doi[编码] 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8921.2015.07.010
1. 引言
评阅作文是一项耗时费力的工作,采用何种反馈策略能既有效、又省力地帮助学生提高习作质量是写作教师共同关注的研究课题。学生理解、吸纳教师反馈的过程复杂,受诸多因素,如教师反馈因素、教育环境因素、学生个体因素以及目标语言结构特点等的共同影响(Goldstein 2004;Ellis 2010;Yang & Lyster 2010;Ellis 2007)。
2. 研究背景
自20世纪70年代以来,教师反馈在写作教学中得到普遍的认可(Hyland & Hyland 2010),成为必不可少的重要教学环节。写作研究中,教师笔头反馈分为直接反馈(教师提供正确的语言形式)和间接反馈(教师使用提示信息帮助学生自行修改错误,不提供正确的语言形式)两种。直接反馈提供了正面语言证据,能让学生意识到自己的语言产出与目标语的差距,促进有意识的比较;间接反馈提供负面语言证据,即示意学生犯了错误,有助于提升注意力(noticing)(Ellisetal. 2006),促进学生思考和寻找正确答案,从而培养学生解决问题的认知能力(Ferris 2007)。各种间接反馈策略的明示程度(explicitness)有所不同,所提供的修改信息越多,反馈的明示程度越高(朱晔2007)。修改信息主要包括错误位置、错误性质(错误类型编码)、元语言信息。
纠错反馈有效性研究根据实验设计可以分成两类,一类基于学生同一篇文章的修改稿质量(如Ferris 1997;Ferris & Roberts 2001;Ashwell 2000等),另一类是以学生新写的文章质量为依据(如Chandler 2003;Sheppard 1992等)。前者将反馈作为一种修改工具,以提高写作质量为目的,多为短期研究;后者将反馈看作促进语言习得的手段,以中介语的发展为目的,多为长期研究(Sheen 2010;Van Beuningenetal. 2012)。
本文研究教师间接反馈对学生纠错效果的短期影响,其结果虽不能证明长期的学习效果,但是学生根据教师反馈纠正错误、完善习作的过程能够提升学生的注意力,促进中介语和目标语的比较,无疑是学习过程中一个必要而有益的环节(Ferris 2004;Baralt 2013),也是促进吸纳(intake)和长期学习的关键因素(Schmidt 1992;Bitcheneretal. 2005)。
教师反馈的有效性自20世纪90年代以来颇受争议。作为纠错反馈的反对派代表人物,Truscott(1996)指出由于不同范畴的语言结构体现不同的知识域,它们的习得过程、所处阶段不同,所以不应同等对待。这一论点催生了针对不同语言错误类型的教师反馈有效性研究,其中有的聚焦某一种或少数几种语言结构,如冠词(Sheen 2007,2010;姜琳、陈锦2014)、规则和不规则过去式、介词等(Yang & Lyster 2010;Bitcheneretal. 2005);有的则综合研究各种语言错误(如Ferris & Roberts 2001;Chandler 2003)。
Ferris(1999)将语言错误分成“可治愈”和“不可治愈”(treatable vs. untreatable)两类,前者有规律可循,主要由动词错误、名词词尾错误、冠词使用错误构成;后者无规律可循,主要由选词错误和句子结构错误构成。她发现,教师倾向于使用间接反馈策略帮助学生修改“可治愈”错误,而应对“不可治愈”错误则多用直接修订的反馈方法(另见Guénette & Lyster 2013)。Ferris和Robert(2001)发现,总体来说学生修改“可治愈”类错误的成功率明显好于修改“不可治愈”类错误,但这个差异是句子结构错误造成的,显然对于学习者来说,句子结构错误比选词错误更具挑战性。Bitchener等(2005)采用类似的错误类型分类,他们发现,教师笔头直接反馈和5分钟的口头反馈相结合有助于提高学习者使用过去式和冠词(可治愈类)使用能力,而对介词(不可治愈类)使用无效,部分地验证了Ferris和Robert的观点。
Truscott(2007)将语言错误分成语法类和非语法类,前者包括形态错误、句法错误,而后者包括拼写类错误、大小写。他认为纠错反馈只对简单独立的非语法类错误有效,而语法类错误是复杂的系统错误,教师纠错反馈无效;各纠错反馈研究结果之所以有差异,是因为它们所研究的错误类型不同,针对语法类错误的研究结果显示纠错反馈无效(如Fazio 2001;Sheppard 1992;Polioetal. 1998),而侧重非语法类错误的研究结果则显示纠错反馈有效(如Lalande 1982;Chandler 2003)。Van Beuningen等(2012)沿用Truscott的分类方法,将语言错误分成3大类:选词错误、语法错误(包括时态、单复数、句法错误)、“拼写类”(包括拼写、标点、大小写),选词和拼写类错误被归类为非语法类错误。他们的研究结果驳斥了Truscott的观点,发现和不接收纠错反馈的控制组相比,接受直接反馈和间接反馈在短时间内(和实验干预间隔1周)都能有效降低学生的非语法类错误,但只有直接反馈才能显著帮助学生减少语法类错误。从长期效果看(和实验干预间隔4周),直接反馈仍能有效减少语法类错误,而只有间接反馈才能持续显著降低非语法类错误。
