况
对峙培养24 d后,在燕麦培养基和马铃薯培养基上,产生大量子囊壳(图1-A)。成熟的子囊壳具有长长的喙(图1-B),喙突出菌落表面,形成一个个肉眼可见的小黑点。无数的小黑点,密密麻麻,在菌落交界处形成一条子囊壳带。同时,马铃薯葡萄糖培养基上还存在着一些正在生长或尚未成熟的子囊壳,这些子囊壳的喙非常短小,刚刚突出菌落表面或仍埋在培养基内。淀粉酵母培养基上只能形成极少量成熟的子囊壳,多数的子囊壳埋在培养基内,通过培养基背部给光能够看到。V8培养基与基本培养基上无法形成成熟的子囊壳,但在背光照射下仍能发现培养基内发育不成熟的子囊壳(图1-C)。计数统计表明,5种培养基中,以燕麦片培养基上产生的子囊壳数量最多(图1-C),并且最早可见(14~15 d)。
2.2 子囊壳结构的卡氏白染色观察
A-燕麦培养基(OMA)、马铃薯葡萄糖培养基(PDA)、淀粉酵母培养基(Starch)、基本培养基(MM)、V8培养基(V8)子囊壳形成情况;M,成熟的子囊壳;U,不成熟的子囊壳;标尺=1000 μm。B-显微镜下成熟子囊壳的形态;标尺=100 μm。C-各培养基上子囊壳的形成数量统计。
A, Perithecia formed on oatmeal agar (OMA), potato dextrose agar (PDA), starch yeast medium (Starch), minimal medium (MM) and V8 medium (V8). M, Mature perithecia; U, Unmatured perithecia. Bars=1000 μm. B, Microscopical analysis of morphology of perithecia. Bars=100 μm. C, Number of total and mature perithecia formed on different media.
图1 各培养基上子囊壳的形成情况
Fig. 1. Perithecia formed on different media.
2.3 子囊与子囊孢子的尼罗红染色
A~D-大量游离的子囊,标尺=100 μm; E-一个完整的子囊,标尺=10 μm; H-放大的子囊孢子,标尺=10 μm。
A-D, Asci migrated from a perithecium, Bars=100 μm; E and F, An intact ascus, bar=10 μm; G and H, Magnified image of an ascospore, bar = 10 μm.
图2 子囊与子囊孢子的卡氏白染色观察
Fig. 2. Structure of perithecia stained with Calcofluor white (Fluorescent Brightener) under a fluorescent microscopy.
3 小结与讨论
A~B-标尺=100 μm; C~D-标尺=10 μm。
A and B, Bar =100 μm; C and D, bar =10 μm.
图3 子囊与子囊孢子的尼罗红染色
Fig. 3. Perithecia and ascospores stained with Nile red.
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Observation of Sexual Structure ofMagnaportheoryzaevia Calcofluor White and Nile Red Staining
GU Zhuo-kan1, 2, LI Ling2, 3, WANG Jiao-yu2,*, CHAI Rong-yao2, WANG Yan-li2, ZHANG Zhen2,MAO Xue-qin2, QIU Hai-ping2, SUN Guo-chang2,*
(1School of Life and Environmental Science, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036, China;2Institute of Plant Protection and Microbiology, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021, China;3College of Agriculture and Food Science, Zhejiang A&F University, Ling′an 311300, China;*Corresponding authors, E-mail: wangjiaoyu78@sina.com; sungc01@sina.com)
Magnaportheoryzaeis an economically important heterothallic ascomycete which causes rice blast, the most destructive rice disease worldwide. To the present, sexual generation of the fungus has been relatively less investigated. In the present work, Guy-11 and 2539, twoM.oryzaestrains in opposite mating types, were cross cultured on six deferent substrates to induce the sexual generation. The strains produced ascocarps on all of the substrates tested, however, the number, forming time and ripeness degree of the ascocarps varied largely with the producing substrates, among which oatmeal agar(OMA) gave the optimum value. In order to better detect the structures of sexual generation, the asci and ascospores were stained with Fluorescent Brightener and Nile red, and examined using a fluorescence microscopy. Under the fluorescence microscope, the cell walls were stained bright blue by Fluorescent Brightener, which greatly improved the visibility of asci and ascospores. Numbers of asci were found in mature ascocarps, with eight ascospores in each ascus, and an ascospore usually has four cells. Meanwhile, the ascospores can be stained bright orangey-red by Nile red, indicating they are rich in lipids. These findings showed that the fluorescence staining is an effective method to observe the structure of sexual generation inM.oryzae.
Magnaportheoryzae; sexual generation; Calcofluor White; Nile Red
2016-03-03; 修改稿收到日期: 2016-07-27。
国家自然科学基金资助项目(31170136, 31470249); 浙江省公益技术研究农业项目(2013C32019)。
顾卓侃, 李玲, 王教瑜, 等. 利用卡氏白和尼罗红染色观察稻瘟病菌有性世代的结构. 中国水稻科学, 2016, 30(6): 668-672.