韩丽红 杨文杰 高丽君 苏 燕 秦文斌*
(包头医学院血红蛋白研究室,内蒙古 包头 014010)
韩丽红 杨文杰 高丽君 苏 燕 秦文斌*
(包头医学院血红蛋白研究室,内蒙古 包头 014010)
1 材料与方法
2 结 果
图1 血红蛋白F穿过成人红细胞溶血液后的结果
3 讨 论
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Cross Interaction Between HbF and HbA2
HAN Li-hong, YANG Wen-jie, GAO Li-jun, SU Yan, QIN Wen-bin
(Laboratory of Hemoglobin,Baotou Medical College, Baotou 014010, China)
ObjectiveWe have demonstrate that adult hemoglobin HbA1and HbA2can cross interact each other by starch-agarose mixed gel electrophoresis, but the fetal hemoglobin HbF was not studied at that time. At present, we use this method to study whether the interaction between HbF and HbA2occur.MethodsSeparating red blood cells from the umbilical cord, then preparation pure hemoglobin F from the starch-agarose electrophoresis gel electrophoresis, and let hemoglobin F dissolve blood through adult red blood cells was observed after dissolving blood hemoglobin A2through the deformation zone.ResultsThe dissolution of erythrocyte hemoglobin F in the blood through the adult hemoglobin A2, which is deformed as compared with the free hemoglobin F, hemoglobin in the blood solution into the F swimming speed slower.ConclusionThe results showed that the cross interaction was occurred as well between HbF and HbA2.
Starch-agarose electrophoresis; Fetal hemoglobin; HbF; HbA2; Cross interaction