此外,有关口头反馈的研究,这里不做重点讨论,但是相关的研究方法和结论值得借鉴①。总体来说,现有的研究表明教师反馈策略的明示程度、目标语言结构的特点,如复杂程度(complexity)、规律性(regularity)以及显性与否(salience)是影响教师反馈有效性的关键因素(Yang & Lyster 2010;Xu & Lyster 2014)。
综上可见,教师反馈是否有效以及究竟什么反馈策略有效,现有的研究缺乏定论(详见Truscott 1996;Ferris 2004;陈晓湘、李会娜2009;徐昉2013)。我们认为,除了研究设计不同会影响研究结果外(Guénette 2007),教师反馈研究中的各自变量可能对因变量存在显著的交互作用,只独立研究某一个自变量不能准确反映现实问题的复杂性,所以有必要分析各因素如何交互影响反馈效果。
3. 研究设计
(1) 教师评语:Use consistent tense. Please check the entire paragraph for tense errors. [暗示]
(2) To accomplish them, we needed to watch the English movie or read the drama script, which enriched my vocabulary.
教师评语:One particular movie?[明示1]
(3) The passion of foreign teachers and volunteers also infects us and encourage us to study hard.
教师反馈有效性的数据一般基于学生作文的总体综合打分、百字语言错误率、学生修改效果评分、或某一个目标语言结构使用正确率(Ferris 1997;Sheen 2010;陈晓湘、李会娜2009)。本研究参考Ferris(1997),以学生纠错质量评分为基础,采用如下评分标准:如学生未就教师某一个反馈点指出的错误进行任何修改,该反馈点的纠错质量评分为0;如果学生纠错效果差或改动很少、可忽略,该项纠错质量评分为1;如果学生的修改部分改进了教师反馈指出的错误,其评分为2;如果学生正确改正了教师反馈指出的错误,其评分为3。在共同为数篇学生修改稿里的纠错质量评分、达成共识后,两个评阅人分别逐条给学生的纠错评分,评阅人之间的内部一致性为0.87,对于分歧由两者协商解决。该评分方法只测评学生领会并采纳教师反馈的程度,不能证明长期的学习效果。
4. 结果
表1 学生分项纠错质量评分的描述统计表
图1 不同反馈策略下各语言错误
1错误类型1*暗示; 2错误类型1*明示1;
3错误类型1*明示2 4错误类型2*暗示;
5错误类型2*明示1; 6错误类型2*明示2
7错误类型3*暗示; 8错误类型3*明示1;
9错误类型3*明示2 10错误类型4*暗示;
11错误类型4*明示1; 12错误类型4*明示2
表2 基于新变量值的修改质量评分的多重比较结果
(1) 对于语言错误类型1,不同反馈策略的修改效果都不错,各反馈策略间没有显著差异(其中暗示与明示1:p=0.991;暗示与明示2:p=0.299;明示1与明示2:p=0.642)。
(2) 对于语言错误类型2,明示1和明示2的效果都显著优于暗示的效果(其中明示1和暗示:p=0.007;明示2和暗示:p<0.001)。
(3) 对于语言错误类型3,明示2的效果显著优于暗示和明示1的效果(其中明示2和暗示:p<0.001;明示2和明示1:p=0.031)。
(4) 对于语言错误类型4,各反馈策略之间无显著差异(ps>0.1)。
5. 讨论
(4) (Draft 1, Paper 24#) This summer, I took part in the Tsinghua English Summer Camp, which definitely posed positive and lasting effects on my English learning.
(Draft 2, Paper 24#)...posed a positive effect...
(5) (Draft 1, Paper 44#) In fact, the effects weren’t so obvious in traditional English learning like vocabulary and reading, but amazing in helping us understand the English culture thinking.
教师评语:What do you mean?
(Draft 2, Paper 44#)...the English culture and way of thinking.
在该例中,culture thinking这个表达不当,教师反馈标明明确错误位置,通过提问的方式,提醒学生关注这个词组,修改效果好。
(6) (Draft 1, Paper 7#) Hope everyone helped during the camp can have a good memory, I thank and love you all.
教师反馈:Relative clause(定语从句错误)
(Draft 2, Paper 7#)...everyone who ever helped...
(7) (Draft 1, Paper 12#) I will continue practicing my English as much as possible and keep contact with my foreign friends met in the camp.
教师评语:Sentence structure(后置定语错误)
(Draft 2, Paper 12#)...with my foreign friends meeting in the camp.
总之,由于句子结构错误的复杂性,教师需要思考如何为学生提供与其语言水平相符的帮助,比如可以直接提供正确的语言形式,促进学生有意识的比较中介语和目标语的差距(Ferris 1999;Shintanietal. 2014),甚至提供其他形式的教学手段,如提供元语言信息或课堂讲评,提供额外的学习支撑,促进深度学习(Schmidt 2001;Sheen 2010)等。此外,教师反馈应尽量明确句法错误的具体性质,写作教师们仍需提高相关的元语言知识水平(Goldstein 2004)。有意思的是,本研究调查问卷结果显示,当问及哪类语误最难以修改时,学生普遍认为选词不当、表达不当(41人)最难修改,而无人选句子结构错误。可见,学生一方面高估选词错误的纠错难度,而另一方面低估句法错误的纠错难度,对其复杂性认识不足。
5. 结语
① 有研究发现教师反馈的媒介(口头、笔头)的差别对语言结构的习得并无显著影响(Sheen 2010)。
② 本研究和吴炜(2015)为同一研究的两个部分,共享一个数据库。
③ SPSS 21数据分析步骤为:分析→比较均值→单因素ANOVA→两两比较→选择“Games-Howell”。
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Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue
How Do We Know a Child Has Entered Adult Language Period? by ZHU Yongsheng, p. 4
Halliday (1975, 2007) divided child language development into three phases: protolanguage, transition and adult language and analyzed the criteria of entry into Phase I and Phase Ⅱ and the functions performed and meanings realized by conducting a case study. Talking about when a child can be said to have entered Phase Ⅲ, Halliday (1975) held: “By the end of Phase Ⅱ, the child has entered the adult language. He has built up a system that is multi-stratal (content, form and expression) and multifunctional (ideational, interpersonal and textual). From this point on, he is adding to what he already has. He has learned how to mean; his language development now consists in extending his range of meaning potential to broader cultural horizons.” Halliday (2007) took dialogue as another important criterion. In order to get a better understanding of the law of child language development, this paper attempts to prove through a case study that interpersonal metaphor, structural completeness and texture should be regarded as the criteria together with multistratification, multifunctionality and dialogicity to judge whether the child has entered Phase Ⅲ.
Current State of Contextual Theory Research and the Linguistic Significance of the Subject of Context, by HAN Caiying & WU Na, p. 8
The emphasis on the natural language in the 20thcentury linguistic circle has brought about the concern of context in language study. At present, discussions abroad about context tend to be related only with some specific linguistic problems or problems of local significance while monographic study and discourse of context itself has not appeared. Started from Chen Wangdao, the Chinese linguistic circle has taken the study of context as a monographic study. The study places more emphasis on application, is limited within the discipline of linguistics, and lacks a comprehensive and systematic view of context, though. Of course, the study is of theoretical significance to the construction of linguistic categorical system and theoretical system and is of great methodological significance to linguistic research.
The Contextual Effects and Motivation of Tautology within Neo-cognitive Pragmatics, by FAN Zhenqiang, p. 12
Tautologies are ubiquitous and attracting attention from a wide range of disciplines. This seemingly meaningless construction can be used to convey a variety of pragmatic meanings which can be properly explained by neo-cognitive pragmatics, a theoretical model integrating insights from both relevance theory and cognitive linguistics. The comprehension of tautology, just like the comprehension of any other linguistic expressions or ostensive stimulus in general, is guided by the pursuit of optimal relevance. It is argued in this paper that through the marked construction of tautology, addresser intends to invoke some contextual effects in addressee, including strengthening, contradicting or partially contradicting contextual consumptions. And this process can be more specifically characterized by the notion of cognitive model in cognitive linguistics. It is also proposed that the main motivation of using tautology lies in its capability of cultivating intimacy between addresser and addressee.
Variation Study on Sellers’ Phatic Greetings in On-line Shopping Conversations, by LI Hui, LI Quanhao & QIAO Quandi, p. 17
From the perspective of the sociolinguistic variationist study, this paper explores the variation features of different Taobao sellers’ phatic greetings and the factors that influence their usage of phatic greetings. This is a corpus-based research with a thorough statistical analysis. The findings derived from this study demonstrate that the sellers’ phatic greetings from different types of web shops are significantly different. What is more, the TaoBao shops’ running conditions and age may influence the sellers’ use of phatic greetings. In order to pursue economic benefits, the sellers may increase the use of polite language on purpose. The present study’s significance lies in its contribution to the promotion and construction of a more harmonious and win-win online shopping environment.
Six Questions for Thesis Writing and Project Application: An Analysis Based on Samples from Foreign Languages and Literatures, by MAO Haoran, p. 35
The six questions for thesis writing and project application include: (1) What problem do you plan to solve? (2) Where will you start off based on literature review? (3) What is the research design? (4) What will be your innovative ideas and major findings? (5) What will be the theoretical and practical significances? (6) What guarantees your proposed research? This study, with demonstrations of and comments on thesis and project samples in the field of foreign languages and literatures, provides a thorough account for the priorities and difficulties in answering the questions. It is found that brief and careful answers to and overall reflections on these six questions can help young scholars to judge the value and feasibility of the project, as well as clarify and generate innovative ideas in their research. And a waste of time on biased approaches and insignificant things can thus be prevented.
Four Theoretical/Pedagogical Frameworks and Task-based Language Teaching Research, by YUAN Fangyuan, p. 40
This article traces the development in task-based language teaching research over the past thirty years by discussing the four influential theoretical and pedagogical frameworks developed at different times and around different parameters of task-based language teaching. The four frameworks, put together, provide us a trace of the historical path that task-based language teaching has evolved over the past thirty years and mirrors the overall advancement of second language acquisition research.
The Interactive Effect of Feedback Strategy and Language Error Type on the Students’ Revision in EFL Writing, by WU Wei, p. 47
This study aims to explore how language error types mediate the effect of different feedback strategies by analyzing a total of 169 feedback points of 43 college EFL student essays and subsequent student revisions. All-Factorial Variance and Multiple comparisons show that feedback strategy, error type, and the interaction between feedback strategy and error type are all significant factors. Post-hoc analysis further reveals that different feedback strategies are needed to effectively help students correct the 4 types of language errors, namely morphological, lexical, syntactic, and discourse errors. The more difficult the errors are for the students to correct, the more explicit the feedback strategy should be.
Beyond the Black Arts Movement: Interview with Naomi Long Madgett, by Naomi Long Madgett & LUO Lianggong, p. 58
Naomi Long Madgett (1923-) is Detroit Poet Laureate, publisher, educator, and Professor of English Emeritus at Eastern Michigan University. She is author of ten books of poems and an autobiography, and editor of two poetry anthologies, thus a recipient of may honors. As an African American poet and publisher, Madgett, though not attached to the Black Arts Movement, made great contribution to the revival of African American literature in and since the 1960s-70s. Prof. Luo Lianggong interviewed Prof. Madgett when he attended the 72nd CLA Convention in Atlanta, USA. This interview covers the issues including her literary creation, poetic ideas, the influences on her, her communications with and comments upon her contemporary African American writers, and her contribution as a publisher to the African American literature. This interview presents a unique perspective to the Black Arts Movement and the 1960s-70s African American literature.
Smooth Space vs. Striated Space: Identity Floatability in AmyTan’sEthnic Autobiographic NovelTheBonesetter’sDaughter, by I-Hsin Kai, p. 64
Traditionally, space is conceptualized as partitioned field of homogeneity. According to Deleuze and Guattari, such space is striated. Static, hierarchical, bounded, and territorialized, striated space follows a starkly rational method of operation, a planned trajectory. With striated space, a society creates structures through which lines of flight can be manipulated; consequently, it harnesses energy and creates inequalities. By operating through the capture of movement and the partition of space, society can control migrations and more generally, to establish a zone of rights over the exterior. A static and closed structure like striated space has prevailed over American society for decades. American society striates space to build a hierarchical system of relations which places the occupants of each stratum at odds with those of other strata. In American society, ethnic identities are mostly framed in such striated space of hierarchies. Ethnic writers strive against the restrains for a breakthrough in identity construction. Applying the ideas of striated space and smooth space, the researcher intends to probe into the female protagonists’ life experiences in terms of space and identity in Amy Tan’sTheBonesetter’sDaughter.